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p a dt c nr i n 

« mvi o 17 1 iu 


v/x XXJX^« V X 

A lol 



v Y f r ^ ^ 

. : i w ^ ' s. ■ 

T ci * * < ' v* * ' •» +■*' \ 

*> V*." ** 

T^a * 

V3 iis “1* io .. ]•••: !'V. v.o prc.-->ft 


ptej’Ljer L - * > 

” • .:> ' ;'•'!!, !'•'? I ' c.i ’ x ' 

LI: T * r " 1 Z t JV-neer a'".T ' ^cor o. Shi tier. ?? X, *.'•■ 

pp:» c.'-. '** zt , ' rr - (r::. >. 

'Vl’T *;•?:; , ihn: t-.vk 

v" • iT'l . “’VX 

» - ’■ r V* • • 

' ■ • . . .. . ‘ t 

- r *>* * 

-T.» -T •- *r '- 

- 4 » 1 J I v > 

V.T-C- r r . r l.-Lil .*>. * 

of Zlir-ricr > 

:>:c t'.. ' re : " '•' •; 

v- f • f-.r - ~ f -r '.'.’M ;. <?T ; ’. *■' ?" 

P ■ 1* ; - 

7 * 

r. ; . /\ .. r 

v -wv- i 

crUcj .;■•-■ uc •*— •• - - ;>T ' •* -' 

:*r?._tr. r\ jr fuitixi V . ?:*X» lr- ■' 

•• LLMo of "L'A’-Li^LO ;••• 'T'r - ; V 

't L. cpr::-c- cTscut fifttsr; -. .. •.*••, 

r-r>15r.i tr.'.J hha 2: xcdcts ir. Ihnly. pr&irf.- •_■ c 



•irc.' r Mr.” V.. f .lie of Slot., r ‘ 21 * ! r:ij, etc* L 

; tVc;"; *’ r‘. : rrrt%cn f.Vc’Jt 10J l :tir \: per watt!;, ©:e to Lch per Cjvi c5 

•. i:' c *"* *.*-i ‘*viLc f ' :.rts rcidf crlUcic- >dc aVu:c!' rn Ifatr-lir.i rr r-.v’ic 1 . 

• j - • c ‘V r • j ’ . ■ */ befall rv-;;- t * 

:■- forr'-rly 3:Titnr.ocd the r'irver of prrtier rrr ^’^tlr. j v.^riouj 
J:f; rtLv. Ix’.f IiO CQSVfxl <2c\:. £ t>ds CV^aUeV V: C rC .iXiJ.'g 

• l Pk »' - 

trl-rct^r-'T o\*: 
part "‘o' ffln'Tj'ly received of oratory lo'Lerc* 

**v f, T;1 rta + cd that he ):<*i a rnrio pi-o-;r«n freer 2'. '? t© l/L-7 rvci 
et)»t*ori ~ ' V/.-hf rh ::rr.;;rr-”i vaa paid f or hy cocr:erciaI epxccrt, t.- J frw 

1 1937 ta iC?Vj :.r appeared «i ataticn tzVi'. He atatud ho rnroot a 
spODeer at preiesr.t heesuijo of htn anti-raecirit statcsssr.ta • 

&. • TJ:!. a jvf i.ed th».t he h*a ‘Mi-ced ©crcaior;ally .or the r ci-hrsl 

,*JueaJ5U* wui h&S Jyefec paid ^10.00 fer each omi of his telka* that no 

* a retul* of his esapal^n over t!io air tfvrlrt^ the of D*c«»bar, 1942# hr 
said CIO ,000 vortli of Lrd ted Gtntee ^ar LcnJa. 

- 2 - 

*V. “ 

EX 65-3>40 

LtVc: *c *:•. f-i’tc 2T I', -?C 

— r serial I’rrC. iruoira.'. .ixi, ' v . . :7I eivi; ’/.a' fc? tas. 
brrv. c i:/'v ai'ft. V fcc.- , 'r.'Varir, Italy. ”c c *->3 tr t*... 

* w k;f >h* -"■■■''.r -: ‘a* I 9lf cr. *.1:0 bS CLX*‘l-*Ci H<* C wS-ci tret •-<: .yo-'-iri 
irr.eC: ’.bcly f . Unites CtaiCi. ci*:'r :r.£h?y an*j wa.: called Cor his fir.-*JL 
papers ir« ioif, at Hasten, tSasoachvsottr* Vjv vas 5r» the he mol a hat 

i. • — . * ; j >. A ,.»<V ■ .* — n » n.-,.is .'fc * TT ‘ >no ^ «?»•»» •'f'hir t.M Y***" 

y I ' w ■ t; u * . i »**.*. ** *** **viw **_w.-*-* --«■ — »■ , 

x\ f J:' :. ;'c;i- c'.ilc'r r h, three cJ tl.o’j ti r hem ir lie r -itivu coar.vr;- * 
ij* ttnt J tV.t sXl t i h .. children tire U.i -.cfi I'-rr.i a citi-scaa P«~.d or< is 
a soldi - ir- ti.o U.i-r^ fte.tsa 

■•- ; -y.T *.*>. - r». rb-'r -? the 'V.'' 1"Z y r.r-5 - rr-ber : f tb-r 

Ttrlir*; iif rv' in .*-.r»rf«vi» Z:. ~ «1 tiers, ' ~ *. rib-rs * 

” » ~ • ' * ■ ~ _-v t"* rT * ;•*• r ••■ r. For j < an : ■ : ■*.'■ c 'it-' 

->^U - . N ; -• . ; . .-. ^ 4.-L' '.M y 12, * -• l * — 

of * ! i • o, tr '•aaaollnf* irul tVe ■ azoir.t ,H verrv: t • 

*4 4» * y> 

I * 

. *. \ ' 

"\ . T rl'teJ •:«* ;p-r; noxcr ro-siver cry ■J\-'zztv lo*‘rrn :.t 
Z a ' * nn :-r.’ i'-t r.i'.-o a../ stattr** - *■-• c.-or t\n gL? ••T.til 

rc? #v ' ^ , _-T r .J r.o v . ^ ^ - -v -j ? .. ***1. 

I » , % * ; 1 „ 1 > ..U- f , *.J r,.-l -1 , .'. ,/ #>'* * | - ■ f - t 'T - ’• r"> > T, ^ - > y«*V*^' * 

:. . r^.lr. 

: -ri’t •• ‘..-it v: t ^ :.ct; !'• : .cl-: ■- fi.-A, 

„1 ir’j linti bar.: ts:’.* ’. *j ii”j -r:~ ll‘'e 

: cr Cc:’ . i -bvi UV. i-io:v or- 

' - 1 

ire .^Vir'-tor?’ .>;• coup-r-ifioc »ith xiher viiv-i;’® oT a aix.ll-ar r.Aw'jra ii 
t.:c r ‘ . i i'MCX'.i'H-y i'I: • 

! r . irfs-rr ntic*. rr-.'-t’lf-.n *!' : • -."'I i*i3 avail**ble in i .- 

film - ' -ho ' •'*• Yosi. fiv trier.* 

Very tr:Jy ycurf. 


Ifeiicral LUirrnti cf litursiiuatum 

HiittrJi »tatrs Department of Juatiev 
Few York, liew York 

September 15, 1S43 

Director, FBI 



~?-x Sir: 

I a?, herewith enclosing for your inforr^tion copi 
an article vhich appeared in tcday'c^FBW YOBK HSRftlO T?J3U1 : F 
tivo to the holding as a nsterial witness of one FRAfC^iTilCCIQ 
th* Ti-LJCA r.urder. 


re 1 a- 


Very truly years, 


/ ' • 


Enclosures - 2 

xrc>v ro-ff Rt'r: i . ' 

S?pte:..bor 1C, 1S4C- 


A second material witness, said - have 1 vital information" ~ 1 .latj.ii 5 
to the carder of C.J1LC XSSSCA, Italian-brm «tti-?rscist rnd rcdic.l editor, 
^10 vs 3 shot to death, last Jar. 11, nas oeen arrested and coniine! to the 
House of Detensicr., Third Avenue and 161st Street, the Bronx, under ?25,000 
hall, tac office' of District Attorney Frank S. Hogan announced yesterday, 

Fho witness, FLANK NUCCIO, tver.ty-four y ars old, c f £55 Elizabeth 
Street, who Las a record of four arreetc as a snail-tine "bootlegger, was 
taken into cor tody lert Thurcd; ' night on the lov.vr Ecst fide by I* .e stive 
Joseph Potter, of' tie ICth S^uad, who tr attacked to the District Attorney's 

C A?." ’.I TE , a thirty -f ive-y or.r-old gunmen with a nineteen-year 
record rf crime and ir.pri sonment, yho v s seen, about two Lours r afore Mr. 
T?F5?.' ’ s aeeacsination, getting into the car in \kich the killicx' l'tor es- 
canc" Las "seen hold ao a material witness since t vo days nicer the .i laying 

cape. . oe<: 
jr. n technical 

enrol e violation. 

’.VC II j war. arraigned secretly before Judge Cven V*. Lohcr. i\ 'enerai 

eel 13 £ ii 0 ^ t- "1 s 

detect!-? r srerted he hod reason to believe the t L-.JCCIO night not *.puear 
to *- the grand jury when required, although, he said, EuCClC "had vitaJ. 
information in the natter of the killing of CAFLO THESCa or. Jan. 11, 1943, 
at the northwest comer of Fifth Avenue and Fifteenth. Street." 

■Due to the character of the case and the people involved who are 
still at If- -".the affidavit continued, "this witness nay be intimidated 
or otherwise prevented from appearing to testify." 

I The District Attorney's office refused to disclose further details 
concerning -UCClG's connection with the THESCA murder. Jacob Gruaet, Assistant 
District Attorney in charge of the homicide bureau, said merely: "Lb believe 

that he has information that we can consider vital in the TRESCA murder case." 

y., DUCCIO ' s record shows that he was arrested once in 1240 fer the il- 

b legal cale of a gallon of wine at his home. He paid a $25 fine in Magistrate's 
.£■ Oourt. In 1942 he vns arrested by alcohol-tax agents on a) charge of illegal 
possession of 145 barrels holding fifty gallons of wine e^dx at 296 Elizabeth 
^‘y ^treet. .On last April 27 he was arrested again by Federall agents, in the 
•’ Illegal possession of 429 gallons of wine at his home, and of Jo^y 7 he was t 
picked up in a raid on a 675-gallon still at 354 Eli zabettd. Street. He has 
been free under bail on the last three chaxges. "'L-p 

Sept ciober 16, 1. <3 

Ir.c identity of Hr. TSSKA's slayer has regained a c^stery sin-- the 
night 'ti:.- sixty* ;.* ear-old editor was shot by a lone guaosn, once in trn head 
ard cnee in-'thl tael:, r.s ho v&iked in the dioraei-eut street v’th a fri;r.d, 
hlUfr^-d'-CALA.:, of 415 Central dark Vest. It is generally b-uicred that 
hr, TEFiCA, who, with l'r. CALA2I , published the anti -Fascist newspaper 
Off'll t-JJ:' ULC » at 2 Vest Fifteenth Street , was killed by underworld g-xgsters 
hired by Fascists or CotjouxI 3 1 _ , both hated by Mr. T2SSCA. 

•I-wc weeks ago E^BSriiAKFPZDI , si:.-tv-one, of 35-05 Eighty-seventh 
Street, Jncks'-r. height • , Queens, a freouext contributor of anti-Fascist article! 
to the T . telinr.-l viguc jt press, vho was At scribed - 1 ? friers 4 of Mr. ihESCA, 

•rs cta''b-.-d *lr attending an anti-Fascist nesting at the r Te.-.i? 

Fresty ? •■rir;: , fTi. Ervct Fourteenth Street, at Second Avenue. 

I The -1 strict Attorney's office, however, deni ed any hx;. vlec.-r of a 

/ connection bet-eon the stabbing and the xurdor of Kr. TRZoTA. 


? : rtu % ral £5nrrau nf inuest 

UnilciJ £taira Department of ZUtatice 
I 7 ew ^ork, Kdv; York 


September C0\ 1943 

Director, F31 



SorCidentialplnf ormnnt whose identity is kccv:n to 
tne Bureau., advises that FRAJTK 1TUC0TG, who was recently a -nr eh ended as a 
Material wit ncs r in connection with the murder of T?CS3A, may not kens any 
definite ir.fsrvr tion tc offer the Police, but that the reason he v/ae 
apprehended was so that cn excuse could be furnished for still holding 3A?'.I 
CAliAITl^, who is suspected of being directly connected with ^the murderers. 

This informant further advises that IRJdT CvCCTaIO, v ho 
h?d be-:, nun ore. I to h ve left the united Ctatec for Kerico, actually never 
vent tc th*' t country. ?rom Florida, where he was last reported, he vent to 
Colorado, ,nd now har returned tc New York, Kev York, Thr- s;cre at 176 
Avenue A, where CrARCFALO conducted his cheese business, is nov. occupied by 
a pipe fitter, evident 1;. indicating that 3A2GFAL0 has discontinued his 
businec*’, / - ‘ — :js; ■ . . „? 

j ^ TZ? 

vV ‘I ob- 

: the status of the TICS CA 
and afi soon as possible such information 
e lurmshed to the Bureau. 

Very iT'Jilj ycurs. 

~j • . jv*<m * ■ s -«u 


xsbernl 2 Jttrrau of imirstisuiium 
lluitrh States Department nf Sfustire 
Ulashhigtmt, D. GL 

Cot our ;? 7 , 1973 

Mr. K. A. ^ 

Mr. Clcrn 

Mr. Coff * 

Mr. GU-.-i.. 

Mr. Laud 

Mr. Nichols. 

Mr. Ro*. n 

Mr. Tracy 

Mr, A c *..• r i 

f.*-.'.: 03 AKDUV F 0 H xgi j. jOF?K 

: Carlo .rc-sci 

vt£ Uoc eia.-in" tu< x 

Mr. H _ 

Mr Mumforii 

Mr. Stark e 

Mr . Quinn T arnr _ 

T O 1 . Tl Li » > 1 

Mr . Ke a s e 

d 0r ’. ; cit ,- addresn^ to Viitorio Vi i*. :.?:c>.o 

T h r envelope co'-itr-inin v t ’is 

MUr. Can:'. 

' , - ' * j-ii’ y. f.* r* \ pyt ''loyx L t* f Vi’^y .yy .* r. ^ l-’A- 

Ar.n^-% Motion in -i iciy . ity or. yy, 19 ' y* 

r> reyu*‘ cter; t:'~t this letter be rc- yr :.** 1 t.nv. ~ 
•irin : national security' eua cue. V;e?M- ^ le 

btv: Mi t v. :".!«• of 

"N 7 * 'tb'*' : »U 1 "^C 

‘ hi ... >n 

•vice;* .:»lnin ; tnc lucnoiv 01 ?.r.- r |cr»or . or 1 = :.- yu.T-jsv 

• •• h* t'.ic.- there ar ; - £*r.y jidiiticnLl or;vni’r.tlcKiR in *-> i.r • : s 
: ,r ; -- list?.!” whir. ..'i I ;c ' -t !;• e :r. '.oil “.van ; 1 i 5 

jv- Veiii y*d tj.rt sir.dlr-.r cc .. .ur.i- .t.V n.' .re; trU c'.£« 

•.-•p ■ ■•«■•-- jr- m: t* v'. Li t. r - - drey.' for ih r.Ct ‘it loo * 1 ' ir e 
i „/ Che. • •£*/: "o:.< Ci iloc. aiLor co”or oat-' <«.-• 1 «. 

t; - o r; . , -p-.t-" ti/'.i tie r.err.orsr.r.m '.vi will '•■ .rre/r-r-cl ouii. : 
the c* 1' : jf thin ...cuu. cat c/ita'.Liri-Vui'V.i to trasiSdaitit- no t j-.xGj.Cii i or 

t.,v J.u.oti- . Of Spcci il A^eriL J. P. Coj-ne in the lvtem?l lecurit.; S-cti.v.. 

Very isuly you: a, 

D. J*. Land 


JfriU'rnl tiSurrau ol Luurstmntiun 
iHatra Department of Sustirr 
illasJimgtmi, D. <£1 

October :/■ , 3 

JPC: c. i 

- 1-133 5 


( 1 

: Carlo 'i *• • t; a 

> .i- f 

Vr. }\ K *r 
.-MY C 1 *■ ,; ,* — 
Mv Cn;;.. v 
M-. G I u v t 

M r . Liid^i 

Mr. N’i cli • . s_ 

Mr. Kos<?l- 

Mr. Trii-y 

Mr . A c o 

Mr. r^r. :n_ 

Mr. K r» r b w 

Mr- H. nd 
Mr. >rrj_ 

M*. Star l.o 

i.'flX O,* 



i .T 

LI re . 1 i tlv,-L in the f.r..*vio\v’ me orf ncG. y; icH 
.. 'el't.'vc- to thf cssr : sir. avion of Carl*" ;r<--soa 

on VL. I’.'.', the folic, ir,’ feet; • •rt -o', forth: 

Mr. Qui T ^ m :r. 
Trio. R o o:r* 

Mr. Neat > 

M j ? 9 

Mias Ga^.l; . - ^ 

1 . frevv, It-ii-n 

M. r . 

c 6 <rr. i- cr.“* . r ‘ ■ t 0 "tc 

fl I ’•* ). I l / -! 

cr^r.t a /it .-.lion ir: 

t/, tin 7:7 

j riror* tci- 

; :• t- t 
:f tv.c 

■ / / . 

. for 

2. Fro~« t:;. ti-e of hi? arrival in tr.c iYiitrf i 
v.' c ? c -j ■ j j t .i cl Y * 3 r*o w . c i.1 i- > i - r cl : i. s u • 

3 . r> V 3 - ' fi I!, : . .... r ir t he f: : c 1 ^ j. - 1 

* si V: \ ir. lyl V. ^ 

i . ,v -V r :• :-rc * ' re it- Tr-l/r /\Y t f p b;M'-CO-V v r. '* 

, t ht- tuojv-l 


1 1 f e? • 


PcO ice* I 


{ j % .:* v.;:r Tjro., _.r* . 1 / cor 5 '. n. r • .v.o *iu 

: f b'i r ; lit* only non -t ti.^1 reject in f ::r Y7 \ ' : t-j. i mc iorv. 

. ■ :.t in oo xcr c: the niacin, one. 1 *o..inr o>: ■ "jo s f . concc-nn- c* 

6. ? *" Vfic editor cf u 1 1 art olio 1 '. 2 rabidly anarch! :n and 

M:t ? : .cv-anvCi t it alioii -nut licoi J on , 

7* He v;i 5 ..a rr.en/oer of Vu6 Ar.:pricen Coriii tc> ireJ : ,-:y 

in 1^:7 "re; 1-yi. 

Mdnid ; Cr T.n -,uA 

Tr-r.occ v;as killed on Jrnurry 11 , 111 ?, as he v,.-.c leaving the offices 
of hi..- newrpr.j-.fcr, ”11 ..artello’ 1 , ?fc 5 th avenue, -iav: l'or: City. Be:-.- a rell- 

Imov.-n figure, his cose »&s .viven a tremendous M.^ovn': ci publicity, .'.lt-licu.^ 

/l a pro ?* t deal has beer, written con c er; iir.;* the cast*, relevant, jrat-crial in 
hi the R--psij'«. res session at the ore sent lice Vay be sirraLariceci as il'll-'we:- 

-« ' ‘ \,\ : i lb- 

■ 1 . Tresca’s friends invr. bdi -.t 1 1 ’ ' ch.rfeo that CaitffBT 

j responsible for the murder; the Comirioisto count? ractad^'^ith^t he alle.^tion 
1 that the agents of the O.V.R.A. (Italian Secret Polic^J bad committed the 
crire. Tnese charges and countercharges, continued to be disseminated until 

n\jwiistt vere 


/, • 

r / 

G'i'A.'.-b'-t i; ib!4 '^9 

V 49 fk; 1 rts 

t.he v;-ricu? nevs nepers ru;:\i^ii:v; men 3-y.i.z rrir finally ilrtrt of their ^ff^rts. 

s A; < **rr / ',i v :>oii. v utsex, the Ye.. Ye;v: Police !>;<?. rt -:nh ;jt’ 
!>*.v Ycr; St/ t - %r£ST:3 ei, Attcrnrv Fr&pk. IJ o;::_n ve had only t o frood susp* ci $ : 
Jesus -lias >orlc^ x .l'o/:trer;,is, a V:nov:n C-r^ Aniat a- :• *lle£fd 

G.r.U. ayerh 

: ; ;: ; . c ? « o t y j »r. r; i ■? rrn rv: . it r* t e , an rvi oitu 

ajj cr-Li: a ' 

eviiiej-tJv i r emoe 1 in ■. ,:itw no tarticui; r political beli ei\ 

tTAT/ /, Or ui. %. . t /\i* <J: d.j jdh 

r . Cnr* ire Client* ^ 35 * h»s v record of errte ortli:p bach nineteen 
y*-L. r?=. Ti-i : t core r fjrct:; thrt be h r- r been nr:-*- rtth cn versus oc easier 3 
on el.* 1 ?jo f: j r. ^ n: c J n r jr.vcni J e c elir 10 c o cry , n s ft . : it , rob? or; f '; - •'« be ■ 1 0 0 :■ . 
Accorrioy to r<vst*.f~ jv . :rts, r.te ' r.r seen by tv o i**.v Yor e bix . n -rcie 
rfl’ -v re cm.* c r >*. one-half 1/vcrs before tc in toe o^r '.hid fold 

to hove bee/- noi Used by tne /person. or persons, ..ho cornrittd t .>.* cot. * . o \-nlr 
rr-j: ta*er. it.t c- nrshoh; i/r.eoiotelj f alloy in-; fd punier has rt on 
in cv toc f/'.cc t:-nt onto, reportedly as e ,n;.t oriel v:itnc.\.r . 

Y j C; * Id 'id , . Ode id idS 

1 * ):. t - ■ IS, l?ir> one Fi-an^ Yoccio, v! ; o Is O’^er'be/; 

in Yc v oro c\ *:lc. :. <- a ,f pct.ty bnotlc" 't"\ V>r ini ev v tocb' >.. v^i tc 0Ci:d 

v.'ilno^t in !*.►' ^Iryir^' of Tre?- *> . 

c* wU (. cr lj i;uyj one » 0 Lor f * < .ui c.»i , - . . " ri** 0 \.r,. enti— 

rarci/f rco.i c co..z:c-r> t; tor and friend of Tresca, r ac st-ati-er vdile cit :::oir.: r a 
focini: rt r.r/ty rally in be^; Yorl City. A/iot.^-.r ! tel inn, Giusoyoi Yvdi, acooid- 
inp to the or?cs relefLesy has edrii - ii?s<r o-ltiry t'rnfredi, r-nri th- o?j e h -"€S5> 
repo:.'- ind'orle tbr,i nltl.eU'b Icnfrecii ..ns a ansoed^te of Trot os, the 
State Attorney a 1 the Ktv; for- Police i eportir-.nt of ~ opinion 

that t.i^re is no conr*::ct ,i on betv.een tru nfreoii aosault rr. l the T-a /ra ar / / s fin; 
tion. (The pc edibility that the afore; X’j.tionnc opinion is ill-founded vdli be 

incdr' ted herein.' i ter. ) ^ 

^ i ?r^* 

3 • A c onfjcie n t i a 1 in fora ont , f||H|^ n at^ad v iseo tdr.t_the ^ _ Yox-k 
/'‘ dice have notiiiiip c- lyfinst Duccio — tlu-t he ripprsacnded in_order trtt 
an excuse ndyht be funiisheV? for still holuim the cnicf suspect in the case, 
Carrii:^ util' in:*e* 


jpf ** ■ 

An o.a i.i-ticn of the infer . icr. in th: nurceu's filer 
nit Tt. '. : h~S redi relicts the ; revere; of a Censorship intercept v. ."ioh vra n 
yrepvre c. -i t ; r bars s of r letter directo.; by a; ar:cnyr..ous soi rce in Y York 
City to "vitto:i»---.Ylofelij C&i'bs J. V.'ontr . i l-rlca City", < Fecn- -.- : 13 , l Q i" 
T : is It. ter, vhkivsr ceneerceo by the C‘ .mormon c.i,thoritif « , ha? v -:--n not tire* 
lor th*- • •or- of -.or - <- t.-.ry e:;-- irr.ticn . In ii , tie r.-." ov.s so..-c-» lv ? 

t'.u wV aalft ami ailoyeo u.F'.U. •• . reft to hi r -. If l 
, C- r i .• Ik-osc sever: : other --‘iti-Co.: .unite it?l:C.'s5 i.’: the 
-T; ’'; *h s r ►! f p . losti'Se "p, poisonous" real. i-' oi t ^ » V " 
\--.m o , " hhe oireetor oi t:.e I £1, f « r « Foxv.-ox if • • » -iu..i »i.eci 
i viifi ;. - r:.v s ss >1 the ericiral ;rov confine: 
out for i . r-r an..- I prove!.'. - oi.eturbs::ces i-* t 
»!‘.rcr r f oi* O.ric T.r* sc." : * r tc v or" * . • ir»X- v r: y*. . 7 ; — 

"is : I -rot- -v t.orr and rcco; lice?, v.r.osc rues I ho not 
■_r i , -y orj.-'f-r a vs for 'u.yc-'.e t . cc-v in -- a confji-. : v.ith i I 

•.* * • ' - _■ i 1 1 . " i - e r n r r ... on a , "a.* , ». a - - - • t. • e .• 

s.%. f.e of ::o, I o'-grect e l :, to Cure ill." (I an. urf *• * snfrec-i 
ere Treec.i are "on tin .li: t" of inbivii-r I- "to tv rr-.-.n enre of" by Ire cnonyriovc 
r *.t 'o: r t h' t th? r* pi.-.y be .-'.vir con ►' oi ^ < r br timei. the irt : oa 
am. th" r -o-fr: fi stab: .dr.;:*) 

r.o be -fftrt th:.l tils oor:-' t if an iff 4 1 - ' r.- cf the r ran 
hi-- -■-> : n.p.l'. arent, Jesus : orr onto Vino hi- .tot he . • = endec./? red 
: 11 t. - status cf certain It.- liens ir. t.iic . -.n >cr*. run sv.c a re 
nti-1. •: uri-’t hr. sentiment; am that i.e ii.'uiinatcc tkac ; .c. ir •" tnreatt -r t ei. 
the liver of f ‘ m s it. titf am t and t.rt ho aAovv- "...unt tr-.V care." 

of those in<Mv.b u= i? • ••' nr*, still livin' • Tbe ori-inal co: tsu-.ic. tic a hts t vor. 
tran?“i'.t.r.»u t • v.-r boeu eat frctlcr.- of tr.c- :-y for r j. .rictn orr-vaina- 

f on ir. the !'. ■ - t: r c t.;-.’ anciv . cue vrrit-r can c? iccniff v... 

-'rre ■ 

Ft tore 

' ri'ri 

lor 1 : 

ar 1 ; 

Ti.e hem 

* V 0 

C . Vi ;/ i': 



• ^ 


A-iCi t.M. 


' pf'rct.*' 


r -c? v:-». 

* v i i 

c.5 -n- .. *- 

rt t. 

.:rjC'jJ,a' r.. 

Z-\ 3 

crc Trr? 

cr a 

f :ur<?c. 

it v; 

1 ' 1 J I *C 1 tv t-l 



rnr.rur:. . 

1 :.r; 

t to 



ir- - -- rrec.ora: r--T. has beer, preperfd solely for j nf creative rvr-esef . 
k ?P : it Lc.c'T •■- irtinur. . l r.f •: i .rat ion is receive-' m l live to the True- case-, 
it v/il. bo or i It to your attesfitioii. At the tart tint, yon v;ill be run rise a 
ef the ir.for.i .tior* resiltin? from the locurer.t Section's era .inrtiot. , -..liich is 
being ccnkuctc n-ith rt-rpent to the- enonync-ar. corjuuniraticr. referred to above. 


• / ‘ } I / t 


t. \ if 

F. U V.'elch 

v- V ^ 1 

rfcr-.V ^ 



federal Bureau of htueetigatiott 
Bnitrd States Brpartmcnt of justice 

SJofiljmjjtan, 2L <£. 

",'over.b jr -Vs, 3 

* y 


V; V rlo ,?rcwC.‘; 

h-' :ss 

"'.p. "* ■ /. »’*,“* .-j •— * * '"•r* ^ 

•* r'.'' I' ** ■•. ■ - - 


. .5. A. Tsana. 


. Cla-.; 







. Rob q — 


. Tracy 


. Ace ra 




. HarbL- 


. Ucocen 


. Mumforcl 


. Starkr 


. CJui :n 

Tele. R, cm 


, N e a * : 


ss T3cahrp 

n r t 











80-4 Avb. 

" II. J. 







LEAVES . . . ALU BITE ... 



1 1: ' 3 .? 

.“’fT, . 

* > 

-V V^Srfc r** - 

’ ' r r . t . "• * ■ ’ 






v >r 

0. R. ' 

Translated by: 

Marie Grace Macaluso 
September 18, 1943 
*: igi 

)3 I* 

3s i 



' ra. : i . j i C : rl ^ 7: : C 

;;J“ zo^zlcr C\ r/oiTi‘r t>i ; 
. * Jr ’iUP.r/ < ^ . 1 -i" , 

... :: ! 3 U / n 
■u-.- of :/ . j ^yrt" 

., — * ‘ ' 

i .At l . <0 H’*:.. /to. . 

Oi .1 * . .i - 

.oo r j 

- » ■ 

^ rr ; uO . ~ ;i'i.,.\iri’ii £/ , ouo > tinn . oi i.uv - r/y — irix 
,'\-e;r, . v.' ; • -i'-er 5 l ccaouni cation, .;-■ '-i l/ohu i a; is r ■ Mia and T 

p ro v oi ■ - ... £*. 'rui!;.2*.jr. in i.t-o Pfiiily. • »cn- ii'.o ro't».'. v ‘. rt;r.; >? oT Caiv^ „iV 3 c%. ! 

Gy*i« v, .;cr ?:ie vor-:tr. Inflated group, with prols-cto^f -t-yi accomplices, ; 

/^4ho8a r. or t ti-t not reveal fcocsuoo it is very < 3 _» ., : r:n> r- / or yV j r ® to acv : r 

l)rn »^ co nflict ni;.b Jon. I 11 lor. \ rcunt tiV o car*) Ci£ - '■•• If, b - "i,'.;' c:\anc , cbvy - - id 

* Mosaic© rv S'i^s c :' r.3. T sujs-ist Alberto rx-pclii , n ..-v v. , .) 

v;)]^ :.' / ^ J ’-f 

j^ jg..' *'* • . lo«*ifro advised that W* h;ad»>*‘l.i ling - ora this qu* -.‘.ioaad latter Ji 

r . .. ,_ v tr,d its cover envelope aaarcP ?d throuA* iho Rppmprlata ir.uiion of the ,|l 

r — — i- /.> 


5 -*r0:8 

i lop# war »*arc::?d throui^ihe fippApriata u.ution o^ the' :| 

L 1/ CP AX'' r%0 

C <■-/' 

■ j ^ A ^ : A^; " 

Laijora tory 1 s /il- of writings ^ (j^at.l<.ricl ^curi^as *velj c: v*c 

Anonymous Leix,/ - file v;i /.cut effecting -.3 .vri :e. rl £ iuentifi cation 
^btoinin^ any additional soecinsns icientl :uL to the cn<* in question. fhe £ur3s iU’s 
identified, or* specialist, in ex.j.dning t._s letter, has raade the obse: ration, 
however, that hs spacing of the word T1 rV.LL' 1 in the oa-ur.eiit xoLlowing the name of 

'ungic. c^pra eu 

that t:-ib writer afca tne u-irossco 

cay na\ . *oT t e con non additional knowledge concerning the "LroUfen bon err / 1 to whicn 
i:o anon ^:ous n rraspordtnt has r.tde refe. .-cice. 

ihe iblio in^ observations concerning the content c: this cj.v.^unici-tioa 
are set :orth for our ini or:-, a tier, and 31 ; ia nee inasmuch / 7 Vh « Surer; a is desirous 
of having expeditious, thorough and dircreut inquiries ecnduc tod for tre purr- 0 so 
ascertaining the idx 3 .,tity of tre writer in qujsti on. 

. /■ 

lh<3 original letter signed ''J. wat- writ ton 'ey <*:. cr, dividual rh: 
a-nsrc: •/._.* not ’00 -> II educatod, for tae type of I talian la »iua££S srirloyeci ?»&s 

b. U. cj' -n or. : not entirely dramatical. I-i sevrr .i a.jj an-? 1 'aaer j y r~ 
to tie . nnn-od above cj r rt.scic eoie.-b, cr^u , ?. a reuli *„> tee raj-ori" 
-f these uo-r. a. ire either Italian locic-Iietn o ~ li—lien .‘r. ivl 1 sa? a: .: have? neve:' 
cocn id-. :ufled rs a3yocUtir.-* ri b: Italian Racists - : vv — inclu . , supplement 22 
by the fret that tie lettar r.zt> intended br a kno.r.a Cor . nlr nould ^Ive rare tc 
the tali f -Juvt tie letter :ity have been ..ration vac 'v.o.v ear liner ts r-rc in 
£ c-eoru . ifh Cv -uniat id-solo T n vie.; of the peoulifr* r.:»n i-a-r in which the 

-wri tor ’ e - re for red -.o tuo ray ir. which 1 any is cup ra "-fell ii. an elevator she 

so f for' .., brol ji tonus, r.nd in-eenuch ' 

t,.u # river an-nici.; 

bo c _■ i 00 1 an 'j ; tcap IV. 

ii-'n't hi a as a result of his fall, "vy vox*.: rorained i tco.~.plcifc'-, t / j portiUlity 
"list;- • at t ' ^riacr ay have been resr-rr.sible fc: fn-iri norths xi.t .3p. 

It Till r .>0 .ad that. -;hc firrrf inuividu.-.l b;i i ;c lira’’ oi b.o sroony-ou: 
n iter iv btt. rc ’-'aufrodi, an I talim-tom fociclie 4 . r.-r- fra- : of iror.on, '• '• 0 vas 

stabbed bpi-aier 1, l;i3, «i»ilv atteniing a be delist farty rally in tiee lark 
City, hv.-r. bro-/.a the ihjv: York Polics tepardont hao u’diour.w-od that tha assault 
unon 'arn irodi ran p srpf tra tec by one Qiut-epoe Kuai ai;d despiao the fact tnax. ohe 
District httemay ox* ?ier; York County, who is handling U.t- Treses case, has announced 
to thn a ~ art there ir r.o co inaction b-'-twoon 1 .' CrorCa ar..-:t.c?in& l.on an-‘. -,ioe • /• 
llanfrcd, tic a. .onyiaous coamiLniCi-.t: on adi'-.o-.a- . v> ’ h ball su .^.ats tx^e* 
possibility the ^ tho reverse is true. 

Iuncdiatoly follo-^in,j the Manfred! assault, you wsro instructed to 
furnish the Bureau vxitl: a sunra ri za tion cf the ir. your filus concerning 
It to re ftnfradi . 1 *tr desired mforration was furnished tc the 3ura£u in your 
letter dated fr->teabor 21, 1143, at which tixae you advised ti^at your Office re- 
ceived an anony.aous conraunica tion dated f< ptenbor 11, 1141, therein it v;aa alledea 


docunentary exa:»i nation.. 

■ -*i 
, ■* 


baopordin^ly, it should be sent to tiie Bureau for appropriai 

- 2 - 

V, r . 

> r " 


.it* v.n 

- vl r ‘-- *• 1 

> - > ' ^ ' 

Itu a nucfc’-r • '.nor*'.-, i 

e V r* lion :.;r 

Irou - f . . r,;vi 

in .: v -'a t . 

• ; <'i ;.Mr J-'r-*' - i •" ’ C -f ft* r * ^ Cl - \**l • ‘ ** T£ * 0 I** r * 

It i f 

4 *i r t r ci ’ * 

.. v ■■ t .;. '.. i”i .•■•; - •’t.t'J’ 

' ' ;> t C 

en r -*br 

o r/ ff 

, Vsn.: r-v’. ? . forn'. ■• : 

/rur C-fi i • a 


V:;V t 

•ni t :.: ;;.-‘r >.r " ■ 

v- v >d tr.cralj 

ccot^un 1 

M i «. ... 
: V. 

r*r • f-?nt t 1 ' - .' 

L-iV 1 tJ , or 


..y 11 , •'•'?. 7 !; F>u‘a*.u :• 


your " . 

tc r oj 

V-j.y '?, 1943 , ?.n '. ir nur 4 

"f i v i 

,>v .‘et i 

r . ; - • ■> 

in ••• i * 

n . at:. :r *.> 

X^‘ Av* *1 * /olio ■"•n the r^c e of tfc * .eft*; X oc^im irxt u 
thcrau ’h * A :i&V\ or: l- 4 : . ■?•: a: the rofor^r.c^: con* : r/i In t :* 1 fil>. of 

0 If 1 >fi <>a C j .rlo Tre^cn . on nil t oth-*r InaivJ-.u. Ir a ;-.">?•* In tb* tfcr*- 
js^nMcr. i nor. ~o: oco uni rat 'on for t*. u v " 

ir \\ / rifciTat ’on c: i ■ ‘uol tf-roirs . c\?‘ 

* ulh r ■ ■ f tro* 'leu 4 

:,o. *. cl. Inin , . ; rt/;er there 
.lw i:: -h 1 . -..’-if J - tier, t e 

i-Q : 

ti i 

rc 1 y on o * r* r v v ' ■"' , 1 - . ; - * - ’ 

vi ?r iu \o • t: - * ur o - ' \ cc » 1 . " ni n ' * v/ - * J 
*- Vo ! , *n ■ > • iecV'on : th : lr. .it i .uu' . ' ' ' 

Ol -o, ft . ” * s? 0 oi i 

/cor Invorvi ' 1 *iih •■ 

•oty c^r ;>r.r. 

>• v 

.> ■s t'* H - 9 

it, t:,'- u ji- ' c:' 

' fi 1 ^ .' 1 * f '' f I ! / t 

It . •' ■* ~ Vo , * r. nt fron *l if r 

* f • :t cent o n.-l 


conn ;r ■ ij. 

OV.^?! - if 

t • -.fere i r?e; -r ?v : ; ■ v--- * ; *t ^ Avi^-r 

r. .' o-irn'ili- :V > Vi : .^i ; :.nv V v * L^. i r • ^>on : :«1 : - o , or 
■. ■■* » v . . .» M*. a:- icr ' ‘ C ,/o 1 * . 

rt l S.v > ’ ^? 4 t/..- V' v I*ur3tVi rxtre* nly : . - *?: v-* . ‘’*; 

cf ti- r.c ro par;: • .-r-woi t:.i crir^* Ken". ' .r , ... 

Hur*a v i r:-.c n: v .J in/jirlc^ for z\v: ou • ; u r : . : Inin, ~..o 1 rer f ,on- 

?, hi . 3 for Tr^i>c' * j n:uo*. jr nor *v*v. '>:■ ) 1 t> r. in „ - &Jro. -. i: €*. t. tt! ■ tii*j Irctitutlr.** an >. "'or tn.: - : , o c„ 

In * o r ^r\Fy n - tju^^tion thnt <.c. v r;< i ; t-nn/ ’ **cif .1 oC 1/ clnrv : 

i . : t - .. ^ ^ rp. I , . t „ r*. • * . 4 ,^: ^ » ^i*-. n> » .*• * 

: : ; * ; 

■ ^ i 

Tr*:>c*Jr .• ./ i rl n ' l ev re . calmly 

out t' 

t nt ''*o:^ur;i r» l *-l- 3 n^nt re\*e rc :.i il* ♦ -C f# . a.-; th- o -n'v-is 

count * *.c t v,l -It., t .3 .: i^nt 5 ou ih-.t t.-> n/^r 4 -. ; ' t s . ' 0*V/ . . (X^'-linci l cret 
ttr r, r n ■* . ‘inn.: t‘ Fu v-.n i int^r .c t ■ *- rn int.-l- 

•t.r.t lr. ai^iv!*iws' an '■e-' . n . ;tu of t> •? vc."icuc 

v «>» - ' - Ac rob* t, it 

?cli ; ) /no 
-i •- 

Itn 1 .n c or 

n-Vn \y trier t In r n.v^n-in 
js/ty erf s in c ' nr ction itn t activlti ... ^ 

m? win, ' r 

■ - 'i 

>rif 4 ^ o n 

i ^ in . an/ i}U>r^I »n 

%» ' V ; Mj» 

In • umunn “ ol th : irrefo in,;, tf lr r* Ion r ■ */ i n~l b fi r E ^ * tr 


• 3 - 

?ntor*f *ȣ:" ^7 / 

- /I - 

. ; *. V ;^V V M : * 

conccnln : 


I .'OJ- \i:. ij r-n^crr'.!*; to X-.. V-.t iv j-- o£ • i - re:u .• ' . 

,!«->. J r • .» t::i' vx'vv : if Voile-*.-: to 6 s ‘.-; •-.i- 

ScM .in., ..-Ci; : - •. . j . for t\; 

■'.St .' ht& It-i h I »'i M sf,o v;.**. e\x*» '•(■*,*<.' c r con? c ' ■•i.', * v.'.v . ■ • ;•■?!!'... re 

in tn.. •' t* V>r:: tb- eXfis - 0/ tiTi It' ii - ' Or v‘.i- it ‘ • V.;it k . *-tf. . 

cwr*t? V-v«., X-:'s -,.,i .iisifnft t* l ...e Xt-.ii:.. Or-;.: il in 

a t : ~ ~ -t . >i- - - Vi, I'.:- - ,: r/L*;.-. itt t on. •: t pin*-'?..- e-i ci-O'-n, A.t'-: 

'cgc.iH'jV.i . .-:f old :v t 5a«e^ in nros.cuxiv ^i/onv . - r tn* cf c ntior -l 

i*‘ V'iic ••• to t- --i\ 
t for ti.' n-.; 

s .itrSifMAl* d ...e Xt-.i 

. -t?.' 

2 eonEite. - tie scour; t of invest!?' tie; c fct _h t ti: : . r.i t:.c in- 

’fpr^tl^ 1 ’. * T rr dtir, - frr*?r« tr.-n ir.^-ui.r'es did t> inoucvU to •_ ! t - Schjs.vint, 

. ' vijjl-. jll ' ; Too bij--ty is identical vith llrx Sr.rtir., *:■ -..v_lvO ir. ttt. 

ir?flB g ^ Rgt ~ r ’ cv - i '- u c . 61-6926-1 ‘ 62-^' 2$03 ^ . 

r . 3rto» ' ■ 

v " V ^ 

o i 

: r ™p==* i ' - ^ 

.r. is presently residing GO ic relief' 6>w lorie« r .V: 

ct. one tine the editcr of the Pors^rd* >4s fcr-UeC 

Sr. Quios TaM» V 

'Ir. Ntiii 

r ; • § OmO, 

b-cfore the Scosrtr .1 of Justice on c fctirir* it t>'- trie of the ?irst 

Horld Kar beenute ~.f the p-rt t:i:en by hits i\i tfcs iiocl Carrie-:- Hill riot 

of I>ece~bsr lv_ ; . 0 y \ 

? 1 ? 

anarchist jfr 

1 " 

tree' Ir r- . i 

X R 

k.rr : robist * . 


:i‘ :to:v; :t . 

. r 0 3 

^.dded 0:* tii ; 


til over t n*. 


vt-s c •. rcr.r 


till br 

tO T.V 

uLi'Cr.i: v -o 

. • ,ni| 

iro;j cl 

ty c 0 

thii i. fi*. ' • 

r i - ^ 

n ft v : 4 

^ f 

) . . •'■ W 4 v r / < 

-'•re to 

a. ■ k*. - i • 

rto *.!' 1 r*ch ^ 

:• : t a 

i'.rrl iicr.r; '* 

: ~i:'. 

A . 

J.M 9 

the sncitli-i 

*■ ® t ; - 

»hic : - vr.r :f‘ 

! r v 7 1 

sho bac sir. . 
- ttt ■? : . 


funrticT'S fc * 

: v 

feet* c duri j 

*■ f'.t 

liur.-; :c rcu 

1 .U-J 

Ir. October, 

’ . , 

lllin: ' h’ 

t - 1 c : 

15th ibrc-ct. 

'Jew : 

quoted herri 

• 4 - » * V-kV ' V * -*| t ' ' f ’ T','- e~ 

^ r .■ j . v C • ^’Jk 4 - k - ■** t >■ • 

wC'f . - 1 

! ‘v - * :.■*«:■ ♦ ” ■» t * * ■> h L i.' ' r V£ P c LiOrL 7 ! 

•' * **■ . 1 ., V. • J. W. .it. 2 , I * ' - »• ^ -* ' -* o % 

*.•;•. S’ji&rt - rc/c'.'ut-iovi >:t> :..*j m;.* *f/ Ic- tnr- ccar'-ry &r~ out 

;ti.sfi«’d v-j.'..h the conditions v_?d~i' vhiOh th:y re rcrrki.hf •' . lie 
••sion, r I: c only tring *» n-.-e ' to cc ir to tmi'i o;ir spec. si e -H* 
r no chit , h?r. fevTi'yt:>ir.c i;. rerf\ t.u. 'as v vc . joo cchfe horc 
■ , , f rot i.'rao ether city here to cio it ir. ordv T i;.t tit cf you je-ci 
tr:-~ t V ey ' e: c not r»oi r tr.e > ?.. tr>. tc* orb vo 
"0 •.•. !■ • . . r in Chtctijo. for ir.ctu.c ■•; v.e c 1 ?:nJ t;v sang 

• it,... > t* chc-vlci c. the - - .• to '••u' : : • ' co“*. ‘.v in ' r .v ■ 

-. - .v l • . 1 it.- : v i.„- sue css i- t'ui. OtJA.-v. U-e t . v.rac: oil! 

or. , if ; ■ : roi\ tic;i rr.ou _ ore,.. c ut !•//.. ' t:.:v •- : fan 

it . pretty i;o.S fi^ht but ?>T.rr v* or. r; rill be 

*’ -j n .r's ; :nj i,o fcoye T.-.oneyt r.d v : ..-rVt £jr.,r:v.A sic.- , Tic fir:.:- 
ti. ..n Cbyn, iW-rv »• r, ci £e to- tit j.iiio c - s lio.;.:c.Lo c.r 

03 3 7*'IU 

«r , r V," :A\ n shioi: s u: sir.-, ir. Pii L, cir-_ . ■ > P-.:„ . .-is 

ntii. i — 7 ty C . is IrT'c- vi:c !*■:•. oo, or;:r''n:- end 

Vac -..r. * : Is.-'O'-r of t V-. itoii..*, r. .1 Jii-.e :• i: ir-?«oo ir ti;. United 

ia 372 . 3 ' 

functions b*-ji by It ..-lit,, cvoisiitte una Italicn arr?irchi£ i. eisaeo-te in the , n.Ll?c 
ftet* o auri.jc- ti.s :;.ct tvr-y.y yc-sus. In odention he his b-oct cioccly i-ffiliatv ita 
intrr; *c :e rcui .loot whicr have been published in b;iis eotasry* I'or exiiople, 
Ir. October, ■ . At , ’ .:u' fu cticniny, /«• dire ole.- if r, L?. i-.r-vic gi _ f jii b • i Chlc^yc, 

•Of h-.vir.?. c uch here tend to the coxjedes in Italy, i»:io Ker-r 
co’ryele-d to pus sc ice the wonderful avd phoned Red Fi the nets 
thei they ?re working in America to raise this Xlsy sl*v iiigh ert<i 
put enourh am in the White douse who will help crash the- hu*ds 
of .he Fascist! end will tlco help to jcsk*. what is iuto^rt &e int't- 

r. a ^ nttion&l sccir.liS’ to help rebuild Europe". 


Acting in ih® capucity of organise r for ths Federation tfl fiocitlirts in the -, - 
OaJtad £t«tes Valenti cadres sed a aeetin& held in Cerclina Kali, 4fuiff alo* few Torh, ' ^ ;.4i 

June ?0, 1924 . In the course of his eddies# Viltnti dvrelt upon tI>»'3jitemstionel 
Bituatlcn and asdc pcrticuler reference to the relationship bete«^3*£hn, workera* sad * 
the Faaclati. »*o1-1B40142 ’• ' ■ im 

T ¥+ '' >. 


Inform?, i: 

Stupa Lib ' t _ n t Li' ., l iiw/ .' oi 


- t* *-V <■. 







It tv. 

Dy thi.-: u 

. ^ - Jut *— u **1 - ' 

W -5 tc 

f t othrr 

t • he the : 


oc-ilift ? 

.-tyi rv 

■■.rron who 

:•*. Cl. 

■si wo 
A»:.i..r* hhr 

tcitc r c z "Lh. 

/»d F&rcian, Vie 

Act-( Pt " — . ■11^1 -'»■ t-'.C C-or-u. - 

rr.o i'll «.fch Ou:-Jt> ri;.T.u, c 

uy-rtts nutcre— ooctric-ns 

to bo Cs w.rrh r of the Corwaniot P&ny in ’lew l". 1 City. £‘-"£,61-113 


tills ^Oui*:ii 
We stated, 

'■^ir reported 

th~t on Kirch 21 , 1 ; 3 ‘ 7 » 

rcetl’ts t'iii 

. :!:'. in !i‘. 

ror:t City 

cpicei : 0 ?' tt;e* 

ItiliSR Cor..: LV. oc* / - .i'; 

■3t end F ; . - z 

I---, yrett 

C . Hi I ^ t 

mcu cr Spcin. 

One Giro Ur a 

- c 

report -d to 

C*iilr.:..-a oi 

— , !.n-' t; 

/• ‘ ourc^ 31 tre rice 


r. •;' t ■. . ;• 

s.-:r i 

ell -reu to 

•h'c ; c: : t crroi'lii-e the verkerc* fer 


cisi 1 -..- t:.V.i 

' over 

. ^ r v.’ 

:n cov:: -ry.* 

It xr s state-' r.t just 


«. far ; this -v 

vu -.. c ; - ■' 

j.x" vf-c f?un^ c 

.s v eil lz in It,cli'- T . sc 

r: * 

vh..V . '.-.U-r 

r 1 : ft.; 

F'rou the 

inlorcjiticu* ol 1 , 


r’ * T S.ft. 1 i --1 


this r; set in? if t u.vsc st. the one aentionec iri-atdistely £**'.«*' . 

x- > -jL \ -k.'J 


: xe clf.» been rtated that taothtr 

r.oetir.y v:.a 

hole 0 

e:r To 

or. City oy 

the S;.sr.i.,L Loylivtr- to coro.-.e .lorc-tc the fillr- 

c.ruiiv.-rs- *y 

cl ■ V 

c . . . - : 



It rcr ft: too tht one Valenti i j 

■’"'C5CC'i 't:V1v 

c ict It. 

C -T.t.' 

J V -0 t i i to 

he vc 'x-.iseci 

tr.r i.- vornctior.:! end the Garibco 

- C i- r ^ 1 * ' ■ C a 


; «t thi '• 

meeting .•'■-■ 

:'uc ci X'-ft or, r'rr:. 

'•■' las • i n, 

u. : 

rrv,: Cv^‘. 

?lri~ch:ri-r», 1 
in th« rza . \ 

; :\:e .,»• bf-nd i' r*,-porttc: to hive 
i Civil " zr* 

L on ilUci . 


: i ; 

;v f .5;r li 

/.■v. i- Oi'..- to an it tide tppewing in the Ttily Fork.' r r cited July 1 , V/??, 

York City to .:'ote. t 
following ;.y rs • •. 

>ro,yV;:- .iv.’; 3 .' c i,.. ' 
Fiia-cbcth Gu- Vy Fi„:. 
ediV: of ^Lc i’t.t-ru,; Libera. 1 

& July 1 

s Ivy * 




i:i Kfi< 

‘.US Soli! 


s v-.cti >ith re 



:c: f’i. Civil 

T. K e 

-e Lioi. 

: (J. .-.. remtenio, cars 



?. -X -c.>. — J? 


i-.:l CtH:.. 


, Cas.- 2 U.cei oi i 




1 H--X; 

, an a- 


ed Cot- Par 

xy clxx 


S If .' 

r:.c ll.roj.„ 

- Vsl-. ti, 

Oi- 'ocl --v.'t'.:,' 

/.ccerdin • to the testimony of one Sr. Ala rerg, given t-rfore tbe 3\-szl£L 
Cctt'id^tee to Investij&te Un-*.aerican / otivitivi, House of keprec'rntutives- , cue GircLsuo 
Valenti is e .xeuber cf the International Coanittee for Political Prieonci s. ££__ £, t pOj .^7 

The following i: ' natior, which apysare in the left Wry of fMu:r* Steel* 

J 91 before the ipr-ci&l t;aaitteo to Investif/.te Un-A-c^rican 1-ctiriii^s, !'ou o : of 
raaantatives, on August 17, 1 : >y, relative to one Girclanio Valanti, i? Vin* 
ted m follows: 

. . . ♦i*. - . ^‘V 

■Valenti was born April 16, 1S92 at Vslgnamers, It*.Iyv • fii* . * 

father war the owner of a sulphur mine. Ho attended 

school in Valgus mere, and high eefcool ®a«f college st Catania, . C 

It sly. Talenti came to the United 5t at aT- in 1911. Kc organised the . l,‘ 

left-wing Itclian Socialist Federation in hew York City in 1913. 

F;e taciatea in organising the left-Wi.w; ( — 1.0.) taal gysatf-d 


> '*&/> • A- 

** -V** v , ^ 

p. ><y 


i ^'sr’.-irr ...J A;,: (union). In l«lv - 4.-19 * * *•• <-! 

t ; t* of t'. ’ left— '.-i.-.c: socialist pubi* nation, iti* . If 1919 
hi r ;.it. . ’!,* 1'eiV * ?nd In l?'.:! e;.;.tsd *!•••: rf.rols del ' 

>oa 1?. j: to 1 -Lcnti j.tUc:;v.v •-- in h rr nbrr of H 



1 r tri: 

z * r.r t^c .rath'/: fr-s — A PcliUcvl Pri*:w 


r ".V> /• 

V v / > • 

' , r ' - tienai ( 1 ' i /} , r.-d -.un ^oe_ i.. 

3 1 ? ^ ^ ^ 

. - tt n 

. . - 

C-. 9-3 '•:••: 19 In). 



TT '. f the /r.nrin; n u for I e. r Bool', V ol.’ve V, 

tht fol-o-- 


■ r.Udo 

::. r\ is r adet 

I* t 

Vise C:-. 

VrntiOl! (>r tv? .. t-c^L ctTii t:iU GdO •ui.CCT'S 

an 1922 


- 1 V: 3 

vivi on /fiDi-d in r/vor of tn- tioi ci %:: 

■ arc.Tusivc 

T. : 

l/* The GV.rrib'j.tiOiis of t :v* v.t:;?. : 

■:■ t .- r. •’•: 

C: 1 :■ :-v r : <• utiv;:- been fur v r : c _l ~1 t- ■* :> jt. v :i , w ;5 

-V ^ ^ t ^ j if rvrr nor- . *.'*■ si t *. v %•> c\ .tri v:t . :vs 

i ' ; j ■ . . ' . '» vi i ’.ir ~ ■ .<f- u i r.r ? :i _ c : 

A% . r.l ^ It; It 

v cUi 1 . .v :\V\ c tlo?*. ^ flO/S/ y;; to i'-vf c rv< rzic:: 
z- t I " r? : -u -r :» tiic Inl.-ii.-ti vaij * rAii l:.l- rowers, w- 
in - t : i L : : i.riv > «:ro river, 00 ;. . .Iv no i air tr. .? cr-iori 

■ } * r ^ v £j r c -~f :.*iri r i ♦. r 

.cir tor r e,- 

i..-- h :: 

n 2. 

'olutir. c'll ., 1 . for unit,, -'i uhc i?ro l:.t : c:. -iloi. >1 l-'ni . - 

. .Tv- A ..Iriim-t a r.felv.^ to t ! ': •...{■ evta 
. ' I’., 

d : . c» . 5 

":... ;.•• rfc 13/. till; ». c ater.-cr.t in fcuii&r 

:, -T:f J>oci-;ilrt ?i';ty coll-.tua up 0 
relief fvu., £ tcUi cf * 6,153. IS* . . .The ccriW-.ta©-- crr.dtuaco 
tr»e F.tncitt (of It,- Xy) nsd endorsee viro war* ' ' tho ini,;-Fd.3cirt 
Alli.a::ce nf A,-.inrice. . . ,a 

l c- •“ 

* - t a 1 „ ] 

. j : 

.: r K-4H 

tr.i i ellonifi-i . t to--. (Ti 1 

“♦ . Karch -- 
founded r.l ’ 

. i , 1 >‘ 29 , on Inter. 4 . ; *. ioneL o niS 

con.ireon in Berlin of ; >cot ."?□ ropree-r if .,iir»a of 
ar. i-rtsoir-t groups in sivno 20 countries. K-; nri Siroueo--, fr*? 
Coaianiot rllrr, >s.a "ir.ce pre?id<*>'.t. 1 

*ln 193? Vslenti 1-os a » enter of the Coanittec for toe- Suppo-t of 
11 i.’covo z\:n&L, the cr*p?d£ji f-uhlic-'t Ion istru-tc ir. b-.:. if of 

$s.c :o-Ta.i/ctti. This publication was i r-v t^c ’.cd* Gar lend 
Fund (Aai‘T.c j fund for public servi-*). On this cosoaiitcc were 
Lcuia F* tudent, r.c;; ©niter of the ttidreot CoaruaiKt sriiyj Dr. 

*•• Cl.urlos .nayvcod Broun; Vito liferctntonio, Co«nuixI* codtiid't<» 

for 'CQa-re*e, 1936; and A. J. ituste. Valenti bar b*eaJi puaber of 
the International Cocalttee for Political Prisonero* 



*It htc tc'.n recently thro.._;.; t^.Nevj Iota Tir.afe news 

coin. me t : _ .t Cirol'vTii'J Vai-enti is arranging to iauners .twiner 
It r, ce •:• .liy in jjsw for*: City sad thnt with riJ in 

ti . vi..vt\.:*<s~is' Vito li.rc--.nton. to, hend cf too Ccffii-TJniJt liter- 

n-tion 2. L dor Cefi nr,* end v> o v.a.9 
on the Co. .. waist Party ivc "t. 

536 i-. i|r Con^ 

"Vr.ler.ti U 2 . lacier of the American isagac- fa-’ Pac- 
Le‘;.oc»~/. c.y md officiitsd st its last convent!-, ■, (1-'7).‘ T 

DCA Steele Al, p325 

Inf-.n-tt ii.: «t-.s r-ccived r.r, A^yoct 2 , 1921 , that Girol falcn-:, 
City aati-Fo nciftt ?; 2 v;spsper r.rc. t -v-.a certain other ir.u’vib ! .*s» constitute-* 
viciovs ^r' v cl' c-.r .i-Farci -.t s in c;: lor:-. /coord i. * 

sforc.ntr.Ucr.'. d ten cli ir.l outcasts f: It sly ier *. t >. t -.U 

Ckl Tvsiioe-r.aiy ».r . u not tr.rt o£ Tss cis.t, sad ib-t < nr y c c cc. t.'—c atr. 

refu -- es and. net fci u y Icvc of ti'.a United civics sn! it a c er '..c .n t ..v - re; 

Further Infcrnnti'r. w*s received frs.i the Sw.c source that V 
vere in $ya.,..thy with this country's present foreign policy cr.i„ 

■ .';r:t7 atr-et-.;-' as 
tlv c c . a res. 

. : certain otn.-rs 

•J 1 *■*£ * £ c* * 

on that 

it dttifr.v fed Pcsslsc. as a political p.iilose;;by ct odds with th: d:;.; arr tic processes. 

The source cc.-i that t ese non , includ" ‘.a Talent 1 , c r t. ur. ■ to c-trec _ v..-r— 
tain mdivic il ir.t ; surrerds’rir.s ti.:. control cf his i. to ti'ir : :nde aj 

tnnt they f.-evrr an £~ii-?ascict t e.t.e v.\ich was cvi--. nora pronounced. tur the orerer.ti, invaaai b , r iho /.forcvcnticnfcd individuci, sr*i this strictly for the 
reason t: ~ ...f the present far cist r.-£i.x.c *.otc overthroiva in It they cede tr..n 
co Wcx id Italy snf t?.ce over hi?h cesitdoas in the Government . 

61-9931-123. ?>9, 10 

AccorGirn to other testimony given fcy J£l*. ctcrle before tiiis sv;.? Comittse, 
ont Girolar o Vrlenti is & icevtber of the iterolutione Casraittee of the Aar..?.-io^i; Levrua 
for Peace: c.:i rea-.crocy. Aecordiag to this iaforo&tic.., this irylivicuai roe reported 
SB be in 5 rotivr friendly *itfc the Comuttiat coveaient. CCii ?^?0 

Imarcr: f':i receive a in August, 1921, f. t:.t c .e Giroiwi 'sle.iti, Ike: 

Ascoli and Count fc ores, were political outcasts fror Italy tec as.- tit/ > -* it adds 

with r&sciifo. This inf ora .tion further stated tiir.t tnece inci\ idi-olc were here ?s 
refugees and not out of say love for the United Steles or its democratic rrir.ciolea. 

It r?a statud tuo.t they acre attempting to gain control of Iteiitn newspapers in Uew 
Tor*; write anti-Fiscist editorisls; and, if the present- Fascist Kegir.e in Italy were 
overthrown , to return to It*ly and talc over the higj. eoveraasent pociticns. 

fa 61-9981-123, p9, 10 

During the recent past Valenti has xtdo r.unorovs attache upon the Italian 
regime. Doth in public addresses and in the Itaiicn-Aaseric m periodical, *Lo 
, whiich Is edited by him and which is published at SO Ea&t JLLih S*.r< «t. Taw York, f 
k. At the present* tine he is said to be s «es.bnr of tbJ Socialist Party headed • 
bss Thooaa and is reported to utlUxe the coluxnu of his Liertodical to praiew 
the efforts of the Socialist Party and to denounce the activit^t^^ho Corraonist 

Party U. S. A. ... V’ - 100-129372-3 ; ’ v' 

ifaeg tr; 

" . . • '* k '}0T ” ' t ' y -*•- *■ . 


Alberto Pen~\ Cc.'tlli 


i’vO i ^ ! i ! 

f: : cr*t 

|/*i Ave^r 

, ^ 1 » r,- *“ r> j 

Nev> Tor:<. / ' 

" is L. , Crsr 

rzi:, Italj, 

A - i v r 7 1 ’ i* r 

A • . - ^ v J ( y 

!tt arriv . 

~ it a l:-£ 

Unit-* States 

June : o, 19/ ;. 1? U- 

ts his C'..-. 

* ' t i v> ,.icv.ra ' 

/ -; - -4 - 

■ w » U 

^ he •• * a 

writer for t — 

It- X. . ••i.-.A "11 

.^ •iva n ’ 

cr, r t t 

;j court 

Xor^s Ke* lor::, I * ^ ti ‘0 + hv 

; crc.T.fcTitJ 

o .c-a f;-,5ioy ...i..'t z -.'o: 

: r c r VtOi* 1 

; f nui".::g 

I9a2 for reuse 

ctiiricn V . .W* i‘.: • "v 

■ for.: "as 

s-t txpi r, ar.ciyiot in ricclo 


prora/ynds tnc 

co ' nt in Iifelo-.' 

r-vriofii f 

: 'V-ir£ f/ » x!? ’'I 6 d- 3: 


r-a this rc- 

sltion by tie 

; wf ;tir j of the « fc. ti n. . 

rr die ir>:‘ '• 

; ov-vv >*r 

19, 1042 . 

Ac cor^in" tc l 

Ufcili la ^ ^ 

• r predi:. 

*-0 u 0 ' the fr .:t r,;* 

•.it ; <* r;s 

: c ccrtr^a 

rc c :cr + ion 

F J' oCi .. t a* , oa 

r tc h.c er...-loyert. cr-, ■ 

-. - * 

*. t* V. 1 

ot rniug so 

-.e of hi.-, f .ill O’ • " 

;.-. rcu 

C-i . 

oV.t in Lv. • 

* ' T > - 1 t r 

r. .z r^i-vrv-.c- u- ir. tni 

^ * ,■* -nr- » 

f a! " •' * ’ 

. t ' i . i •’. *.*/ ;'■• v ’ 

r ^ 

. . t ;. 

^ ',-'C 

/.t V- t: c t. vl fai’. «:•; ti ii i or : n-oUnalio . it 

considered L\“ u..c l;rii;;rcti m ..r t r. & ivrfiiiati'. .: Service cf thr . fork C- fit. of h 
I-_p t oX T ur* t i c " . 

IOO-I 63636 

Ol-’V'C-'C.-.r I.. 

• t 


:r*c Has 

V.: i.: 

■.cl p- v : 

St cr f ,: li 

,- ^ * - * - -x T -c 

i - ^ - j t. - . i- . 

Fiici: r prritcM 

t;.d va- e 

-•.ric.Tt'd ct 0 : 

:t ti 

33 r ova cor 

of Ir fir: pr 

E^.dio Static:) t 

: ;:9 Y» - s t 

57th Street, 

Tie* Ye. 2' 

m City. He 

ef 0-’.? t.t c 1 

the o-escity oi 

s&crstciy 0 / 

ti.:? Iic.liiO'. 

Soc: It 

ot p. i-ty ir- 

the ?.v>vi:.ce 

Sicily. I!*i ‘ •:■ 

bi On idc- :* .. 

- (: vith fit 


C - « ? - J f. 4. r 

. X.. *)i, ^ 

.ovec.ent ..rior 

since the n; vc 

t, Ch SCCa. :ia3 


pr-c.-y.-v- ,$ „t 

Altoouji’.; i .'"re e consider, c.1* of <ociitic:.._-L data. ovf-i Icicle re-rtrd- 

ing tV- bfcCK.;rcia'.c -::,G pres«.-;t~day : ctivities of Ciai cpv'* Lapis , it is suff-ci*r.t for 
t l .e purposes; of ti is a. mor cacti* to point out t’-t be* is presently ton alder.: u as sn 
info rc-ant of the 8*.-. Tori: Office and he 6 {.roved ia th« p/.st that .e is t very reli... !<• 
source of i:udr: ;r.‘ i: : tith respect to Italian tevivitie* in the Sc# Tork ? rea. 



The true nua of t.iia individual ia Joseph *. Ansni * ■**? %• rtridt-s ct the 
present time at 35-05 S7th Street, Jrxkeon Heirh to, Lon^ Islsa^-SUbf tort. 

On ttarcb 5, 1941 Miafrcdi wex «aploy*d &v.a r?oio anno-.acer at StatioTi-<C8W, 
346 fifitbash Avenue, Brooklyn, He* Tone, Lat«r in 19 ii he was 3.7 ii tc beer. em- 
ployed in the ease capacity by several different radio stations in t.e Net TorV. area* 

**" •*J+**<. *\- « ' -»* *V.- *t.r> '■■**■ , ’ * 



All cf his prop?*; 9 ’••ore ir. t hr It flier, Ihaj. 
sntl-Pt-sfti:' z 5a 1 -vs. 

roe t< rf r^oo.-v-* tc be ; rr-nti. * 

■•?£." uv.di ’.P O'lO 0.1 tV: inct-Vi c 5 : 1.. '. f ur 


rec . o:. ~i-y ?•;:? 

Itcli-r. Soci.iitt ?..rt; < ::e bnit.-f Ct-tes . 

irtfei with Carlo "v see tr.e o+r.wi Italia.*, Lr.-r o„J.ct i> 

ti 'mad he-r-1'. 62-6314 6J5 -l9GGx$ 91-1-1293^-4; 61-1335-319 

i_t KTiwl : ~C. Y r ’ : P. C-.* C'itii- 

Thv Jute.- li, 19* 3 iac-;s at* the Kex Ceric Tir.e.; rcfuciJ tort > .c Individ*.^ 
a r.icsk- r at ••-<> X L;:lio.;-A r . erica:, rr.lly tr.ld t Irvirv ? uoa ia Kow leov. or. 
previous wet. tin;* h- a r. tv;— 1‘cid r :• (1; to cr.~;.f r.crate t.h<. atstssi- 

. 3 . 3 Men cf Ci. sane V: i.teotti, tic oae-tia.c Icvoc.- cT t/.v Italic.*, - 'ci iiit b-cyov'* t la 
Italy; {2} v. . •'rr.v c;. r r -wi of end conc. rr. over the Free id:- ' volley <..i * , £ .illr.s 

to c 11 u; cr v-.< 
F.-scict r 1 '»* , 

to r-vo-e >:r: r-v v 

6i-$ 76 02.-& 

linl .f hie 1 iif.- 

? r 

i . , Cj 1 'flSlf P'- ti Vf T .t' V ■- I'CvC 'n' 1 ... C f. ot f* 

rally at l'i<- .. v. .Vcrv.ct ir. Pew Xor : . Cic . .-.ccc: pi 1 * C r - *.<; 

<?* acc-Jn-ctiaz t t. 'i ti*.:? «*;.i in.J.Yicv:tl ty r a .'.zas of liorcp 5 t ;,•? o--Cf= ii *..? t.-- a r .-.£ ,'irht 4 v.i i.ei ‘.ive hr. :cal\tr d c " iv-vm ' aSisult 

uoon the -t •-.•*.. of » nfr? c-i. 61-1333-349 

1 tu: ■!• <*. hisu;.':lf 

v.* : . " lr, }'il a* tr.:-r.y..:;ur •.•* •-anlooti v.-.« 

lor C-iiiCtf '1 t' * r; ._:•■■ -.v. r. ci "c cili; la t : _c' t . r t 

torn ;: t all' t •* . v tr. frMcvir..; i-dvi-M. ver:: f: :L-t : : 

: ivc &otiv'h _ c : 

V -1 > r .* . 

. . . . . „ . 

‘..■ay re, .:- corre- 

->• r ::.l ci 

j , , . a- -t 

^ r X-. I- -i-. .v * ! * W J. 

iitort ksjcfreoi 
Cor lo Trecca. 

Aifc-.rto Mi.:.‘.i.acarra 
Alt-rtu Cuotlli * 



The .*• -.'•■•rt tv. r. . .t-tc t t tha&e ia-.-ivio. cs Ktrs. "yo-r-cr. r//-, bf-i-'f. r.eiihlr 

tati-Fascic ( aor c cr* v : .c- .jc it oh. r get? the. the; k*. . la. iafo. ? or ooutic-ercss 
faotior. for t -A r :>W5 oriv- te £/. in . 

Thft erivr./.oviifi souroa further &lie^ffC in hia corotiuaicvtiv. that ft tori 
irftiii mid sco 0 tiror v . rite a articles for tac a. .,u:fr "Lt P; rola :: ir:dc-r to. poa r; i-iicc 
Joseph film.' lii’Cti oal Gollctti ir. r.r. .A. roc tr*t hcnlredi "by 

a pi rus rcon<;— bryt way La'f vtcao some of t: >, ci. ■ t ?»*• . 

On I*brir-'T.v 42, ISkZ Harifredi cocawnic* t«il vith a reprej^ rctativc- c f tf-t !!ai 
4/fcfGttXce at shic-i tiiie sdriset t :at ir* h.:E 09 .lr._Oh :hf i'ol!J>< ir.- iccivlduala 
rosjponst’vic for a number cf anon;-nou. tnrcatesinj; 1 st Ura tL^t have b««n s« nt tc 
hlB^Suring the recent pcsti 

V £>-■ 


■ -'4» •>* .. ‘ • 

* ■- ^ fSClk.* . W* V ^ 

■ w'V-, 


^ ^ 

Siuiic. / "uxi 

Lie;."' bt.lii , 

La* --’•iteno 

v*. i 4 -jv- j • v.O 

3ii.. 'liynoncite 
A.tmo Loi neto 
Lc-„.^r:' f j.'.-j? 

I^ino 'iennecchia 

C:. Fcbr-jrr/ rvj fcnnf i rdi &dvie*d the K%* Icrk Oi fie<- that he rec-evyes'it€l' > cue hanlrec letters per week, cm to ten per cent of rnicfc -ill hia 

;, viie r - a. .d or* -diet ur- 

for iuj _ t'i.v.l b. f'bi Cerlr 

Z r . fetr ■.• ;•/ 20, 1*43 •As.r.i'reii trials fiitto.-; a .,u.i*>sr of :/ e- r-fer : • ‘ at • 

thrt :r pairs ' i.thv.?r. to isf *.e - .' icr.; 0.1 ice u. •: i cc .r:a.i> to a » c t .* if-' . . v: -*•-•?>. 
dated 3c.:U . tsr 17--3 t letter s »e. t/«* -sr-itut i c t. r '• t-try t\ t: 

Net IrTv-.'Fitii Div 5 .hoa >>rat ; cover letter- <i be 7 11, i?.’ : 3 i cu~_*r t»«: . t .« 

container tnerein ?;i'-it bo cor.~,.rcd -It the *.r. to.-: j> .... tr.« Ns-t-ccai 
fcecurr t/ -r.r ^ p.ony.'.c as Lett-- r lilts tn t:.e 3'_ - • u, 


d.; Lor. • i 


Ttle inir-.vl Ora* 1 c b- c-.i ic .'r tif ied it.i an o; * re cr.t\ vtties for 

'ey — 1 : \ Frier to his c ov ' . * tc t.v tnite; fit. tea pc- a " rcocrtec 
to ft Vi U <• - < rrt-. ir. Itcty ( tout i9?-0) 1 l.-cvin^ Lee- involved in ?.t &.v.rc‘ ist 
i ties:. t to fottr.t rev-iihiioa era to bring si-cut the eve. t.u--r of the fora of 
Coverorent cci^stir t in ltd tt that time. 61-617-50; bo 200600-14; -10 

h — 


to l -. -- a. -• f -”bor ol the nlAe-i 

iCCo- W . '-cit: 

dtier.c, .. cor.rtibt.-e?. Carlo Ivetca vs os ^iicoriat-- ten active n.**r.hcr cl the an. ;. cocri- t-~. 

He c as. • . , '■ .•* •uteo t.-ticles to the *ev Jersey Italian anarchist 

peri cm leal "hUdur -. u r-h F.*ir^tUri ,, . 61-2477-22 

Boryki i- ccccriGtd st having been active in the li.-linn Social!.:! move- 
sent in It el;, and is known to have functioned is the gener 1 seer t.>r; of the Unions 
SiltQasnle, a. lcft~vtng wo.-’. c:-?ar: zaticn in Italy. As ii'diected abovo, be- was 

ISt«4 in Ivalj in 1920. This arrest was concerned «»ith rds p.m-ticinntio-, in the 

t 1 ff «*«vpation ol v- rioas factories ir* ti ct co m try. In 1?21 h* vas ac.ryaitted in 
Italian courts, cut csdr.g to the triauph vi Fascia the bfMtime he me# forced 
and has since lived in exile. 

W?*- "SV ‘V-< 3 ^r - A. z ■ **? hH- -l Mi? ;■— < - av'v-x 



Eorghi : s ;■;& anther of a bock cntt-ld ^iussolini, liob Lnd £Iec.: a . T"is 
book *a« r>u 141 an t.;e Lujlish langui-gfc in October 1931 ’oy the | reie Av bolter 
StiB»e Fubli r .i«\' vO ipuoy, Ul Vert 17 th itra-t, Her. IprM No a YorA 

Tlr ’JciVi- States Office of Censorship in^roe^t *hicr. ras prey r:d on the 

b&eis of a ?.ettvr <• rectos or. Itu-tv-icer ' 3 , lb « by & ti: . Pic Turr :oi # z -• *•** 

Fucute Alvarcr.o 43 3b, Mxicr, D, /. and eddr-- , e; c'. to 15 :. Csvalc.o i^.rar: : It-^Xsv.ark, 
«ew Jersey, reflects t>o following: ?io Turror.i, 'Ibrs L. ]*.. er.cicsva wit . hir . 

^orsaunice tion two letters thlcii be wes desire-- of :. ••^in£ lieravi .iis, tuzr. :ht tc 
*r£inic Bc.r-rb 1 . T.-.t firrt ;oicfU2'- vt* & cc onic v v:r Lte . cy Massixc S, d:ri- 


trizizLz'sd corrsuri::! el s*. 

*-.r;d if :ere:'_ ■: rt, ' uc^t : 

Kefrs'A-?.:d , ‘ lx c:*i-,r tc 

Mr ~:d to :r , iif.ii tr. 

W35 £<SJrej£t^ to ’’Ivicj 2o , ;v'i: ii . I:* thx? 


llrl.;~ Ms nt-v.r 

n -r; 


ic tj.onr 


ct..nt ccrcr.unic-. 

e r .-. 

ir> ,f L 

’;'.t?ucate L'si 

■ ' 

s ..- -u by t 

S. u 

v •: 

7. . r* 

..rep v:’. by S«1 


. - + 4 1 np 

. t V^ t o. . i Va 

* r-r 

‘ b:V-v-. r:rl-?-l: 


1 ri' 

s ; 

• ^ - V Uk- 

st'.e . „>tv-r d 3 

ir. vitc Atlucr tr Arr^vi; _^vrd ccsi^r. etc "Ststo 

Op€Tclo ,! at Wio pu« lic^ticn «hic!\ 1 *a:.x t. d im'sAcuc-o -j :k nanu 4 * 

T ;v.. -c.::or£bi> examiner in ccmr.errli-i: u ,o/i th- contents cf tne ; Icncci 

int-v: v pt ttat - * X x t,;** y.rit^x cf t,-o cov'. letter i:* :uestic^ ; /Mo 7 u-. rmi, it 
an v r ; f uvc. ■*:;*■ 'ir.f.r t *m- iriitiuds: "L * r. . r or t ' n’ine Luic i^vi Jon in 

his c^ire^pov.: . T:it. ox-: drier furt/ur pciM : i o t tr: t ,ao Bor?ii i:> a ccn- 
triovtor tc : V 1 AAl ...■ Lti !-. sr IcaU/n ^r rc; Let jj\. r :v .c* 1 •*. ' ■' , *.5‘-ed in 

•••Ice 2:rk Cl: . 6 X- 27 uO-b -220 

Cij -.. cv r 3-', to into cu-tc-.y :.y i .0 Ir^t -•: eior. t ,:l 

:>atur- litctir 1 icr\lce •uthci-itic-s cn the basis of a de.;ortatic*» otrr ; :-.t ’•hisli hae 
beta oatiti...:- sif s 192k. Tills wc.rrc.nt war. criglnc-l’ y issued or; ti ' burls of 10- 
fortet :• oa, fcv;v..-e:.*._y \a\sub. tonti&teJ, famished by tt.i 'folia: .tscsssrdc.r in. Ti&sklr.^- 
-or, D. C., v. tix • A* tenc-j ientrcl wr.^rrln t. tebss:c; or -- ; u -f^e; tot t-ot Sorjchi, an . 
IVali' •• f - -i< *.c r; j.v ync::. . n.'-c ent:r:c the 2i.t*-.d if k: ill. i -' lly. 7 - IttXUia •; 
Antas.- oacr . : that tlue ir.dio-.toci th-t Bergiii proc: tiy conn-: ?.'-: “a ,1th a boel: 
attc.c'< whic . ocou:” . 'i cn tr,. 1 1 :.ii on Cc;. sulntc jenersi i Ktv. borr: i.i l9'o . 

T>...:-e is no infer:: .tic : at h nd ct t-.r prereat tie s/lc 1 : lou. c indict t<?* the 
disposition which .t: been utdt of the deportation case (■:: by the Isr.ijretioa 

aiid .heturoli ration £t:'vica. 


?rto Ksr.tirc&or& . • 

On October '13, 1932 an individual ceaigr.aUd *■ a Albert m. JIaBgi .c: pra, a 
_ at tii« Preatyterica Labor Temple, which is also tnom jul^b% Jacrican 

International Church, 14th Street and Second Avcmue, Nsit lork CitX^.ltas iFc perteu to 
be utilizing bis church as a *aeeticy place for cqaeiunitt onions aid radical v 
organisations v v-.. . .61-7561-642 H: 

’ V* - 9 - 

./ . 

",v- r ’ , 

-W-.A -7 


;* : <e* 1 • Jv* 

On October i, 19;»2 -*n in-iivid\j?d dec ‘ • .hater; only #.3 Iicvejerd Aloerx aJasgi& [| 
M , rerorttc tc b-r s ncri:,: .-f tie Meric. .V for thr. Protleticn c.f Forei~\ 

born, 79 Flit;. Avo :.- *<t i.r. Citv. On? of vr.o cure.? tee of tn; tl Aaerio;-;r. Conuf.htee 
A or the Fron. :ctie- . tr.e rV-iyn ic:n v,s to tc.i. ri; t of ^t&lian nationals 

( on ec v— n? i-* "<.:»? " ! r.itcc Sticks a. the tia'C. tcnc,r«. e -«.r. v.'o 

IXrrc -iitonie rrs 6--> s? ; if to be c. .e« r.te-i- 0 / t.v- ;.fo:x v. V.on.n. avtt'e. 

100-1 61 551 

(to t pt'T.t'r 10, 1911 tn tncT-jnsohe cccmznic-.-ti^i was received 1- of. : 

Office sign*' . 15 a eit.dcn’ T.t. re-in Albert capra va? r sensed the r-rjc-ljsoue 

carr a a aorib t- *..ii £8 f -c 1 e cc 0*-.. event and ..c. — *-i •• t c e . — t-i ... - * f * ■. i*— > 

*'r*jsc 4 acd ^y'rlJLi fci- ts.< : ; .oee oi cr rryine o.' F"£e_r.t octiVlhj-35 in t.u -niter; 


100-1 ;-.2o5S-2 

I: !.- r.-. • r l.e.i u\ arcnyr.ous concur.! ?• tie . '<*- in-col*.’ •' .1 the 3:rer-c in 
an tr. .•clc -c- aet.-.- i- -t tec fir .*.d O.-afral f?r". lari. C\ », , ecc-nf. .. - c , I'll 

wherein ref'r.' : :% n* : ? •>!’" . Ce to the *for*ns;:ii->:. : inc.ivic.-e 1. , incl.c-i '-c i'i-n- 
airc-.;ra, heirf: /.ecvU of the- It-eliaa Seci L Or. this acoacicn t..e oerre- 

»ponci‘-nt rhe signet hi ait; If .3 "an Itclicn enclose:; «. clir,.ii. i ; frod in 

Ui.ost •: its ye of r L. Pnrols’' which dealt with setter ho rectc-d t: Htorl feanircoi by 
onr JLnya.lo C-- . v or clla. Tv. a letter to Kanfreat , vhicr. sad public :.r a in r l:. Parols 1 ’, 
eas critioi by the cnanyaora corrcsponctnt *.:d was r.ftrrt-c 1 te as Fesoift ' 


100 - 0-3596 



s ' 

JTG : *>o 

jireetor, _ 

ju'^rral 5. ? itrrnu rtf i.’.ucctigiatim. 

United § tntra Department of i/uutire 

hf . York 7 , York 

Ju ! 


f ,1_ : '-r j ' t r*-?' t" 77 V it *. 

* x — i* „ v- *-<■-’ l - -.r 1 V “*■ y 

(l.ircuu lilc ci-IwvD) 

ier Z4, 1242 


jo a r w;.r : 

an*, v. :cr; 

u u v* T C ^ t 

i Y Y‘.Y.u.:-'. 

.i w t c in.-, Jo: 
cur. L- 1 gj; n 

ini-lo-.s M i, 
■&h~u • 

i<'T . r"bt_ d . 

i — w ♦ 

; ei'cr^ao* i e r:\Yc tc yc-ur lot ter oi 7c cer.'rer }■ , i!Hc roqui "tiny 
: Yc'j'i jc c; st nc: t v the our c au a: i r * . nyr-St: r. oc. . u .i c at i j 

• >. r 1% 1 ?4i , ich al leafed ;: , TI, 

cjtkI^.YI-gIII -t rc fascist coles. ;hi.; urcnum^ :: cc;:r:u cY;ati on 
\L *. rued ;.cro..ith Ihr the ih’r batora^ry r.o tlu.s tic ham rirtiny 
red -it:, that contained ire the aii^r\T..aus leone; -it h :hc 

n.“ ..hich run rrec to i referei cc letter* _t io r-^uejtcJ 
c t u t i c cc y o Y coo h o i th c o e- t v.c- n v , ojv^ou s c on a i i.i o at \ n o be 
oh _• -*o v - o rr hi aid cf 15. c c- to r ‘ ruC* c i on in its nr.r r c *. r 1 ate 


a V 


L Cl w , u; 

in. 1 ; 

x *■ - * * - ~ - - 

r.ot * r me*. 

or r:’. oh. 

ir v, ii.en th 
otu. . ; a: 

_ . , - T . . r , 

,o:.e i 

it 1 -? c 

»» j. gu a x < 

"At t; Tecljiicul Geo ri. tc ry 
Hij; triKUO-T. .' eJ^CTS 
<v y - ; tatio:; XfOlv. u . . y.jia. :r: y 

j.J v yr '.v I- Giu scprcMuiania - complainant. 

7 , 0:/ '- ■ ams- irsa consot - :• 

G t w "t i i '. ^ ’1 ^ u u *1 . . ■ j 


orr rc-cciv- 1 h- pte 

* r Id, 

* c JCc .. o ^ _C a ll «' •-' 

► It could 

'.i de V.y th* anorrn:^ 

ns sen er 

a description of t 

he ir^G'n cr 

i c 1 o s i n ■ a no r.yr i? o o 

luhtnr ^ 

cc;i: •• 

:s cap!. zoned 


• ( • - 

j. riOG laado oi iiii'ornmntl 
reilecteu tho.t tliey knev. ol no Italian voirr umot o hou th© 

ktt^npt to indicate . 

r v *” it i- timt the Ft ± laboratory 



p «*• 



' v 



Laboratory Work Sheet 

Re: Carlo Treses . ^ r . , 

Internal Security (I) s/ 1 I ) r v La "b. # v*10459 

r.y[r x A r% 


Examination requested by: Hew York 100-9744 

Date of reference communication: Letter 12/24/43 Date received: 12/27/43 

7 P 

Examination requested: Document 

1 File # 161-1335-357 
C i\} Lab. fr MS-10459 

Result of Examination: 

Examination by: Oray 

tezy , , 

# <2, i ■ <-.* -f jfcr, ' ic^ — . uw <? * ■ ^ v< " 

Kp^’^ Specimens suomitted for examination ^ 

Z^TJZTZ o - >- 

Q12 One anonymous letter h Sprinted in ink be ginning "Deer Sir, This is to 
inform you than the ~~\rY~~ f gl +-*- iu-' - • ->* 

013 One newsnaper clippingt^LA PAP.OLA tiLj>^c ^ kfi^ojr4Alc \ 

014 One sheet ofpager h gfrdwri frten in pencil . a' -♦ 1 

Q15 Cbe^lr e^^oi c ^el^n^Syrl t«5Sa\ in pencil beginning ’^Gne of the O-V-P-A — tt ./ 

K1 Two sheet^of a letter^c rAtton-in ink wiAei i O ' the purported jia ndwriting ^x^ 
of Ettore Manfredi. ' V ^ W^-24^ /5 vf^-X. A.- / 

K1 Two sheet^of a letter^ 
of Ettore Manfredi. 

MCTE: Requested a phctost&tic copy of each tf ^PesetrT* < irvS^£ou^ c omrroni cali wf s 

be forwarded to the flew lork F. O. 



r>. >** 


. .A 


•* •«** 

■ ,i >ivV 
:. V Vy x 


Mr . Tot non 

Mr. E. A. Tarir- 


Mr. Coffey 

Mr, Glavin 

Mr. Ladd 

Mr. N ; ehols 

Mr. Roaen 

Mr j'Tracy, 

Mri Acen 

Mi» C*r«oa 



Mr> st tAwr<Uoify 

Mr v Qu ion Tamm— 

Mr : '■Naase 


Report f y -10459 

»i*9» . 

L- 4 “ 

A * 


Laboratory Work Sheet 

^Xd-X.- m-tJ 


I - N°> 

/ ' A - f 

✓ 1 y\r 

File #//- 
Lab. # ^ 

Examination requested by:^?/ & 

Date of reference communication: 
Examination requested: 

Result of Examination: 

c ip ./P ^<y r . 

Q/4 -9 - /4.VS. 

Date received: ' 

Examination by: 

Specimens submitted for examine t:.on 


+* %< : 
-w ■ 


*V J v ~V ; ' ~ > 


vfj-lT .. vi 



"jf - " Recorded ■" 
Document F.D.-, 

" V' 


Laboratory To rk Sheet 


Be : Carlo Treses 

Internal Security (1) 



File # 


Lab. #• "D-10459 

Examination requested by: b'err ^ork 100-9744 

Date of reference communication: Letter 12 / 24/43 Date received: 12 / 27/43 

Examination requested: Document ' 

Result of Examination: Examination by: " f ^’ , ’ ri y 

J¥.(3 , fta, /]€ 

Sfi&A, chsnA* & J ( Tj 

Jy'iOtii ■■TjQ' LdUswX tAU) 

Specimens submitted for examination 

Qp2 One anonymous letter handprinted in ink beginning ''Dear Sir, This is to 
. inform you than the — " 

Q13 One newspaper clipping "LA PAKGLA — CHIU ADO, ill.," than ruorked in ink 
"WuSSOLlKI m. CCftTA PHP| other side “I'CPBJICHE Dj 2 — n . 

<H4 Che sheet of paper handwritten in pencil beginning ° Jokes aside the — *• 

Q15 One sheet of paper handwritten in pencil beginning "Che of the O-VrS-A — 

* i . ■ r 

£1 Tro uhect of a letter ■written in ink wi.ic is tlie purported handwriting 
of Ettare Uanfredi. 

- NOTE* Requested a photostatic copy of each of these two anonymous ccrasuni cations 
be forwarded to tho hew Lark ?• 0, 

l/i£ 0 t'r i 

W4- $ 3 s/ r V 

- ■y;"tr ti X U 
/ ’ • 



LIFT £ o 'R f ' & ^ 

i/i/ ir A v 


/ / 

t IITT E 0 /' & M E f? I iL 

?J _ 

b- \aj-c-a i/-*v 


^ 5 /? 

^cZiZc^ — 

rr./T a ■'< '3 /-* ^ '> « ^ 

4) f jfW'M'H 

Jf ' a f Syu 3&&***- <f^9, - 

~z. ~z> 

„ W-Ea 

< ; - ***5* 1 ■ 




•:- f 
: •> * 

A • ' ■*» 

Ov. y* 
;V vf 


i ^ . . -. 

. 7 :«t : V: 

■P . - 


**J#'ir» ,r ^ 

\t - - 


J C'J 

/ • 

6#/'^ %^ ULi 
l-j no 5AM 7 

'~t/LC //■ O.N\- 



I' A Lz- 5 a_F fiTA/^7 r us A art 

Ak-lo ft} cA^r 

Ur/0 , 
.&> Scrivh 


£ // 

V& E>£GU Ae-^/V b^ Ll '%)? &AF a - sc isfkj il&uMz 

0/3 -ki (\^--3z 4> (r ^ j : 

yfL s>RhB0t/k! o quA^KEIh MwFfo pi 

u miy 


ki ;* . 

qiULiO /y/W H / c A A 
/3 Li & /V QiOS A ~ P 

A /v 


V & /Y X 
H h i/i ft 



File f' 10 ^ ~ 

Lab. # T> / 0 ^ i“*r 

Examination requested by: 

Date of reference cozt'r.unic&tion: 
Examination requested: 

Result 0: Examination: 

(4 ? 

^./ V 77 gm - <u s- 

{? *' 


Date receivea: ; 

Examination t>y : 

i • 

! i 

r, fi 



? / £> 0/ C p 

* 'V ' 

s 4< X? /P5 / K/T 




Laboratory Report 


Lab .it ‘ / .» ' • 

I;.i- ; I : 

‘ X ( ) 

' -'0 ' r ‘ 

Examination requested by: 

Beference : 

Examination requ 

; requeste!?^' / 

100-77 4 


or. <.i.3 l.~ h « . . , nr’ntt*» in >. . be :L.v.L*:/' r ■* r. 7. : 

7- ro • .• rr cli . . in,, LVo. £ V» or. tit.' , o 

sj4 0 •-!.■. v ’ p :• <r.uv’' -r 5 :'n p ‘.cu i v r; _‘c. r ~ t o part 

i *lvvV‘. 

Oi * n> neb iT p.'i’vr bo* rln ». t’n* cnvc!.o;.-c tr..ieh thry ir.nil-:- 1 -;u . ..j 

*• tirii in pencil hc-c 4 min £ "Car of the 0-7-0-.'— • 

JQ, T»x sheet? of u letter boarinj the envelope In itiif V t? _y *cr» rxilcd betrir^j 
t .<■ pvu*p-. rted. handwriting of bttoreV <snfr edi « 

muLT • v 5r.- , rrrr.< 

I* \.T.a c. nclufiod tiiat ' ttore l-Ianfrc.'iL, 11, prepe: od n-if-.rr th? Jr.ndpr- .*.5.a-5 
or, M u LcWru mc:»< .pnetart ( 5 yxm;’’ Cl 3 nr:* the hru.rlrri tin; • - C14 r-nO CIS 

Tt fitter concluded thst the irdlvid-iul vo.c poop .-v:d the > nndprirtlrsj or. 

Mb tuxi 715 did rot nrepnre tho invir’rri ntir. : ; o-: Q5 tr.rc--n C13, all of which xac ^..^7' 

pr*'car«'’. >y one iixiividufll. 

i. 3 pc/— ^ Th’.- 'land.irintii^ anrt hKuSwritir.r on 714 *sid 415 vcro'adrrr'ed t conrh the 

'ocurii;- "ili/bit nc iflenti flea tic l war. ap-ropri air* phctcjTJpMe 

. ^jgy r ^ *« _yr- J- gir* added tc this fit* for future cor.p&riedrs • j , J 1 .. •*a 

,c5^3^ tibbi’utoeTii j } l 


: . „<.• 

7t/r n ^ b -b i- 1 • 

(obnilOT^^wei/ p?&) 

:. iri544S;i 

^^44% 3 a/\M 2TB4V-: ■• ’ ’ .■•■■> 

V Ki 

' * 

' l ! . 

-\. ">v. v 


JFcJjcral iUitrrntt of inucstijjtilicn 

IhiifrD f tntra Drjmrimrnt nf mistier 

New York 7, N-v/ York 



Director, F3I 



Eureau File No. 51-1335 




Dear Sir: 


T an enclosing horev/ibh a specimen of the hand- r in' 
/ writing of Giuseppe rhudi, v;hich v/ac obtained at the JJafrcsara 
for the criminally incanoe at Beacon, Ecv; York. Ec further 
handprinting and handwriting of Eudi could be obtained as h 
furnish then# This specimen is be in- enclosed in an envelo; 
A f< # Inforr/ntion obtained re^ardinj the ^ase history of ’dud 
previously forwarded to the Bureau and consequently is not 

;ir -2 and hcnd- 
n State "ospifcal 
upocinonc of the 
* refused to 
3 marked 11 Exhibit 
. is similar to that 
;eir.£ repeated# 

1 I ar. also enclosing harovdth in an envelope marked "Exhibit B", a 

; letter in the handwriting of Giuseppe l»udi which was obtained from his brother, 

i RaffacIoU^udi * 

1 \ 

^ In ari envelope rcsrkod "Exhibit C", I arc enclosing r. pest 

handprinting '•nd a carbon copy of a letter which v/oro furni-ked by 


In an envelope imrke^J|ExhlbitD|^^aj^enclosinr a nuriber cf anonymous 
communications by Among these 

two pose cards and two signed "O.R.". Cne cf the 

cacniunicatic xc forwarded and enclosed in the envelope rrnrked 

"Exhibit D" is obscene and i^o^n^put in a separate envelope and properly 

“ I , , Ctb&s-zzq 

During a checl; of the indices it the New York Field Office it was 
ascertained that George\ i£ink is the subject of an Interna.! Security case and 
that he is carried as a key figure by the New York Office; also*, that his 
"^whereabouts has been sought for several years, l&nk was arrestcch^^lMS ii 
Denmark for espionage activities and is reportedly an agent cf tJajr.G.pi 1 

Information received from a confidential source known to 
-ihai-jGeorge Nink to 3 possibly involved in the murder of Cal' 
attention is directed to the report of Special Agent 
this office entitled "GEOROE MINK, with aliases; IBY 
dated January 13, 1945. A review of this case file 
complete picture of the background ofjBeorge liink. * 

Bureau reflected 
Lo Tresca. sour 
Arthur E. Donley of 

LI give you a 

f>9. * 

//A’ /V • 

z^sr - : .^sssssr 

NY 10C-S744 
Let .- : >ur. 



Pursuant to a lea^irthe aforementioned report. Special Agent 
contacted Inspector^^^^^HHflflMfljj^HV of the Kew York Police Depart- 
ment on December 14, 1943 whether the ' T ew York Toiice 

Department "as seeking George kink as tho murderer of Carlo fresca and, 
secondly, whether the l!ew Yor^Polico Department hue?; the present v;horoabouts 
of Goorgo Mink, Inspector has been very cooperative with the 

Mew York Office, referred A to Assistant New York District Attorney 
Louis Fagnucco who is handling th^CfU-io Tresca murder case. Mr. Pagnucco 
was informed that tho Bureau is interested in Kink purely from an internal 
<• ) security standpoint. The District Attorney expressed a desire to cooperate 
^ | with this office and advised that the Hew York Police Department was not 
! | ■ seeking George kink as the murderer of Carlo Yrosca. He stated that at the 
'time of the murder, several angles were considered which night haw led vo 
\' jthe murderer, he stated that one possibility was a political angle and in 
V ■ this respect the name of George kink came into ahe picture. Be assorted that 
« jhe was convinced that George link was not the murderer anc. that the Communist 
.? ^ Party had nothing to co with it. 

> ■ , - 

& W\ l by ancth 

; : Lip sir . 

»7heu pressed further for his reasons he did net give a satisfactory 
answer but indicated that his decision had depended on information developed 
tuer Assistant District Attorney working urder him by the nano of E. 
kr. Fagnucco advised that the New York Folice Department had no idea 
of kink’s whereabout-.; that furthermore if Mink were located he, Fagnucco, 
would be interested in interviewing Mr. concerning the case but on]y as a 
routine lep.d. Ho asserted that the Police Department at the present timo 
was tiyiug to trace the ownership of the car in which the murderer was driving 
at the time of the crime and that he, Fagnucco, believed that he might 
ultimately locate the murderer by tracing this car and therefore he was 
emphasizing, this angle over all other possibilities. 

Assistant District Attorney E. Lipsky vra.G interviewed on the same 
date by Agent^l^l^^in order to determine the basis for Mr* Lipsky* s decision 
that George Mink and the Communist Party were not implicated in the crime* 
kr. Lipsky advisod that he was never able to locate George Mink. In describing 
(the background of kink he had no hesitation in saying that he derived his 
jinfonaation from reading suoh books as "I Corneas’* and H ; Te Accuse”. He stated 
,‘that he made a few inquiries, narooly of ons 

- 2 - 




KY 100-9744 
Let. -Bur. 

subsequently contacted by Specii&l Agent 
with negative results. He, too, was familiar with the background of Mini: but 
had no idea of his current activities O’* whereabouts and expressed the opinion 
that Mink wai either in this country or in South America* 


Efforts were made to locate 
negative results# 

ITo contact has been made wit 

ht the listed address, with 

1 , 99 *. **«.\*9 > « . c oncoming Coerce *^in«z 
because Gitlow has been contacted on se^ra^ occasions by agents of this office 
and his knowledge of Communistic activities seems to be stictly limited to 
past activities which have beer, described in hi3 book# Agones ' 

Communist work also have nade the same observations concerning! 
and therefore no further 'investigation is anticipated to locate 
whereabouts at this time* 

From th^jature qC the conversation with Hr. Lipsky it appeared to 
Special Agend^HHH that'll sistant District Attorney had only mads casual 
inquiries concerning the whereabouts of kink and that he hrd not nudo a 
detailed investigation to determine if link was actually connected with the 
Carlo Iresca case# 

It is believed that there may be further specimens cf the handprinting 
or handwriting of "O.R." available in Lew York. As soon as such arc obtained 
> they will be forwarded to the FBI Laboratory. In the event the Laboratory 
CjsXi gr fi .1 it advisable that any of the communications eigne - 4 "O.R. n be shown to 
for identification, this will be done. However, no stops in this directior 
1" be taken unless instructions are received from the Laboratory. 


Very truly yours. 

C a - 



co-NY 10049695 

• 5 — 



Mr. Tolaoo 

Mr. E. A. Tamm- 

Mr. Cicgg 

Mr. Coffey 

Mr. G lav in 

Mr. Ladd 

Mr. Nichola 
Mr. Ro«en_ 

/ ■ 




■ t' 

3-cderaI fihtmut nf InueBtigatioit 
United §tatra ^Department of Justice 
Ulaalfington, D. (£. 

'~~ J ' H, - V:? 

/ ' 



r.!i'=-ivo i.. ?.:.o cvvw.: o\-.: v 

■; ;c± - l co..:\\unica ~.ori . ,-io.i ci/-:' 

i / ■ 

i.'i ■ ► ‘.iH- ' 2‘ i . . " * ' " 1 - vl oj , i Ul 1 i . *\ . u*: ’ Miss O^r y ^ 

1 ‘j 1 ' '■> ^ .. ;C- 1. i- 1 : •! i-;xi cty j‘. ?! * 1 n nur;i;:.rJo c:.‘ : v y • ;:, t ; y d. 

■ c ; yjn / 

^ / 

iv: •: ' ! j ? * ■. ii c r f j' rc /; ^ • i ’.'.im. * V; ; - ;■ 


v . •* • 


WJi . 


' l r 

r ■ . t 

rti r . 

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i ' \ v : f ► 


. S- • . 

' . . cbf - 1 i 




i rr.c y _ 


* r i r ? 


f- r r s o T: 

Mr . 

ri r 

T ■ . * • fj 


* ' urn " .'i r 

Mr . 

• ^ ' 


0 u i r r. 


(' . PvC on, 



*■ P>pal r. 


S 0-7 - 

- + 

j:i / 

V - 

. _ J O-Ii - 

^ C- 1 " r**' t 1 • 

•i j r j. 

■ " ■. l i-.- 

. .13 : . 





r t ; j_'j r * # 1 
ovr y ;i 
■ < A c\ r/a* c 
V r, 1 ', 'H- ' 

.. y:v;:> r . ■*:. t.-cn o:.' *.♦ . ury-;. - c- _ 

V 1 a: \>y :,e ' ; ureaii an n 4 :0:,y '. t* 

i v. v 'j tS : , Orsriirr.i *n* !.sc- 

- V ' 11 - • < * . : i .■ n rd'*r*..l ;*• j 

:: : 1 j.-J- *i,>. . 

u . ;v. cii .. r.j 

o_ . . j — 






ifrhrral Surrnu ot i'uucsti»wtC»« 
lluitrl* *tatrs Department of iluatirr 

fflashmgtpu, D. CC. 

January 1, IV 4 4 




/ ” 

r/": Carlo Tresca 

.u.*. iotK > 

}£r . L. A. Tamc:^ 

M v . Clef c 

M r , Co H e y 

Mr. Gj^vin { > . ^ 

•Jr. ^ 

Mr. Nichols 

Mr. Rosen 

Mr. Trac?:; 

Mr. Acers 

Mr. Carbon 

Mr. Harbo 

r. Heudoa 

Mr. Mu:uf grd 

Mr. Starke 

Mr. Quint Tama 

Tole. Keen 

Mr. Nenie 

Miss Be&ha 

Miss Candy j 

pr ; £ :: r f. cc is 7.ici»i c *t o a or an durn to you fron !r. ♦ u Miss Gandy, 

dated Uecer. _r 1?, 1-543 xi: which it was requested that t:; 3 

anonymous letter appo.J'ing in file 10C-C-P596 be coup vest .:it^ *_ T 

th^ sr'onvnciMJ l^i-b ?r previously sunriitTod. in tfCixc c^isc ar/. me. .*o* i 
in the Laboratory as 65, 26 and 27. Photographic copies - re race c-f 
the aror.ymcus letter in file 100-0-8596 and are described as foil?' s. 

QC-1 I';'oro?i’i >i.ic cc >■- of an anonymous letter handprinted ir. .M tc 

: '}‘.><iernl Bureru Investigation, V: A >hT vr ?T0 > 11 postwar Sr" ri "i'ew Vtr'r 

p< c . lv 3P' 1941". 

QC9 Photo 1 " raphic cccy of a sheet of a handprinted letter oegimii.g 
**i t- 7 italia pi 1 Lrqono nozzle — 

qotq . otofra >hic copy of caper clinpi >■••■' with neada •*- ~ '■ 

and beginning "tone il T5.icc Tratt — 

QC11 Photoyr.V’hic copy of a piece of paper beginri nr; "Otters 'Aanfrcdi is 

far. cist ::p;. r engaged — 

Also submitted were two photographic copies of translation fro-: the 

yy c->nclnd°- that the handprira-inf, on tie li'-ied C ove 
as f- thro ~n Qhll ras rrepared by the individual whe prep. ‘.red the hand- 
printing on 05 through 27, previously submitted in this cam. 

Appropriate copies of QC8 through QCll have been rece for the completion 
of th r Laboratory's files inasmuch as the original anonymous letter is being 
retained in the Bureau file. 


. - 1 

• r ^ 

. A» Aip^l 

A 1 - 

5 I 1944 

•• 6(- ~2 


; U’ r.-.U 01 : V F^'i. r c. • 

Laboratory Work She - 1. 

p e ; Carle Trec-ca 

File # • 61-1335 
Lab. H ’ D-10155 

V '■< 



- L/ * • U ^ 

Vrf^ ^ 

I > 7 f 

O'.J. - 

J/ M' - 

Examination rsqujStGd ty i Keno Tor — r# Ooffey frem !!r. D." • Ladd 

Ea t' c of rsforcnco cororuuniCutioru 12/15/43 ^ * 12/^0/-»3 

Examination request 3d: uoc. 

Ess u It of oxon.:n.:tion. 


* a i r , 

l M Y/ ^ 


Soecinens subciitt ei for mat-ic;: 

_ toj €tte* sr.enyrous letter handprinted in Ink to "Federal Bureau Investigation, 7ABH 1 
^^ostr.arked"' 1 ^..' York Dec 19 3PM 1941". 

sheet of a handprinted letter beginning "Dali Italia gi7.1ngcnc rooizie ". 
•^(ICCv'C? paper clipping with heading "L’OPBJICYZ DEI" and beginning "Cone il Puce Tratta — 
, i, 3.1 One pi-:ce of paper beginning " Ettore Kanfredi is a fascist spy engager: — *• 
a^. ■% 


i - 

'7 cr if tr /) (3 O L k W ^ u ' ^ ! Vl 

8 ‘5 3 Li 2 1 1 • ' -S 

Ff F A -& o L 

& ' s. 3 L > 2 h l S 

isv a. T 7 / 

i/ *i 



V 0 

\ x 

iA i-ttc 

T - 

X ■ 





WASi;*i'i'3TC : C-. C. Wrttfrwil, V.»- 


V "Q-oTt cf the h 
•3 r' ^ 1 v^ti on -fc* 

"c>r 7 * cn I s .,' a:^.n! T a: 

v __ ,. \ 


' v f ’’ct 

IrX crv -. 1 ' I 


F Hi i r.j. 
i.AK t ILL f. 

Ya-..rt f- .i ‘- n: 

?M. a ^ 

’= n *: , U'~7, U4:f 

1 -V *V 

E* 1 'l 4 l' s 

r>..|. \ t 

Ey^n^.;:iiior. r,vie*i 

i.iH'ns: i * 

"c Tt'T* 


*;f » vrlr. ;•$ vLV fcsir.ftvrltt®» pz-’roa* $®u* iw-.riJ *•• ‘ lea - 

.rj*,* ■ v T-r'- . '• '.«* setr.‘ w : "t l*’ to, *'*» v , v&t\ ' ~ 

rr , -r’** V.p return ruMr^cr or. th« pprrrrs *i . .? *LrrrJ •<.*** * 

?*it> *- *o -or Ltr' 'V» VorJc** (in* th* °ccor\'*n;'iiv; lr»ttfr c' ieJ 

•Cent:".* Itlir K«*l •>:?“ fesgiRrisg “to TstoiNJ.. Lc-i iRwt^y.C* rto 

>6t- \ ,-•• m* *7/ JL 


2kL 2 ;«IT A - ios-w.lcaiioni furslaUkt >y T‘Uot* :onfr«<U (.-'or 

; ^y qj^l postal card with iypc»rittan addr*** •••*•" snotteMfcc A f 

lor. ~ 2 •* i9V lOJTl: ^ | ... / vl" * / J 

•rS !?= 1 i ->r '- •' ^ ' 

•v. ™sr — ; - 1 “ . • .•'.uii'CHT or w»wit j ~ ^ r -i v \ f i'- ' 

: k r«v;kjh r ---Tr— .-r~T J.i Ik (Jo&tiT.C4i /^rV 

, ,]>:•■ , ~j ■ •- - - 0 jti 

. w;- ; cs-^-'r* ^ 

-■■•» ..•.*?•" ^ r *rv*T^ r ^ 


' r * t ■ m0 : '■> * '** - >T " :** ^ ’* 


» . r\, :. ?» i’cy 1;> 2 - JV the >.'2-3, x V 'irvliv: 

j**~ a 

W « jj v . ^ . * « * * i 

:;* -rsfV.1 card vl; : t.*r.d*vitt©s v ! r«"-n ”••'•- •'•-?*•'- I l-'-’t.A *•*• 

;«at' i Tor!:, r» T, 1*5 r * '.f 25 4i3Tf rT'% the, aae';&'* bettor lsfc 

■CAi* *, ^ _ J 

C^l Cii* p ' ** il vith hfin^ ' l T. c --72v..- . Uil “I* • * » ► r p2C'.‘» 

ru*t?« “”ftv Yet*:, T. Avr ^5 L:ro 7 ; t>-.« r«*efl* \«S>;r.ltz 

:t vlVo*...*. . 1 

Cjzi 7.9 ormlopo typewrdttsn itd'reae H Tot rttor* rajifredi.***’ T'O-*-- 
aM'kc J . ! '”r.ion -ity v**,t 4 1~ y. o # .%* uni Ws a.JsorprBjrla’ Vx- 
P*.^e let to-* 1 ? ‘ •rzJ^vr-.o fifllo, .».'’• 

7,2* 'r.e portal c-*vl irl fch hr’ridvfxitt.en . '.’rf'C'’ * > Ot tc « . ■ ’’ 

•■ rnA. 

T. Vr-.r ' 

*v lit 30 ;• 3 . 

r«- ;» - * - 
; v. \? 



V If* 

*'Tv pen cl. 

b'T-. • » • • 



Vlth t— 


rvlirern *r:4 

* r9*'w- 

I **^1 

“<-» •’. Y. 

?.7 r. 

- :; f jvr, 

the ~;r.’ 

r . ■ , i> 1>©:I 



v -ovln-'.,. 


««• • 

■' nr> r 

’ t*. hor.4*T 


'r-a - » t ’1 ? 

A.rfr '*?. * ; 

-A ^ f 

•* • > 


1 V*' g 0 

v . Cpji 12 

r; ^ i 

: •: * nr.t -:. • 

tvr v 

4 -af / 

■ tv ' 

rctt; .* > 9 .--?.n-lrc ** fti voccMo osn^-lde. *.* i '* 

^46 -'rr? f v*^ 1 ot /1 vl» 5 . h.livV'T'ltteo c : : 7 '-* 3 *' n ?“. s . • < ’’’ .'.'■ r '!»«*. ’ -i 

“.‘ c'-' ; « r>b 5 5 - l"‘ nni tl.3 cw»T. v r; !-n- c^.* 

<^»? .'-•se er/ol©** vUh hattv- fitter. rJ .T 3 B*: ■;**:?• 3 . Ytaf :*: ... l * 

"Vfw Trr'c* Y. r«c la 5 - i’a 1C-&* ftesep: arjia* h.xr ‘•/rlU-'.r. lntt;: 

"This little ?:oVs ie*... 1 ' ant u ?\z* tp w>*.U*; 


■,.;v L «.9 ^nrsiopft vi'i’t hrji^snitttn r..i :r? 3 P *.*?. -• llrr'rt-l#.*. 3 ' 

» \>v * orl*«* !*# .. IrslO 5 - .**{' 1 ' !'• w.l rt3.r>'T'r_ir , « , pScturi : ^st a .rd 

rr.,\ t y.vlttf- li:r‘../ ? K^l'sntn'* '"'cc^ In rrowr....'’* c; 

C~'*' nf ■p*' '”. lr. orJ^iPfCi*, } 

t*» c n?»lo .:-3 v:th 1 jndvrltt^n r.*' -.^a* - ttore i,r*vfrp- , 'i 

•<»’xd “Ip • J» ^rr 2T> < 1 20 I* ; 

■rr ' rr tA*. t.^ovrJtteii tt'-droa* t© *' t-tore y*.*:fr9di*.* b 7*0''^ 

•*;-ev *' -rk, l’* f'hy' X4 5*50 r?r 1 043 *, sir?? t/tr Vrrt •esort. 1 ., r--I ^ :•?**> 
~-‘>nyi <-. 3 letter bsc’RMV! B Ccntcnt r -r« 1« Vx....*. 

41 : -'3 C'jl edtreered |n "Iv.nfMdl* rtvore. .. r vit*; the 

«-• r » rt-;cslte f* . f «liew l v r>, J‘. v . ri •■' - :;■ ?.•' ** *• 4 

Cyy v r5th hnndwrlttr.n oc^reer* H , . , — jc , - -TV-ed £ 

-l ev \r.T-.\ A V* V* ’*rr 2 10I25C PM 1913* and r^eo*p* > -j.'iiv; lett-f beslurAr^ 
•'Clttrr'erto ItrUn-io.,, ,*"* 

t 5»3 »t)« envelope vith fwndvrlttftrv rdr'.n»»e •‘^r. 7 !ttor r^st*af.,r^Bc. 

"Pj.grV-'i j: # y, 4 6 • ffl 1*5 V cad ncc^rr</ia r pft/r'* 5 
r;lnjtia': ‘'Cnr© rl^r Par© 

CJV\ >ine envelnpa vlth h«4vrrltt*n adfr#*e r, r. l anfi^dA*.,* ©stanr,*! 

••/t-v •*. Pbb JJS *»?<) TK 194V w*3 ftocorp*a? f tr^ hr-ad'-rltten letter 

*o j >r.r 1 coni..*.*** 

CJ 3 B •> 1 * '-yMitrO. enrd wltH hnndvrltt*r. e.ddre»s ff ir. hat'iro ‘•^-.Ir^dl Allegro... 
poitrc?k*4 *: !V» 1’orfc, r. r, f-V <16- r:: 19>:s» and Aha res^ - ho-Awdac 

'Care » *. I * 


Itbomtory Banort fO 11430 

(C©Rtlnu©4 t>nt i wja) 

< - 

iff Ua Ctrr-> with iifct *.:jres: li: j»rcil n V? m 2 * !.«a*rr . 2 .*.,** 

*Trv Tsrr, IT, Y, Ty -':S) :K 1'XC* o.nd tha nm ting 

a ^icci«*i dl CO.*?. iOO£t* ••»,*• I 

r^7 *>.3 c . .i-lni* vlth hrr.dvrittet nddrees to •v.lle&rr V*»her.1* St* •»* 
poet' «t!tr J r. ,% ! f .-c 10 A S~Q IT IW 5 Rftd r'^atrxtu* 5 -. ; U?3 

.-<< 1 / itrr Iv-^irnirg Y%llo t.lcnin'e* '.doh 0 I. ; piets** of c- lort'd 

7 * 

r *•>*£_ 

•y<* •%**». \ f^-'i vith tti-svrlttiu *vVJretr : I r, HHor* *>jafre 
rest* » V ' * • •>:'•, *• T, IS-*:. .»;■ •? 31 V - MV urd : v e sa?* * Vr, frying 

""n rn? (cp^r It re 

■;.35 c «-5 f'r.vriPj.e with hen:! -Titter. e* s*ei w to ttore »:.'• .Credi.,.,* j*ft:rrfc»4 
•*>'.? v r> .7, ( v r 10 6i30 2!'« 154'V* isr.rt t-.cgo^ar^dn-: letter 'winning 

Tr<t~:.i j5rer&, 

j^P : rt#* Vtv.a mvoiore with hmdwittrn eddrsr.*? "Ittoro tVxfyedl...** rttusu&ti 
« <v* Vf.rJr, Y. Tor Of V • 1 ?>•*?" nr i '■acos^rr.;*:? : dvpewr.l wtnr. latter 

H V.-* ,.vr‘' '•», « 

, v',,r. * . <" *• ^ ^ 

**•1 - crv'lcre v/J th htrdvrltten ad"-r»«s n ' 7 c-. :r»vSc --Vv ‘ 

York, , Y*. x*:r, 14 £% - !h 10dlY : T'l tec^vmtyinc 1» t*; ’c‘-s 

J. * ft ft • « • 

(.*.*> f-rvldve trjth Ntrdvrit ’-et r * r? s* p ' r T-rtfr'd'*.. . * r.c-* ' "■■ rkr:‘ Yo'ir.S 

’-Vrr 1 . V, ’ rr- «i Btv^ :i 1543 '* eeeo^fjtesdtg V . T-ritt* :i ie*ltr 
Itjilii'tr.-* -:; ni. reroonr,,,. J , 

,v» ■ n rlc.'C vi t v . hsr:dvrlt.*r- sr 'zesr ’’Ittcra r> 1 

'. rot ", v, & if?45 leo l.o 3.1 - and ejecoir •: .. -ir * 

*'.Te. ’ . •• ’ STi'.xiQ t;T'»r 

..r.e ".. th Yrnivri't-n p '^er tf-ra !‘’-r 'r 1 ' vftrtrr.f’*;,' i 

*• av :x ?»••?,* Y„ ;-.r.r if? (S » :v iy- * »#lth IT '-;Yr It ttejr ' O.. *;.f> fiftse 
r.’* v-ojr-fAd^ln* letter V'-’imln;; s 3enf.iier . . t, » 

/,*, . » 1. '♦•:•.?» ycat c rd ttm > ’-ttarr ' :r t S', e ti *. »•• ’ 

^•‘r 'i ’iJJ °.>'* Yor:- r r, V, r*r ’ 6 - i'V 35'to” t v e rortrr^e V-’IstbIt.y 
1 ■ "Btf - 

<>n* - entrT card tc “Ittore ItrJvTrril,,,." ; ^etcarl’f ^ *'ptt Terr, r* V, 
fV;* 1 '* 5130 *.!' 

-j4? '“t*» 9 r--elcr« with r-' ’race *>r 2 - ;'oj£fr- 4 di,,.." 

Ter^t ’* V, “ at" c- r v»r ;:ctyl:- ; tvo 7 *^ letl-.r '• • •\r n Ar . >; ltl y& 

t-rl^■<rrte,,,,* ,, • v '* 

■■.fiZ er -^lo-r vith hrjsdvrltten ad-dr*** *2, ‘•rttfred ?,*,.* 1 p 9 «t.tarhed ’•''••.iMa?, 
r, T, 1943 Fey C ? - JT" end «cocr Rrritv: latter “tv S« tron,,,*, 

04^ r.e er.*»lc 7 e v!tlt h^dwrittea nd-ree* “M lr,’;rr> T:- »•»'»- tdo,*, 1 ' 7 * 0 * t rerY»d 
• a*r-lc *, J, t'AT rid 4:30 FT ? 1043* *td •ncl-T.el pro n pled- of peper 
Hftrlr-jff harrtwltirs «id 1 < ploeer of r*per bjr.rlag rictur^e of anltv.7 *. 
r £C? («• o-velop* vlth hitnAvritten a' dr res # r.?l*<TO ooatmried 

l' # J, Try 17 Tj 30 ??} !<«:?• aad l'it >r ->e;;lnjila5 

"7o r>p*t po**3 fore,,#,*# 

’'^Pl One 7 *ict«re pert etwrA pestcarice? * , 'T*u York, I*. 7* fcsy_lB 4 — 1943* t» 

*.% ri^nfredl,,.,*, the t»***re H-tsslac f ’ 0 a-.o Ten-iM,...,* 1 . 

roatal card with typewritten address ■Ya^abcndtiBeAie*,,. * rortmjteed 

Page. 3 ■ 

l^hamtory Report 11436 

•j"- (Cottlnnel 


. v •, * 

• v » 

r J i r 4Mh m 

*r -<!.'■ JY*. !* 5 * 



rarlTid Vav Yccte, 7T. I. Yrj 12 < - 1 943" and t'.j focoeprayltt; UitoT 

>* -iv **.r. ’ «if» 'r;o dir^rr an' a k»U : of r**;*r ' '.■sr^r.g 

r *.rr'M:.£, : . V* J>y ?"> It' • a: y»- 33 % the o^eec^c t-c^inai::- ''lei 
!ia. ai. ' :*a do^ta,, ♦•• ", 

r. v?l o;>.* n«\d ^It^n c-'..’.r^« a 2 »t«r* *'aror*f !••••" r*»t- 


Vr .< 

hriilriritla-j * 71.4 jfte i e.irteliae. *»♦*"* 

<2>S < ttj n.-.A '«> w «A»h the Yj'-z'-frit-'a v-rl *.*‘*edl a e.*4 sooloc“ - lo 

•ro-t <r»rd i.i-ih to’iri itrn *.* •?»?»* "Xo:ta Clcnon:.,,,* -.v-'i.'xjIavI 

T.X: l'. v ? r - - Soarin' . 2 Hoar receive! Ith letter */s/*4 ?-~.l fiTA's'-.o* If 
" i l*;r ' "0 T.-r 1 c. 


.9 • 'ylV>’. t. 7 .’ : litir* s ”13. ’ c::'!y vjrV.i 

< '!;•* 'i' '.rv.r’.'j'l ‘ : ftv Tarf* , ■ « -'• ‘-ov 11 C. . 3 


i ** f*.a 



co.;; :ln; p 7io~n i->, u «U ■-■•'** :><* 

‘>r. 7 

.1) -■»' 

: vn:i 

h.viiitfidtt n n; : . -r>»3 '% ' « 1 :-:• 

* tTiT. ;*. ., • _ 

, ft ^ ^ 

• “ ■ -a ?? \* 

' *| 4 • • 

T, ">;j 11 1 « d t v.*;j* 7.1th raao-T.-.rr 4 ^,: - 



^ -< ^r\* r» -* 

15 3 •arr.l , l<’ •** "oV'oo,.,,”, 

Tfi *"■ 

-■ tvl l n . '*r>nv; # ** tt ^oat virltcd 211/ 

< 3 .. 

• ISC 

19-12 ^ « 

V\ thr, ‘co5ltirir7; "he dc »* • 



ian-?-/rlttaa Mtoii *11 I'ano-Jo,,,” .-octtK.??-? 

w t 

7 1 ^ " vj 

? * - the »053s- n he^‘*n , - I : 

there 11 

• * • ' • * 

Ul »-■••.'? v-'viV.vltMf. nl '-'c:? •'.lilt?- 11 , "-a.'c..*.* .: oatcvUaJ 

•', 17 :*^..'. •.'.'■to «.V. ’7 llf'O 19*P% Vtf r»jrv.' br.ln&'r ■; •itesr 

•r» ,. ’••* f, ' ‘7 ■ ‘ * 

i,i ■ 7 1 )<|» I 

• t ; 1 vi vi* lisa-ivrltten a Mrs?-. *Mr. Cr.vJtr-.e ’ " ^etnartca t 

3"n'. * Sltjr **, 3, ?;v: 53 9 7J-: * 9 ' 2 <, # t!x seat 5.-0 ’. ’ ~; r rx V/JCto*,"* 

-• h.-*iwrite«n ft&rae* *Sir r'M 11 I'rtla..,* ^tr.'ir’red 

«;'.■’■* 7 >r‘<, 7, Too P If.: 39 1943* the moe*.;** ha-lcala*: “ — . _ 

* rl?’ T • 

• • • e • 1 

Cf!» ••TtP.l vlth tr^vrlUen «*•>•?-* *>'r, 01 us»r?® ;. 

»••«., ^ r v 4 * # x, }?r 37 IT - tT the mess."- b^irniv; “sei * 

ri.ront’tlo dlr^ttsrc 

' *.e *’■■ "ilopc '"It! - tjrj?pv~it ten ri.lTwet "Oar. liter Parov^llo,,,,* roetcarbod 
«.>f V * : m-. / 1 -, v . Vs? « - <>' ic^ a vlth raao^r-rlr': lettrr te.^taninc 
"* 5 t tv'-^oltorl dt, **•»*♦ 

x25 C^ne c .i 7 n 1 07 * vith hmdvrlttia a3<ir?»e *ATV, Culaer; n ale I.uco,,,** rc*t- 
r-rtr-* *^oottyn t r . T, Pw T l3*sn jc-? 19*33* and occoeptnySr.- letter 
Hntr'Jrr *W*r» ennoT-.r6 cbo rrt tnth,,,,** 

^CG cy.?” **rr»iope vlth hrr.dwrftten a'lreee *Jr, ToetBP.-Jred *»*«» 

TorV t ’*• *', '-r 11 C - lf4C* rad the r.csar^ttyla^ letter V^nrlav: 


• **•# ft 

J?»CT .4 

lahorrtorr Be^rt 11438 




. ;•* 

• ‘ : *■ -t 

* j *. 

• H 

„ r * r'i- >. .-f-Jry *•. , . • ' 

( x Jy 4 , * r ‘ # i’ ! ^ 

- > fVi V' V.*-’ » ' ^ ' 

1 V.IV r . irt* rtJn5c^j rt T-ttv?*,.. , 1 

--if v-». «*' r./ 7, A:r *•*- ?s~7, : > 1T4-7" vi^h rwi^u * bt<?'r:»in* 

■~.v Sen OlvvTrj*.*#* 

,jp r - )?: r ■ - r • ,-*. * * ts ’T-t’v-i wtsr. 

~ r*;-. . T".r 3* f. - ?.<vr.* r: 'l •»*«*« byAsritt ? *FM*l 

■'fO t ; • ■■:•*• r: :* J 1( w . :•% - ■•"iv 7'- ' vcrtryr'r* I *Tcw fe, 7, ', r«a 

• : ?a *•■-- or' v* V !■: : ’-.-M Vvt \ i.'r**r ’* . : -.r-.V,, 

"'^*0 -T^.3 f ‘ rr**r>*M 

V / . r ■ ' •••■:' '.' -: 7^? scHvs 

771 ":-.o .C-'t-T cr.r.l *<«h fvjtfvrtS Sex rdSrrr? "’l^ttor r 7’rj.i'r.,." ponwkjl 

■* . ra!f> CV\* A\* 1 ? V *30 kK <«? V& s»srr-T ^aiaaia-S 

»1 **•_ - *T< ItD, , *. *** 

% \73 - ••••*“ rvc* VjfiV-T.*! t'-c~ rl'.re'*' f r 8 

.. V« 7 17" .7<-»T 30 !'; 

T 0 *:" K n*-\ V #, -3 r/V" 

* i» 

r »• •» • > 

' ts. ^-'*4 1 • * ■•, ■ i*. y "> 7 » 

** ,*t r ' - j * . * 

• ♦ - A ^ ; 


-» > ^ -^» - ■'. 

■ - « ft , •“*■’• 

. - .ft r . .0 ? ««<* ♦. 

0 ■* *'*1 


^ * .i ‘ * ;■ f ■ ^ ■ » * * * 

f ^ ■ * 1 *! /I 4 

1 ■ 

^ ^ * V 'T ^ 

• ' n- 

*■ --t 

7 ? » ^ 1 * 

T k ft • * *■ - » 

r*-- ^ t p-:y v’/V :, 4 , ,n r ' , '\V .<:; , 4 r : 

p !• J* ^ r 'J * ’ <■> 

' ; * ’** ' ‘ " >' i ■' * ' ’ 

’< f r ‘ 

: rj 

7V-, :.. :. ?«•. 1 ? 4 - *.:■ i M. 

. p 4 fi V ' r M *•<>' ‘ 7 ' .* VJ* ; ' 

* ?*fX 

• . • . «m Tl 

> *-*• .- ♦ ft ft * • 

■ •T*- f> Vi r <T 

* ’?"■' \i* 9 w A * r<? 

W.j 1 

"" r • v*.- f % "•->* V’ .i-' -r- -'i*r.r •*. v W/. :• bV{S* < ; ' 

'-•>-* -*") •■’I-.* 4V* 

',*7 -■> ;■ '.♦Ic’-ic riltcfi “i ~ r , iC’> •!: ■ \ ~*z»r.i3rkr . 

* *r« >, \>-* lt.TO *>' »: V :-.3!y*'ort *■;•••» l«-?2r:^S 

I'T ... *, -,V « 

*-*■:.•* --3 * tv. .\f-*T“?e e '■ r, <To* ’ ' ? v * /' poaZi 

r,v ; t 't 7 v , ", 7, r*r ?- 0 - F7 ir.'*V* «nl iaiSar lx»£in.nao 

*' *V ■ trcar. .^.,>..*4 

vitb lic^dTfrittbn fl ... 71 e« 

V, " r c r*r 17 9*30 ?fef ? ' " r:;-l ^c— ■*.*» *•* * -* 

4<t • . * iv • ’ ■S’* 

«7?0 \rith fcqn , V r ?l-trr f !\ K^nt i^****‘ 

‘ # J # *>r 10 ?1 VI* 10^1 ^ thn »;nj® * ; a l±t~'rr'*A 

'751 r-» ^rr<" 07 ^ 'A tfc hswAwftt-^n no *'-i urj^j^pn m •• 

* \-n, t. I^V’I a iv-r 30 f j30 W* pV. ftodow7**i?iii7 la ,sr j*- 
'’nr*r.7 *3* ; *rnr 

rp^ 'Vr ^r-^'r-T* *--l‘h }>r.r^v»ritt^n *11 IVuv^o V*>r-# rfpa,...* psrstr^ltSd 

^ 7?T(v,’T , .;?7t/r* T. **s.7 4 ajTO }V. 3 ;> ‘X* vlth aocOT^ATi^' littfl* ba^iwdE^ 

^ i*n r*r."*5r.t'> rum # *.,% 

~rr wtnt, vith hpja4’*rittp« oAirraf *A1 V't'.v* T-firt***** jot tivirbad 
7*^:\7n, .% 7. 3 9 - JT4 1913 • I h* VarjBL»ala<f ‘•w i^wndo 

^reofla*».*% • ■- . 

: ff ■ /A '.'•„ ' ;v ;,: 

laVjrtory Baport ^ 11435 v . 7 . (OaatlBflfC%w Jws*) 

(CantlBflfC^WEl §*&) ~T\r / 

'H * 


rsd Ore en.tjlope vith handwritten n. — 5 p» ‘II I 'torslo • • * ♦ 0 poetair cfri n ?z r j 
V. rfr, X\ Vat 4 C « AT 1M1* t * ooeee ~a be$ln&ine; j‘7orrei ^or ore 

<$0 Cno r-.velopo vith hnudvrlttra eiiro cc "!’? GiuE-jppe L^pie...." 

*~ev Ycr?:, tf. V. Jbb '34 4 *■ ir-'i* ani caeotycaytsf taa r* s lAttov 
^a^tarja 1 ; ‘v.j^'.rfa an Artt-rsla * 

•<JC c c 9 ctrolope vlth fc^n^ .-rittea a 4 ’jobs E« v "■paper,, • ‘‘ •p'jair.nrfc&c. 

‘rev V>rk, I‘, f. 7eb 14 3 - Ff: vith acsospasyiiv: Inttrr b*;;inrlc*;; 

P I 'A‘ i* » » • • * 

x£t7 crs sr.'vslo'.' o with handvi-ltVen address tel read?.*.' ps:.Vxu-L$:u 

*:-:<•»• ;orte* v. 3»b L I2:3p Jfc liMl* cwl Msoujany'vR: latter Vsier-lnj 
, 'j.X . ~ / ‘Tifora co-sr<;.....‘, 

1 ■ »r‘ rj;o Cm cr.'^lope vJth typewritten atdroee "»'r» 0. Lup«o.,., e poRvaarbei "i'sif 

< \ - ■ . lorV, '., Y. 1‘eb 7s SO H 194! • as' aoeosp-wlcs lottar t'o j?- 

• ? , ' rir^r'A- *.'~n fci cono«ce. ••••*• 


fjj wna <* ’o!o:'0 *.dth hsadvritt >n n/'-rceo Gin-'. 1 “a T^pir,,,* :/vt» >v 

rr’-. e .-'r»o5i?.vn, '• V, SU, T 1 “•'! J^r 7 J! - r •' rr.\ r.*co:-.TJulr,: lefcten 

begi . : . r. -r •*.*.?.. ; or,,...". (2 pr.r'5";), 

> Be pi-.-'is.-ej vith !»mAi.riUcn a- ; Ire®* “* J* H yontr .v’-^d **ITt»*? 

larV. t ?. Apr 50 C . I’ 13 WC-" ar.i aceon'rfuspiap Uttt? "sw^lri-ia-r 

n.y'crv-- he ", 

(.21 cr.o : tal vlt). hnndsrltten addrinc *U Vcr/lc...," ♦ ant: .price A •‘Sr-.cfcl;*, 

. d-.tT It 7lZ0 Al- 1S<0‘. 

.<'■. • . -.5 Mv-ilo vi with tr so written ad '."jRf! ‘It cinso^pe ./ ■• 1 r. »•“ poetrsr.rsj&d 
*• p-i. '-.r':,' r. :, rev 10 0- l‘i! nnd ROCSErr^Vj.Vir fciJftvrltter. I'tto? 

ys-'r'; r,~ "■'V'.j-') ^inRBjrpe *nr«e Co;: 

: sa •• idsh }viM;A»lttea a«J >?»£ --ot.l?sarL-.’4 

*y rrii’-'-iTi/ 3. V. Lao 20 C - i* 1940“ vitb ftcco»r*m. Vz, ■ levt sr 'isejiai-iss 
®M i irrfctare rol....,“. 

•,j24 ran ^rrrnlops vlth Knadwrlttor. a' -liocc ‘11 i'isit. *y. .i Yort, 

7, Szn 7 Ilf. TO A?' ir^* and scwrpanyia? letter ':s,r;?.tnla : ,T I^. proper- 
j'Wicvi cbo,.,.. r . 

^>.0 <i ra r.uzizV, vdth Bl.lrtRB ‘5«.dio Static:,’... ..»* poc." . rl ‘^paSk— 

, I, v T ai 2 lb • U’ 19U* rail X'\t ceoecso In 'Innis.-: ‘i. Indagao. 

* • » “* ^ 

•^G -ao tir.relnps vlth haadvrlV.en edireae *'■'* Oittse* :.n :.v;l.,,. 1 pOfctr-jffcad * 

“Ctrl rtadt , T «: 22 7 A3’. I?. J. B and acaoc^y^i.n,» letter beginaliw; ‘Ad«o 
lnpa rRejato,..,.*. 

7 One rnot-'-A witL hardwrlttea addreee •■Y-l-i-O-H,,, postrariBi ‘JJppe^d^Ti, 
rr, V, J-in 25 1 - J3' 1 S 40 * the B»»»aee be^lanla; “reaanler* 23 olle oa» - 
10 % 

<^8 une pnotol vith headvrittea address "}». Oinaepra I'Jpie....* poetaar!xd 
* . t, «?on 2G 9*30 1940" aad tSe nef**:.^ l.-;*; ‘Tirre^o 

•l5!*av rnpio.,..,' 1 # 

<#C 0*» pcital vit‘‘ har.dtTitten addreee *7^ . (II Kapio),... 1 ’ postsFJted 

, ‘Badie-sn So. £ta. r, Y. 3 1939 Jul 3 11 - A-'.* and the aee«. v -c bosinaiatf 
•OeaHl# rf ■ « 

i •»•■ 

laboratory Beport 11438 

> ' ■••■' T 

4 *ero Fage) 

,_ ,' 'i • - ‘ ^ : 1 V/' , . 1 /vX *». ., k'. I.; j *■*•• * • J J . 

m 2 . 'HT/F 

7* ^ 5>'. : ' i 

0.00 Cne c ajIo-’o with haa-h.-vitten r. ‘i , oc* "r.ivirt* » *?. i'radc.; ‘ 

Bexfcc.1 ! . t-v* ior-:* 2* 7, *Tqa 20 0 - Al* 1940” rr: rcc ‘apMgrlr*; lettc. 

"Ccrlctica Srnxro*. ... \ ? 

t^LOl One onrelcye vith t?~« writ ten ad IrvJft ;rof Cav.,.." rniO- 

earfc- » ■ B w Tm*, T * T. lay C r»iflo FV. 19*S*» and the aft*oe*rc?l!L» letter 
bn^irj -Lrv: S 7es'ru calla'ornttnu.. . . y . I . 

Q.Q. v"no ir.r..iorf« fc,an-lvrit*er. ad-irc t-e '■'r. fialvaiero’ Tape.*. 11 pests irLad 
* <t «v » r,r!r t ' . IV-c 17> 11 - W ir'iC with :>.ccor'\nn;'in; XeVor 

” . tl perr.rtti ap-ii.,..”* 

vJOO {ta e./'olr-c v:t:. hrnd “ritten axlroca V-lrond lt-.-i.rr. ra^aelne,..’’ root- 
Burlnrl ,! l'rooM;'S # 1, l«e 33 5 - K- IS’O" end oee>:r«r,*in- latter 
iwsir.'Oa-; “^uTio 31-^nct..*. 8 . 

"0.04 «.ne nnrtal with typet-Titton nddr> re. The filter per-tnarlasd ' l -^v 

•orh, /. V. Jv :>? 5 j2h Hi 1041*’ Vo aetrejo he.-:‘m!.r v -; die '&*«** 

lo £ \m -'.orr-.i 

■ V 1*3 icon rnotrard vith trx^woittc-n nddreaa "It ‘,.r**«*«* I- a* rtuvad B iluah- 

1*3 • • 

rv 1 

iaow. , t 
i uc • v 


• • • 

v*!ojo -*.V. 

ha J , 

". Y. 

37 7 2:^0 

">■ 1? 

■<» * - » 



rne or-- 


hvn V 

Yo^ » ' 

? r 

• * • 

4 ‘ JVi 

mere ,r- 

■uved t-.isn- 
:»r>6 ?•'*! , 

r 4-.00 i: li'io* 1 ,.r.d aceornrecl 5 *'; V— .??. ;e Irtter hertirai.e.-* la ti ■xv'. 


»* • 9 

Otv- ; -i3 tnmlono viV. V’;ov.-.lttoi adlrsae 8 7he *eet c-had *' ev 

Ycci:, * Y. *r- " 5*?/* .*♦ 3541 1 -and tiecorra-^Sr * \ct Itr w.j’.rnln^ Tacol* 
V’l f v:r ease, ^iiicn,....''. 

:lor. "ca ;ort.vl wit:* h.a*v’**: , tfc>aa &;vVrrjr rt Il ?';>rJs.... M ~oe’ , r'vfcn-J 1 ?rna* Xya, 

... I. -t.n 11 lit JO ‘-'A 1041 K r-nd the Rcasa.-?c Innlr.'* a 1 .jitr ''.-KaJ;.. 8 . 

•J.IO Cr*i nn'r«ln;-« with !.n»3vrStt*r. adlroea *’*r T »iro, *. r * t-orfcrrko 1 
Y. -u- v 1: M .'d- 10-11* end ercosnanyins letter 
vvn. ..... 

sAllv-na e: 7«Xo;:« wi . v . tyyawrlttir'. address ■Ketr* T.o:j€ 2...,’ jaatc-vrO^l ' 1 .'nng 
lain? . 01 ty V. V. 1941 Jan 20 1 1 20 IK* enl uccoa^snri latter with & 

~S«as cf tallwt tirrrur rad th« trf»e«a ; ^ Is.^ijsni t? *L -Lael 

■JL1? 'vri fm^loye with tyrewritter* ad'reas "Kerr, loj-c”,. , “ jat'-riinsd ’'-‘oag: ^ 

leliu. 1 51 1;.' IT. 1. :v.V _ ? ; iv l«ei* md acwe^'lti ; letter t.*re..*rtttea # 
toSirriA’j n laro Torco i-d Lcpee.....*. 

03.10 .no e!:valoye rlth hand’^rltkan oddreas *i r, C/iuwi^v* ’ pcstrnrkati 
*: rcohlys, T. Jar. Zt 7 • W. 2041* mid eeoorr'.vln - letter te^lnni'.vi 
’•cr, ivCfl to. . . . . 

v3.i.<* . u f.i.Tcloya vlth handwritten ndlreea *11 Hondo... * rottrairirad •Broj'-lyn, 

: Y. r-jh 3 12 - M 1941* end inco'jpaai’ln,^ letter Onc’-nnlrv! *Yoi fnlne 


&. Q115 Cm !<»*•• tnl nftdrcaoed “Sl/pr a.... 8 r^ataarbad *'Vjotlr“r t 2. t, 0 

’ 1940 .^Oc 11 10*30 ?!'• wr.l the nasea-m V^lxmlnj *Ocp«r.lon do; -r c'^.... 8 . * 

^ ifcn »v>rtnl vlth hanCbfrlttea addr^oa *Kadi!> station.!." yoatr^o^ed •2roolo4 r 

ljn.T. T. Jen 05 10*250 FW 19-1*. the »t*w5» t^lAlos **1® ' 

5^Hr''cjix? One postal with handwritten addreaa *Kr Guleeppo raatoaricad ' 

»7ew Torfe, B. 7, Ibb 3 9* A!i 1941% ®»*M® hefettnlai' "2on felloe ' , ’jf 

v. Che.*... 8 .- .V t •• J ’ s *», 

ra«e 7 

X*homtonr report. .“U 11^25 

(Continued ?ext 

4-». '^V'^sirs T' v > - 

1 v * ^ : 

v^ r - 4 -V >v -*iT 

xjili 'jj» >1 vL*. h-xdvr: t\ nr. fcli'. •* *11 accl*. joel-rrf'ed 

* 'c.Vr ro-' ;* J. Jen ?? lWi 1 f)" , ths Wi?"#' be.TJnnSe* •<*«* mt-’W,, 1 , 
■Jti: 'njc ~*rtu! hRisUtttttoa all; ...?. "11. Ji'sdo* ?*$?eifc**** Tertsos5»d 
«*>,v “or! . ", V, rtb 3 1C - ril ti* rtf-r^ bs|lnali« *”t 


• t 

J23 ?m • rst-,1 vil. braivvtt-'’. e.d'.Ti ?c "?»•. 1 ’ :vn*rr..’sa*»t.' i jjttti'. r.rIx-1 

«»>».*/• r . .:«i rs r tco a** ia-.: r # t?9 »ss?.'.- Vrianiar To n 

^ ft i ^ • r*Q 0 9 + 9 ** t 

'J.CZ flth typewritten rC^rrcc Vcec .«h */ - r.-.-...** rott* -rif . ” tv 

lark, 7* !r.r 7: CO ;T IS'&l" ■'*.'* uccftrjtirrla- letter te irnld*. ,; . *p3 

fid i e ru;t“,... r and a iilrtnro enclose!* 

(re o rl;h hrsftvrittoa c-dircsc T1 fiord-*,..* j*ei«:r.-*d c ?rco:;l;.7s, 

r, 7. ’7 i*9.*0 Jin 10 11 - A!'" rind the aeftarpanyin . letter ; 

r. frUto,., 

<J.;3 . »>»,. e-.v*to* *» vith hrrvftfrtttcn cfifirsrr *11 ffafcdr..*** pert a&r:.*-i “ *-\'-> dyr # 

. V* T 1^0 Vry 7” 1? - /l " nr..' Rccc.”i\'j:vfr.’: irr*. * l“T ’ 1 rulx *./ 

5 ^: r MVRif, p • :r.*r.'vUt>n adlpeee "‘I fcnfic., „. ; -r*-trr:. 1 Tr* 

... - ^ .’•-■« r, 3p . *•* ncc'rrr*r5rt y V! latter '*"• A-riB:* • *'’-•1 < v, .o 

i .' 1 . w , r - <*#•♦ * 

: •;• ;,»*• *» ardors vlth hraAvrlfer, r.^resr T/> Hirirto i' ren.-nrteA 

•rroc’-’n.^r, 7, rtc. A r-10 Jr.n 17 10:30 /- "' asvl -vdn^ XeW'r 

“111 rp lip-. ore*... *• 

w/j.2: Ope idth bPidwittor, e.a*Sr»«a «*1 l-o-ie,,, • n 

(.:*▼ o -n 17 6 J 1 1040 r, J. 1 * ool aacoti^Ltylnor Srit?^ . rf ?r£*;i 

Ic-.f.i'r-’ old. ....**• 

•i:' ? ’ r ’/it h^rdvrltier rddrera # 5 r I-nplat fiot*.*.“ pcit^r!»d. f- 2'ov 

•-7, . v. -r: ’rr-‘T. r. rlVtt ./--. <e ‘ ' In : '' -^Ite 

, ■ * < • If 

V-w i **irv* V ’ - •"••■*■ 

• v',? -i- • tr.l C'id v’Oh tyyov“lttc;» p.3?r«BS * ? -ovt't * •'rilo,,,'* 

>■:■ 'v } v 1.7 123 - the r;., 2 r..-.-.c ^’-Inrrl v “II zr 'ds 

d rt" r ? *• 

:y ■ 'i'i '.rvtlopa «5th fesadtrlfeten a*Mre»s V.a iri7lr«*. 31 . '<«:£«•..• 11 ?ov. l *-V. . 
••'Crr ;' n, T T« 7* DoJ 1 ±0:GO .*.*•■ 103^* and RCcorrr.nrlo.r let* tr 

' to _ _ emloatl aio tw •I’TkV.-to, or - i ’r<! r .'. ' to '^tefio 

toco rjv'lit* tws , ;» letter be.^lralng "'-r. lei i the cvJior r--:reaifcd 

to ?•? it-lioji ' >^-/3 ’Tr*?. , . ■ poetao.rlml *71ras Jq Cte. T% T* 2 ' ?30 
iVc 17 1:30 M* 1 * a*il ecoocraRyia - letter ba<»lmtr^ »/>«; olo^s 

o/er,,.. r * 

AT -r ‘^’T ■' *7 

A tmaelatl-.a of ^(6* 

|; » 11437 

^ . J3CilM? A « hiTTi* e'lol by T'leiro Alle-rn (you r letter l/C/44). 

. '"•( : 

?•; ^30 poatel ear a vlth hinfiwriitsa addrer; "detro 59 Chair die ? 

St. hcv Tent r* T»* pottsutod "rev Tortr, i:* T* J«43l \8IC0 ?H 1543“ . v . 

flwn 8 , . - 

laboratory report f!> 11458 

t-.-f'.- .. •„ 

(Coat trued Taxi Page) 

> ih ‘ ■ 

■ *-.«■ A-, 

'.1C1 rr.i 

h«s\nr»lr. * "’’'Xif* 
t-1 c:./’ vlti hfo^r.*ntB ' 

1i: 3 *r:« ,iotr*r^.,. !, 4 

r ±i. t nt n w "r ’Iptro ■C.l*£rrt.*.*" 

r 0 rfc» r. r. ?** & 9:so rr i 

t t* 1C JBftflfctV* 


Cirj * :•/; *:\«j l a tt#r to X s * Alio l :v.»,.« n * * 

girr’ Ljf, — errC. vi.h hzai';r?*?i*irt - ndir*-:o3 * Y ft ?* rola,;80 Sat.,*, 1 

~TOrt> ! *;*< 7 i 

i'ir*.' . . *Cr.c* If: % t«n* tv ”, Allc- * TOU uro,..,’*, 

Qir ',cr ' carC wilvi htrA'.irittcr "-lArsor *5 r riotrc '-UeTr-v*/ 

T-O Z+. a 2!<!u TeKr, ”, 7, 7*7 V. 1 - **il x£*:.\ Vr* ttfCS-n./ *»• 

t ;iar/.uj "irrd ;• ioiro '* 

43.34 c»» of/r' with harj 5 .vri.tV 6 o adarsto 4 J*Jr Tieiro /4Ll«sr.*;. • . • 
port’ -*rke-i Tor;;, T. r«r a l - i'K 1M? : %•» ms*** v 5- 
/rlarin; “Cnrd ''iotro f 'la 

“ :. .. *nr Ishei 'sj*;i /atonin' (your l*t:. r 1/2/-M). 

‘ 'r.ton*- 

,V f «-•»•»/ 

:■**, t 4 .-) ,wswrv ac- 

JL r i. •-- 

• » •* 

rot** c- 

.no • , v j* • o rtth n>l’*'it*t»n f- ul:.K»s rt J>K ’ :r '*; .* rv;- -t. 7«'*or»;- ?it;r. r, 7, M -'©st. : vir or '• 

I'i r.tT:' r lC't?*’ rr.i nceoT'nr.yiiT* letter >* 1 n.-* c » 

5 v:;e on •alc-o • i th h-r.;? aril tea e Vroo* -vA-mini K' >‘4 2 ., 

' cv Vt'-, •?, V* * po/lrr-rted V. ' illofjSVLo rr.1 tor — rryin. • frit ycvde* 
.Vn'V'lilr*; rd ft newij;* irr ©IV^-Itv* lith title "Oritichr 
.. i r.r -tori a*'’ c-partrlo,,,*. vlwra if a rc*rtr-.t*a or. t’r.- ttci: 

■i.27 .'•••.* o'.v-c’C 'f v'.V'i h-A -‘ritten. t.! ‘rot* "Juotirr. .trtoft.-.n 73 

/-: rjr...« * ynttrr.r*3 , .d “Srs-'/lya *-« C 10-12 « /./.t £ 12*. x? 

n'.l 00 ^oaj-iir^r* ;.•_ v V;y , .nr.!r r ’ *jGJi tr.r*: 1 Ct > a r ’'' r ..*« l « 

^3^" ft* ' r-rt-iOro hrxiv riv* -n. bitroar- r Z,n;-l /rto.-: *:i Justice 1 -lit trio 1 

:%>rt~r it**;* •apoo'xlrt:, J«. V. ,*>y rt 0 - ‘ 2942 * «a«l <••' 0 

irv: l.'-tt/r r-rijitioro itrl % 

ii.T. 2 m erf*!*.* *f *h har/.vrittea Bdilree.** "Sat ,-i /jln/Yi 2-^-1 rt'-r,,.,' 1 

i oa*.r,tf?»e’ nyfOhlya, 2. T, Mar 35 11 — A 1 10'~' anl nncesr xn-liv; letter 
jrjtrci # c*l e.-trr.l.'. 

3-T- r.e ** 5h hen*v*ilton a*lrss5 *\ ( •n.ofcr/.V* cor - tiair^ 

t* rr - rrjli - d vr 's cf pa^f-r 0»? ’.•» sr?»^ h oivr! *;5 r. * 

>1 .£*» « ;.*rol/ •<* «-ith ’ nr/. Titten e *5 rots ff ini : * *: *.crS«'o*«* 

If M » 

^ 6 ^ -* --i ^ 

< • 

v. 4 rr 

n ru *. * t« 
Jti *2 1 « 

OR!*, fir* rafrs fvearJr.* hnrfWritin j Attrehect* 

Cm c:-.alO'S i-ith hrndv siting R\?ror» V:«tislc» Vni-’i .intonlno**,* 

: oet ^ roohli-n, T‘ f t, Stjp 2 4l30 r»: o-l tw po.«s» Vrritvr 

trri->d*ljv; r.ttaehad with % novonepor pierrro, 
sJ43 iYx. < nrolo / 0 with hnnOvrlthan eiis*so Nasties Antonin/*,, 3 

jo«t’-//*nA *. Brooklyn, IT, T, 3op 27 6;30 lii 191t* rx:. tec ps.-s?* h©«u*tiv: 
fcaruievUinc Attached with thru* n«w*pa?«r ellprlrf^, 
ro cm*ftloy« vlth handwrittan a-.'Ajwfta -voitof-rhel 

•*: moiiljn, !*, 7, f>ts, r 7th 24 12 P 174:. ,h vlth tve pcgni Of hniidwritiiv; 

Pfif* 9 

L*> j ratory fl*port #9 11435 




C14L Ob* nttiXflO'* \ '"h handwritten ei'-ract /ctorlRi.*..** ?«U 

mi55>: ^iroshlyn, «• T. **cr SO - - PK 15*3’ with ten* 1*&9 of fcftO'V 
wrlti::~ nttrch-d* 

(J14€ Ca* r- •.r?Io- « with handvri Uen ft'I'vrsn '’T.airl /.rtoalnd*** 1 * prttareri-'-'d 
a ^rc- ; ;?, v # c tju t 25 4*30 *: im* with om pe/^t 7 Haw*- 

?.** tr.-'.o r aa<l ft t npnjer olippln-? with tbs tit 1* *-’••"* -'-ejretn 

Alii r . so vi 11; :*> 2 r In *• 

u%-C r« "T'velo-'C \ J .th fcfts&vriitaa address £a trad no , . » • ‘.It 

H>»t *v»th : rtp?*t Tori;. 7, 7, " jjoiitmrta-l ^wy.V?., 2. \. :*o 
?<s ft « if" i>i" 3 1 he-.rir-; the hsnriwritttt;: c..* the heel: "Ju-.Vlce 

<\ • afci 1< ■. Ct« J»e u »c*vlc* • Y* a * 

32.4.1 Acci> TrJ5v f - r ^ hr.ft.*wr* tten letter h?'lnniTv. *• .'ioetiftro, Lai^i Oaten! 

*J4 f j ■. r,o rfevrarfr.^nr cf Adolph -itler* 

f: ill? I . ! r.t the Contral >lij> '•?•**’•« Ilotpltrl (y*ar letter i/:;/44> # 

; tf'‘ One ; 'r.:V.Tlt . rr. loiter date! “It.My •T» *c"i* 04 '‘ n to *• .» rey*' . ■..» ’ 

•vhif. is to triform T:m thnt the linton r.m 'i**low nr •? *v‘d *• e.» 
rr*,!i r . 

D 31 

.. I*.,.: 2 rural shad V Cir&xao V«l.ftftti (ys^r letter 1/18/44). 

!*. : 1 firu- er^olr* « ’Ath handprinted j-.&lrftee *•-*->> i .'. CO K, 11 M# r* ?* 

Cir/ rnzt'Y'r 3 a "I’ev ‘/orh, r, T. Jfcr 12 6 * -J . 1 1?4„* t,ftA 

jy*v^ v ' ehitjst v4 **i the t*. ’*« ".r •■■AI.'CI , C---0. .■»►#? ■ /» *-**•» 

iVL r .i ’• *. 

„yr*> : c‘. role;** with syivsvrlttea »«* 'reo*. "Cir^l-no ?td*r.U.,* d 

»a»v i'jTw, Y, {>.? al 8*30 r.: 1943* ei*A & 0 C 6 .” ..r;4a» letter be- 

“1c IftftSCffi A tfi l 1 uliilV),.*. , 

^tC Otm orr*elo;/3 with hsclwrilttn rdirecs "!»- jxjetr? rl»d *>.«w 

Yor!j * r . f. Jvji 24 12 139 ?l: ini ’ 5 and ae'>orr^'C ir itX'r letter Vs^s&ln.'. 

'.iir ieri esra lunoJU, •.#«*# 

.JUT . w2® euwlor* “ I'-h hc^V :tt'4R e- ’.r-es* a .v» *?* v* •' -• 5 1 ^’-'X j. ’-!* . * - 
- :? 08 t.i'r 5 ^d •lo , r York, ' • Y. J’er n 12 • K V512 B en-I ••^corrv^.. 1;^ r- .i- 

print ed letter bo'iar.trvY fYutti ssiino eHc.,,.,% _ 

tlC>C Cue cnveloj.ft with typewritten ed^reofl Jvl—'IA VZ -wliJl'.,,,' 

;«etParkwd *;>v Tori', K. T* Jon 2 4*20 n 19*sC* ftad r cvr^n eooj of 
a letter he^iniiin/r "CJ ^andono nntisle di rari**..* w * 

-1C: <~«j* -'cstal Cvtrd with handwritten eddre**! *Ift I'nrrlo..,, 1 * poctuorked 

" ev lotk, H* T* ftvr 30 6 • TV 1942* end t v <* noftf^fc heginnio.1 "Spalclando 
» JjO .’fjol% * ••••••", slpwd *’ • »••*• 

Qt7 Co* postal etrd with handwritUu addreee "I* rer:!**,* - poct^-jrl ed 
»3^v York, T, 1%t 27 6*30 It* 15*3* o*A th* »M3£* h*elnftiaf; 


^r^rt fD 11438 


A- 'S^$ ••.••• ' •'« < 

-H — L 

■' -V A 

1 * - ■/» a‘. ; - 

■ w fw or'^r 

* ^ 


‘-Jr . ' 



#rdcral bureau a l luuratignltmt 

llmteti §tatra Department of justice 

224 U. S. Ccurt House 
Foley So-.-are 
New Tork 7, "qxv York 



February 3, 1944 


Director, FBx 


pu . 


* / 

v..; ' 


NT X 00-9744 
Letter to Direct 

February 8, 1944 

I am al30 forwarding undar separate cover four conmunina-* 
tions also furnished by 1'ANFREDI* These comunicationa are being marked, 
"Exhibit B”m 


Mr. 'L IGtSAJJT ONINI, Secretary of Local #69.- International 
Ladies’ Gantent Workers Union and VAIfiil MONTANA cf the sane union, furnished 
this Office r.ith a number of anonymous cccsnuni cat ions which have been sent 
to tV c. They are being sent under separate cover marked, "Exhibit C". 

Mr. AMT ONINI also furnished a letter which was unopened 
or t cached by him or my one in his office. The i'l?p of this envelops was 
not sealed. This letter is being referred to as, "Exhibit and is forwarded 
under separate cover. It is suggested act tests for latent prints and other 
tests deemed advisable by the Laboratory be made of this latter. 

The f-3.1. Laboratory ~:.y retain all of the Icbte. ' b-i-V 
sent to it 1 er separate cover for vrha saver use it nay da~i appro »: ri ate. 

Very truly yours. 

E. 0. CONROY, J/.G. 




x&m ot sisoid *o« n«% 

■«ai» Ca§ 

. / 


‘i v 

Cat postal card with haaflvrittaa oddroas ‘U Psrolo,.* 5 poetnerksd 
•3t#Xa**L IT, T. in# * 9i30 AM im* nr.A tM Mft«o« tetania# ... 

^rT&mtt 3*«wta tadi«s».*.«»V . 

y.f 9 Cr» potftsl'osni with haoflwlttaa eddraaa •Editor ef *10 ftu*ola,* • * *?«• pp 

i-oit'-'rfca* K : im fork, 27* T, Jan 3 i • .* ) X 1044* and. tha handprints 
c*fS' s ;s ba^icalo* "Tha Bittsr Truth (Ara yea afraid of itt). ^ 
l r Z Cno rnvTJlcra vith handprlatsd addrsto *Ia /arol.% 1 postei4xi:a4 *Fsil^ 
rt , :*• V* *o-/ 17 1CI30 IH 1941* and eccocpenyln* tin Aravin.;*, 
of a donkey wid ;u« of Stalin* ShurcMll end •oosovslt har«*.la«s fro® 
ft *7\ 

.7XHl n I7 C - V Capslli (ymr latter l/lS/44) 

<>. - 

1 Cna ysrtf.l ;-.rd vlth hondwrittan wldre** **11 70ttwurfc«-l ,: -'sw 

■r't'f \ » -'-1 3:20 ?:*. 1241* nd tha anenga b^'lnnitvs; ** ’Ivjlt 

rlllc «•••«» T # 

'152 ’r.o -rrslc.-a ,5.:h tyT-swrittaa e*v trass *■*>« .ir.eo'v* : vaairaricad 

” ■•3V T 1 ??!:, r« 7, v'vl 0 3 • fv! HV-* star. rc^rr-rnr-’l- * cr'-on ■vry of a 
latter linnlty.; *Tel t*io ~ro«?ir .: n di do^ r, «♦..’* 

I'.i.IMf i- — rirri c ‘v.5 1 by *7-i»ie<rna Tlxdi (yo-.v? lotto? l/l'/'V ), 

:d •' to -)/ * - ?t ooirlnr the Ir.o-jn > 

rltitin* of 

7.n r * :'* 

f:^r: 77 : - nulls'* A by *>.*frclft lull ( !*«*? l/V'/V-). 

TZ ‘ rn -s r. .:eor- -.r» Irn; : • v. ;» Io“ir '. ? rir • t! ■» ••ported 

lor- a '•.‘nvl-Tltij#: of Cil'irwrye / —i* 

• *><j . i - ' J«* •» • ■•«><» 

"% » * conelnl'd that 1 ‘. ',* l # iv-oea Jar.lrr’.ntlng '•••.»« am rha 

is’ • ■ f -n , '-:lfe?sii •lofllfjr--' » ;d rs. ...» t?-y -«vv. ’ \ tpoat i i. 

.7 I'.nrr— f h 

/> Vr.l’. rirtln-; o.-.: 7.c nr.aei .-cr.s *le-. ribod c.jov»> 
a* I- At 4 , 71C7 or. I }'l. .5, 7 -rvd .? ‘or.-d to If. the 

rrooo'iln-: » »r.t**r.oa -rsm recolvod by *l:.» Tvacrn. i'ro : ; .hi ffios cf i^nrorshlp 
V -<t*cr V lad :o<-to-otar 10 # 1C4C| ; 13 thr-r.^d. .11 cot- rlca a 3 otto? ^ct- 
rrrl.’d r«o *• hr r If** 10‘-3 n.idr?»'5v\ to ths f’.ro-v; f.r.d ? . *5;1 .13 .‘-ro saoolmd 
fr "or oiVlcs b; lott- r ’ i-td '-ocsi-ljr V>*2 *-'tu *j‘ ich va.-.-a tiro ~v>* 

- U - ’ J.4, TJ:< ( -.r. l 71. 


a a 



to ‘vlrtvla^ v-hlcb vua eor.o’*.! rat to * • ?•> \ : n- ••.•.-v '. lv 

! tt ^y.T 9 on -71, V, >vr, 73, r f •• ;•** 

. -a, 

-7ory 'aj'ort ■ > 11135 

' v't .t?.r. :ad 

XVt&a ecuoludad that oinaappt , V.di r aft©** iawvn handwritla* B^ptmrt 
an 2L3 acdJCSg^rtwftd tha handwriting oa (tht eaolaaaA postal dart, 

only), ^:;«dcvl^BO» ;£ ; l-/r ; -> . ■••-' V ■ 

,/j# £ ViI' Ua&t«d aoouat of Ifodl'a ha*4prlnttaf avsdldMLa fW 'c4i^WM 

with •txcunioatioa*, a oanoiw concivuuon cam an m 

&« to winathrr Sndl pr?pai*o 4 fcha *C, aarlaa ef lettara tad poe*^l oaaN|t 3 frf 

'fooc-mjoa OL- 17 , -.'” 1 ^ 3 , and wfcioh oorprifcad V-« latter 

by 'nl^l . p.toRinl vlioH h» clalaa wn* r.ot handlad after readi-red It, vaa 
cboftlcally treated for tha ieeelopaact of latent fingerprint* tut can a of 
ral'ta via fcrnd* 

-’neolrwa Y ,7 li ar. •nvels^o er.lj of -Alta bond ^.car vhich oontainr n? 
v%t?»T*rh. ::.i« envolor* Eoarcroe f.iO* la length, .%«';** in vUV., c,COE 0 * In 
t;’ :x»«' , 3;r;-i3 :\" r ' ri r,rr-.;.n Mid bs.-.-s an address V.ndvrd tte- v* a. soft 

•ac'i'-sa J. i "! Ac r- r-hset of v'ii 4 .o, ruled .r-per *fLioV or.i.-jlr.r ,v> y-.tor* 
:jss*\. iH' a:.c- 3 t v ..* .ti-turo 3 If. 37* ia V3»;t’., V-S 1 la J/W 1 

in *>.lcV*re , or?A : v ? o.r'3 jrros nad N>er« a rsaaa/^a ^.advrltV'Vt /sth % 

• -»fi •< iu j ncil. n-.a rvoat of via lonre £5 Una 11*80 "p.iead r.n v*uv;e 
dir . -e of p.n 4 :.y:rt V^lraduifc l*r>* fraa - v fl te.» ■ ' t j *<-o V* ii* 

of J.C' •-•.*«•. 1.1 <» -v 1 . n’>: of aln'-lerly v\i; l 

.":ve !.• i*. .vitin*, ^.-a^rlaiins o:r. tjfstrri Mtvj c* ••,.* tre-ru. •*> ’.’r;, vitfc. 
i..o . • -eo’ r» ci ' , "• , a* Y:ndr-lntLr -* v ; *Jlc'** tc? rj r V u, '.dll 

:• * t >.r'v.i;;r. f.\a .\ncayarj;«i Let'.rr Tila r.r..l a rt* set fill 

‘•o r \ja -? if. is nd iltloanl annlratiet iv.r ■; •*-r r : .liod .;.r»l - ^rc-, ?ia*a 
r ’**•: - icpl’c t *;‘ j through 13 S vir. foimrJad to ycur o*'-ico 

:■■'_• '•' : • 'i"-' O 







’ L-40 

Laboratory Work Shoat 

rued !•! ~\~UZ \ : 00 




File # 61-1336 
Lab. # D 11437 

EXamination requested by: He* York (100-9744) 

Date of roforenc: corjsuniciticn: 1/8/44 Date received: /, ; *'V 

Examination requested: i'ocunont - Fingerprint 

Result cf Examination: Examination by: Cra Y 

:120 1 postal with 
pa H ‘ sw -ark, 

Soso iron,-? submitted for 


hw e.4r "Pietro Allegro. 59 Chnistie St. Few York T. if. " 

2. Y. Jan 31 12:20 . ; J! 1342" and t.'.o necs- .a hgn "Irnfredi 


1 32 

like cofj're, end f ietri no. 

I r.ontnl with hp sdr ''-'r Pietro Allegro.... 9 pa "Few York, F. Y* Feb 9 

9:50 u 7 a 1912", the ness age bga "Opon letter to F. Allagrr* ". 

1 -ortal with hp ?.dr "La Farola 80 Est...." pro flffew for':, F. Y. Feb 9 
9:20 11' 1942", the -as sage bgn "Open latter to ?. Allegru You ere....'*. 
1 -ostal with hw a-tr °;‘T Pietro Allegra. . . " r n : '-'ew York, 2. Y. Feb 19 

1 - FK 194.?", the message fc.rn "Card Pietro .Yllogra R . 

1 postal with hw sdr "Nr Fletro A1 lepra. ... 11 p.a ".few fork, 1 ! , Y. Ear 5 
1 - PM 194,3" the message bgn "Card Fletro Allegro 


J.25 \ eny with hw r.dr "Justice Luigi Antonio 76 ' out gorery St. Jersey City. 
:T. J. 11 pn "Brooklyn, Y. Zor 13 C:Z 0 FK 1943" and acn let bgn "fjuesta 


•J 37 

• .*'8 


a LD. •••!,. • 

1 eny with hw a dr "Lugi Ator-ini 106 V/. 23. Street ew fork. If. Y. 41 pa 
illeglbla anjl see 4 pugo* bearing hw and a newspaper cli ping with the 

title 1, Cri ticks U Senator! nil* evsnt-vxle >.«r* is a r on 

the back ‘Tr^tklyn, Y. ita. 7. Arr 13 4:30 ill 1943". 

1 eny with hf sdr “Justice loigi Aatonlno 76 h outgo aery " jn "Brooklyn 

/. 3 19431 June 2 1.2:30 id!" and aec let "2o_e sono i '.lO.TOQ....'. 

1 oar with hw a dr "Lagi Antonini Justice Editorial Office... * pa "Brooklyn 

f. :>;/■ 24 9 - Id'. 1943" and acc let bgn "Brigitiero d«:-i *. 

1 env with hw r.dr "Luigi Antonini Gangister.. . .." ' r "i’rcofclyn, Y. 


tar 35 11 - AH 1943* and nee let bgn "Brlcatiero del carabimieri....". 

4140 1 enwe with h* adr "L.Antonlni (Personal)" containing 3 email pieces of 
paper on* beamng hw "M.CK?. 

4141 1 ear with hranr "Luigi Antonlno. . . ." pa "Brooklyn ?. Y. Apr 2 5 IT" 

and 5 pa^es bearing hw attached* 

C -JL42 l enr with hw adr "Suetlaice Luigi Antonlno... " pa “Brooklyn, H. I. Sep 
2 4:30 PH 1943" «.«A 2 pages bearing hw attached with a newspaper picture* 
l <143 1 eny with hw adr "Justice Luigi Antonlno...” pa "Erooklyn, F. T. Sep 27 
6:30 PH 1943* v nd 2 pa;» bearing hw attached with 3 newspaper clippings, 
4144 1 enrv with hw adr "Luigo Antonlni..,." pa "Brooklyn* H. T. Sta. B 
Feb 24 12 M 1943" with 2 pajae of hw attached* 

^145 1 enr with hw adr "Luigi Antonlni...." m “Brooklyn* F. Y. Par 30 4 — PM 
1943’' with 3 pages of hw attached. 

'0,46 1 oct with hw adr : 'Luigi Antonlno..." p “Brooklyn, H* Y. Sta. T Ibb 23 
4:30 i'M 1943" with 1 page of hw attached and a newspaper clippie,; with 
the *itle "..Hi P.ojactn Alliance with labor in Ltsfiia". 

(£147 1 any with hw adr !; Lulgi Ontonino J. U. 218 ’-oat 40th D'treot I'ov York. 

IT. Y. * po “Brooklyn* N. Y. Dec 29 9 - DM 1943 3" bearing the hw on the 
Sack' "Justice 3 . v.'ost 16. St. Mew York. Y. *. 

CJL-18 Acc hw let bgn "Ericatiero* Luigi Cmtanino, .... • 

4149 1 newspaper clipping of Adolph hitler. 

so-iar: c 

J.20 1 h.t let dutod "Ielip 26 Sept. 942" to F. P. I. b~n *'Lhis is to ir.fcrm you 
that the listen am below are n signed n Jce Fadi". 



New York, Now York 
ilaroh. 2# 1944 

1' 50-9744 

tor, F3I 


IVT.^’^L 9 r :Cu;ii'.'Y - I 

^ur .%u I’ilo : Q1-132S) 


n ** 

I.- 4 


hotter to D 



io tor 

Mar oh 2, 1944 

75 1 a subjoot apparently Iv-.d r.o information of valx-« 
rc-ardin,; tho poryotratora of tho ili’.SCA. homicide, .’.o voluntoorod. 

. ' J :> i.1 . I A T’U *7 (JPi hflrl ^AAn V 4 1 1 Atl tl V 

t.iC Xlii Ui". li* OJ-UU bJ.Ab HU UUiiVIW — — — -u 

fnaeista" 7/.io dlaanraod >»ith him. 

It la not boliovod tint anythin.; of valua alone 
Shiis lino coo la cj ubtalr.od ifoo IfuDI by futuro intorrlo-', oon- 
• .r r. . ly, tho :v ui v jau la bo in" ro^jaatsd to diaroTjxrd ■ \ / roc^uoct 
:• . . \- Aoaion ... ir-t<rvic.f !.'U0t c ; « t&liiod in :y Int.-* oi 
•b'ji-nuy a, i$K4. 

'f A 4 ^ , » 4 wi . 1 # 4# ’ll.’ * 

J ^ S 

2 . 3. 





+ * 

C r " 


of the 

- IA101AIOHT — « ' - 


yckTcu r-o. 



r rs 
1 1 : r 

vUv 0 V 

\f */.« 

o/Tlc i on 

Z >Vor::.v.T7 Li 
■ rch 1>*A* 

\ ; •!:- r. of 


John Edger Woofer, Director 


FBI File no. 

lab. fill no. 
your fill .no. 

Exim!.: >n rr^tJCik^d byt 


Exanvn.. . on req«vs<c<l: ’i ; ’• L» 

datJcfi ptlon of th« tirav'cuai^/ aU^ni -’-*‘1 ftaier..*! Aa ffulX*A{i 

*h-> rraail» u #^^!i o.* I.?!?:* a harvteTl •■!»*: .'.itV. t':* .lonad hae^^te: 

- < \r*.'>jurlp& ir>. ti '.a c^r. ;, n^ro tr<.. :£ j£ ♦*. i*i V> ytr-r &; flo* oy r 

r«V’ ;r*.«: •• 

t: •*•*»! *'• - ; ••' "r**’ •*, f-./. 

- i.. Lf> da 1 

*"* S ir 

*«,r smor r« 


rx • 

3 - 8-44 5 iOO Ptt 


• V < v ;• ... , r ; 

■*. r ^ 'tS:-,,; •:*$ 


1 :"• — '-'f ■'• ?»*•••*• WW- 

Eli vC BUREAU OF I UVBST I GAT I C 5 - , ■ 0 

TSD STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE \ *. ' • . • "V. " ' / - >t ; G 

" 1 \ .*• } Z * V -*.• 

. Laboratory Work Sheet . v! : '.'V 


Internal Security - I 

A .** 

V ‘V 

Lab. # 

File # 61-1335 

D-1324S CD 

Dato received: 3-8-44 vlr 

Examination by: Gray 

Examination requested ty: New York (100-9*744) 

Data of reference concuni cation: 3-2-44 Let 
Examination requested: Document 

Result of Examination: 

|U, * d * J * £*— r , J i U i '•<•> /Jo-/’-', '< T 3 ,'- r </ 

Kv,^ Q-lo.-lK *-<• ,^<T. S'*) 6 h ?<>, ■> *, 7 /3 < ’ J 

/ or ! , n } , > 3 o, •2-1-0 , ■*. a'</, X 0-7 , -2. 4 7, >-Po / ^ ? 7 , 

3 0?, 3 3 0, | 0 > c ^enc^tlitted for semination 

K4 8 sheets tiering kr.ovm hw and hp of GIUSEPPE Uiji. 

:>r ? 

jfe. - ' ^ 


.» a s <r jj ^ 

2 U S ‘ 

L ^ P c. r=t ru w S> 
l 0(? T W « .... , 

4 / p opf t n <"f 

„ O T u W T 3 
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?‘3 /I C 

£> F 


O /? T 

«yA C B E 1~ \- ¥\ 0 H T' u 

4 6 B £ Q 1 L /Vj O T u vv y 




Xc. a 

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O' t?- •■ '" £1 . ■ .?. ' -r - •*. O ' < " ; . s vv-V' ; . ; -• • > £ in . 

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TEtf .jTSUREAU OF I X VEST IGAT R» ^ _ 4 . ■ ' ' ^ • \rftg 

3 -R-A* 5*00 PU 


Laboratory Work Sheet . ; ,/^v- - 


Internal Security - I 

III* § a - 1333 

Lab. » d.13248 CD - 

Examination requested by: ^ ew York (100-9744) 

Date of reference coxmuni cation: 3.2-44 Let Dut0 r * Cfeivsd: 3-S-44 ▼!* 

K4 3 shsets bearing known hw and hp of GIUSEPPE AUDI, 


V- D /+ a M ' h J - c 

V A 6*7 

H a 

n c xm 

y J- > jy * e A /iij/u -rfjf; '■/-'»' */ *y / >~Z /^f/UJy/76 

h £ 4% ^ J ^ 

§ Q X ^h y _0 ’ . . ■ ; • 



, V V 6 ^ 5 6, 

-* ' . V, 

/y f // //’^ /^ 2 z-tf 

Jy :? o ^ S 10>, ? 


? t. 



r ?l 

* ’t . A "m 

3-«~44 5*00 Ptt 

”’ \C t 5UFBAli '0P 1 JVESTIGAT lew - 

Laboratory Work Sheet 


Internal Security — I 

,'l- . • - - ,1 .-V 

's' ‘ : V :r j V£*3t<^ 

File # 61-1335 

Lab. # D-1326d CO FV^fe 

Examination requested by; gaw York (100*9744) 
Date of reference communication: 3 - 3-44 Let 
Examination requested: Docuaeafc 

Result of Examination: 

Data received: 

3 - 3-44 vlr 

J 1/7 ^ 

m^ebiffiaticn by; 

k 4r <? r ~ r/J ' l*.'‘M** -*<**.'*-* 

1 5"^ / J"’f. f ^ ^ > t (4 / -* 

SpcCiiCSr.'R submit tod fer 3 xg.mi nation 

F4 8 sheets hearing ’crown hw and hp of CIU.CE1PE 11UDI* 



Kh (#*) <£>s^ 3 . £ *//^ ,io , 7 Z 3 ' f/ i i ' ' ^ ^ 

"/ Arp, - 6/ V-/4J —p-fT-jL 

’ : ; ' v ' ; '- 

i^*V ; 3 : 

r> ; -> 1 ; *V?-‘‘ 

A .(L s 

' v -V ■* «*■■• - . ^' ' r • •: .*.- v$ 

, v •: • * • ;••/ . •_ •* ;*-<r ■ J ->* ** \ • \K;J$ 

<r fp t M '"-•■•■ ■ ' f%£ 

T7^:>::pr ‘-fT? 

•; v I > ■ ■ 

k * .' jy, ^ .-/.. :•■ ... 3f'*- 

' " '*&■ ^jSLt; - ■ **>••• ,* 

•^. ..- Y,‘„-, :-. ■ "Vi- V , . ,,A... v- 

i .: **■• rq »* 

"i '■ -r'" ^;-£ '-H; ; T'H^ : ^'i ' •'• . '^- -*■ 

• *5*#***s 

*»/ Jk:> : ’ "'•'' f ^H4' r ' • '4&*. t %. ■*?£. i* ■■• 

kJKaKife &***•■*&* Mi- 

H^SfiPfcU»?; ••': 1 ’'Si* ’’* ; S' -X* iil 


^ ~ _ _ 'E^SI 


r 9tt T V; r 5625™“' 

^at-T-V ... it. S- 

Bute 0 - - ;■;■ f^95<r 

• -. ■ COMMENT 

•&.P' r.iuii or c.jiLO TSisc«. CEinoKifi those -no cas- ;a ;:. rcr. »5«., ^ iu* la&i: 
' ,_ s :« iTiiaT'OS^’tW'riiau. shvaor...ij.Ts xk izjx. 

. . At$» ’ ,,r. i. * ' 

jr-^an;.oaaon ctiioiats of a letter, tjjienrittii cn -i .J-Il' cne-’t, v.oic.i oje- 

i f iT^'*’ Co*pisgnoJ* (Ex.»*Cear Cosa’tdei' 1 ) I- reads: 

' r0 ^?* 3™~ j-Sr8t 1 rust confess I do not speck nor write Italiii , altho I read -ni tinier' 
' "Jr L'tijJ -1 :od - t ^-irly neil.-Evan before I lived inth 0 rlo Trasca I nad ret"? ar.d 

i jj^Pr ajp^ ,^'H F^aturara and ?c*e £ Vino* ind ycur last boo!: T?hich has caused consider 
v oiatrarorsy aco.ig a* # -rather chert -ji^htest^ t*o ^iLjtrsionsl : iople 1- 

fy - es ae T -as7«4 3 s deeply 9 &ad Carlo iovsd it, toe , ^arlo rh-sroc ^or: 
t.h^ ^ ''b^t rare and tr: utiful '’ift-he loved pecple as ' =ople und net r*erel v i 

- 1 C V 

. Litt .e. r .« 

,*- J<r; 


,{ s\ 

^ \ a 

i 3o uo^f/i ftwi -t.iw -LOV^U a v, VJ*. « 'w iw m ,-^i J -J - 

J^t rare and tr: utiful ^ift-he loved people as p eople und net r*erel v v 

* rds ia one reason I Lav* wanted sc r.uck xcscrlt 3 tc you, one ->1:7 I ’ ‘ «h 70 r- c- 
taa rr.i3r.oriCa is rue of *11 llart olio 7?nich his frierao and f. dickers publi: i-: 
t is iinitsd, rax as grs^t as Carlo f hut it i: tcjol Tt*-\ are t* - ai-jaa joi 

cjve nd ccura/*t»ous and creative ^:rscn, vha fc alio to ,"irk 
ou boxu’ maintained a positive attitude in "ohe f . — t cf the blackest i r .t< 

aoplc have had to try to penetr^t*. 

X- f osier if you or > cur close friends under^t-pc cirri' , a' thj cff-s-iully 
o thing is dona or lecogrdpcd, that Carlo I;l„lad cr. accos t of tb s de\ v* 
^eliaji sitm-tivUi, either other prosily i* # : V*) xr by 

ho *?re eager to cliab on the , d«ncc^»tic 4 berdr ifor rra is w s 

xA-the potential developments in Italy. I b-tOisva this daath was t oifastrj 
dr what ua all desire as was Roan laixerbur* ®-acd Xixl ^ieteschts. that la r..v 
" "Hope aid fcoj-e and hope you are co hand eomaniierf sc&moe to bend trr futuw 
he right ^>y. Naturally in ny cou ntry (I ul h^r. j cn ^ieit) remciitn 

inland ever* ameng the Italians acacluicly n^JS _-g cc. 3truoti75 is boi; 

< cne* r-Iflou can poaeiaiy "gen & letter tc re ter. \?n tV 3 e^i ecur :sc * i : 
v T . O'o. rill ffft to you," I t ‘ :Td xni>r€Cia« it ;lc 1c a *tc - 

mr ‘p 'v - --jv rrr. - . - xn c nsniTicr't;,^. .vr r r- . .- .. .. . ,; c . # — 

' - 1 - : v rcr tiiu,Uida he ;ri sic ^ ioi' .lxb A »:• .. /".c 

*->.* ■•: _ r.t-d ^ r - \^Tr c r a ) " 

A po . script to .u.other handnrit* .7. go>c the fcirc ^.g: 

1 ' * “ 

^ear Arthur, « nar.ted very uuch *hat this letter 7;cuia fine ciir friend 
-on 49 pocsiV Ucpc o dee yeu iu ti.. r.axt year**' - it letter : Xi.w r 

■ ,<- O f_* . t# Tli^rjCB * ulltc iiCDi lost* • .' 3 "/ Li V « 44 

' J ,B, -7’ pop: - ';r.l ;nt: : t.i:;;3ur ^i. r . rx • .* 2I 

>:.m '*ru taL. :, fr. >QJ (ip 




_ .. 

Bairn in 

Elion d*A« 

J Typ?M p 


- 1 




1 Brains 


v >D» ■_ « 

;«M mw- 

- H. s-. ■ 

g 'S** - <! . •> 

■} 4 

Ejcatiner*# Not® I P *'«*•'' >•. 



< *<■ 

Previous reocrda reveil that Avenida Juarez 141, Coyoacan, Mexico is Jte oafre; 
of Gustav Regler (B7CQG) 1 

Previous correa pon deuce has shorn that Gustav Begler uses the sane kind of 
thin yellon paper when writing his letters, as is the case here, and that his 
typewriter, also, is badly adjusted, r.akirg each character half red £u*d half 
black. His letters also contain numerous typographical errors. 

Tot i£c-ze reasons, one is led to Relieve that the letter is being sent by 
GuBta ^Pegler (B7DC0) 

Previous correspondence reveals that Eabette Grose (B7CC1) ha3 addr aacd 
covers to Arthur Eoestler which contained letters opening ^fear *Jario.° 

This fact and the current coirnurdcution indicate that Arthur Xo^stl^r Is ect-r 
as an^ir.temedj *iry for ids frier. ds in Mexico. 

The author of Fantacara and Pane E Vine, to whoa th_s ccnnunlc-ticn ia cbvious 
intended, is Ign aci^ 3ilone« who is active in the Italian underground which 
functions from' This hasten rave -led by previcus correspondence 

He is sc^Ld to bo financed ty the XtaHoa~^crlcan labor Council, whl:" is v aid 
by iAiijli^ntonini* y 

v ’ ( ^ 

bPE'.'lAi, NOTI^F 

. .1 r.'ul JT.vHi! Cl'iujr. JA Cl - :< /l* 

i_» .kftQmly CjN:M<:rt<ua 'Sl’Ai. ’ 



REF3~ . 

of th- 



17# 1-c. 


f .AC- !•' i* zor\ 

7'::vr» folic 3 i-itt reporter th : i 'l laborc tyrin’. 'ho •“■• 
evidence receives fro.a yo'-r efi’ico cr. Fcb.-u:.r;.' 11. 1‘ 

-Lien oi 


rbo ■“ 

«\ . ^ 

\ i 

\ John B6c,ir Hot>*or, Director 


C ... ' ; 

If; trf. 1 ‘ - I 

FBI FiLt no. 
LAB f.Lt NL*. 


EmoT’ no tr 

ftefe**' o. 

Cxaci iffc.. ti<J n re ^O. .i-d: 


leaver r-Vi.i 

’i'cc .ncr.i - ringers;! Lnt 

Ol*A * 

:Vl;: y- ; Ck 

1^0 '44 

Crt ' 

i oT 

■•J. . .. 3 

-u . .5 


Cr-- ! '-'i-.-l 

'»;;•■ '-"ork, 

be,: .: ->LiV 1 


>rr r.ogtri.1 



JU 5 

ent 1 oosUti. 

T>T* c ^ 


- , |,.l LI [ ttn'iU* .. - - . — , - 

v. Oct yj li s 3 u 19.J.* 'tv>' V^Ti-vrit-te.: cor. «*;» 

_ .-v •• M J ' ‘ ' | 

•.»:• ■ v:av\' ru 

. signed v- 



.-rk* ' 

.in;i 7535* 


"Curi ir,brod. iionl II cir-iolo.. •” b! cr.o4 ... '• M 

-«wtol.»Wu > 1th handprinted axtir ; ?t-- ’’Lu ’.•wrolu..” po3*-iu»*::«o . ’* 

t - . LI t li 

•» g th handprinted add Vwrola. por»V^:*aa . *v 

1 COKMUlWtfWNS »lW* h 12 - U 19U" wd tha I vidprintjd »oi& * Vp a ‘ 1A 6 ■ : 

2 "^'-roo litbllistlpn !)im .tor# • ■ ■ ’ signed R 'J* *t* #m,‘v v.. fy \ , . 

\ M A !.L LET T" ! j'J # . > F... J : ,t\- 

j ti; x SM aURi Al! Of INVESttGATiOJi ( 
~ f JUSTICC ' k 

r -~~ <jl , , ,r 

- - i.'h iA & j v-' v / ; /■ 


( continued ^xt pajo)l 

^>-1 i \ • 

r* *- * a. •’ '■-. \~”w' v a.' A •a?'*'- ' - , - , ■ 

* < a * b r* ^ v - **?hrfjr*y ■ »C * .. 




v!o7 Or» postal c-ri viih handprint ed actcur* \ o>'ln: iJtr ■■■'■ 1- ^ ■'l'**’ 

idirasserf to K La r«rclA...'* postriirkr-. v i,'ci To“*J 1*. t. 2 2- r* 


' ~*i X) fi • 

C;;*i posVal cfcrd v.itu **-wjnrd d*o<l r, 1& jd 

yor:<, v * r*ec 7 1 - r * IsV'T thr. d^v'piifiVv, ;5 '«ec* : be<^ruiir 

;j . ntif:u rlrV.* Tizsino ‘i'ci'c** •*« 

JL67 ‘no f 0fU-i r&rd ir. t v hutvior-nuc*' r ~v» 

-. .. . i , • • • ^ »» n tr j 

■•;,n: Ter!;, V. 7. v&n 31 12:3- >*. f 19.' un* tbs '• • rd.rrlnW '. 
'i>.'t£r,:\lr K z f ‘ lanfrc U. like cc^feo, end..." airrvd * C 

\JL 70 Onts care! *±Lh handprinted siircss X& r*;rci:. *./ { pa -or :, 

i:. 13 :;ov 7 j. r* 1941*' on* the? handrr.'.ntftd n-:r.sf * b i^nnlr?. "Las ere. . 
r.rstra "xstra. sirvy* "0. 


n<- ‘i t .X curd v;it>; 

fcaivi print c»i m’dre-ss 

y^r^, i^c - i - 

• rj- ic n i- b. r L; - har.t rr # 

vj_, ’ TTcr r 

"3 1 one r-a 

• • # • ' * 


;:C.LV-'.l CuTvl 

r.nrJprir.t^c address 


- 1_ 7% « * * le "'-V Jr s. ~ 

r-.S 1‘, ..2" is.-K* hs-vi -'.' 


'•* v-iv: “ p .i rid J -r 

icari. . . .’ ♦ 


^ c:'rd .:d w.: 

handprlr.ted andrees " •■" 

x'C. / 

; ‘\.3V ^ork, 

y. 1: s - ■ -' 19*^. 

iii * L. ^ • 

b: •’ 

C/L> \y 7 * ■* - - « < - 

c * b;* ItjvLiV 

raes bosinr-lnj * kisneth^Lllii;. 

t*i A 

,1/1, ’-nt curd r.ith Jvmupr: rtfc-fed address v \.t. : ..r>.i*.:«». ?. ;st,n~r-.c * ". r<; 

York, ... lev 2$ a. - Ta 25 <t i» ana ll;* band? tel -cr . '- 77 
*• i • - oe - La J arola .-.vdi:-a. ..«• ci^n-fd "LIU' 7 : . 



,;T ^.nvolcoc t. * tk tv..rt cl liars inr— T -’-rJ ad-lr^?..;.- ’7-e * »rc... “k» *.cco , n>r.-».yi«s letter ba£ir.r in,; xssra. irttri. 

,-4 .1 >» '• T> *• 

V. _ . ^ * . J# 1 - * • 

One u'Wi.iv'V: r-ith handprinted OiKms ”!& •■ml-...’ pctl^-rkc ; 

_ /or’* ;;. 2 - 7:. l/ftj.". and ths freer- ;viyln,' latter L« ,dfvdr... 

"iiCRorl V«jr uostra noniu.. sigrK’d ,f C. h. 

’• - ;: 

. .1 

17? - card •..ith Ixarsl written addr -rr **1" 2 ' - - 

r o- t,->'.r!:hd * Tro-..’:lyn, 7, Ma i .' <jc 9 Hi 3‘1 - ! *'.3 1 ritten 

.o.'r: ;i*;t» V'.^iurf ’jr ll tJM. . tu id... . 

;17t’ r r <^ po?sf.l card vitn h'^n Jr ritual; t-ddrers "/.il' t .rr' poet— 

narVM -;.ew YorV, Y. Oct 21 2 - *- f lV:-2" nn-5 liixiit ritter 

£..^•■’0 br.'*;innin*: "Curo /Uj’^'jcndo. f rHnni. • • . 1 • 

0-7 ' 7ne envelope with handprlrtod ndemss C V....' r.e «t'Uirk«>:l I^rc, 

... Y . '•' '' 27 10:33 19^3'" tie ii2C'J"pa?r.'Jr.^ Lur.dT.ri:.t«d letter 

’"iai.tofri checal t'olUro., . . 

sl£0 One envalc’ * vitfc handprinted addrtiss 'td.e^rc pceV^rked 

’’Jersey citf, «. /. 3- 7:30 19 JJ" and'^tie'fcccor: !:• letter 

. ' Ooplj rdn»: "II pro^ramo.. Di ’-iaesta...*'. ^ . . . ; 

ra^te 2 ■ ' " - V^’ ' 1 

Laboratory nejnrt D~ 121 m 0 CD 7 . C7 .7 " ' 

•• '"v/y.7: •• 


. . V-^3*r‘ , 

r * • *•' 1 

\ jV'" ,•■ sl^- 


Ex!, lb 

it ? 




;:*,v*lcec ..itk I;ir. .-rit - 

'Arnes v ' MI*:* .j 

‘ ' T* ~ * • — ^, v *. 

1 J. A . ^ fc ’ < - A>- • i i « y ■ 

V . ' , 

^ »l • *»»-> J V T» *J i, ' * 1 

., ^ : i « * m ■ m wi.,.. ^ ■ • •* 

ami nccoRr-':: yi :'. 

har.A*i.-: . a p: ^ 


v: r br - 4 . j . i ;j * r (;p *1 it m : «L 1 * 

\ 0 f i» • • * • 



■> ~v 0 1 o c * "a 1 1 , r.-: i " \\rr 1 L. 1 0 r» ; ; 

' ^ i ’** i *' 13 1 ^ j r< • 

klcs. . . " 'ort . rked 

. . 1 ^7, !.♦ rt , I .^ r s «!l»' 1 ; 

' \ ..?*** tf.t. :• 


* . ^ i* »-9;d C* 1 L. y J - 

v : ‘ c v .c-* . 

« » 


-**» ^ 

c ‘t*lo’;,-.*. 

i Ire-'J- ’ . ’ ‘^'“T 

- * i 7 '; f' 


w irkee Vork, k. f ta 

■ i't-C 3k 1 - *L* I..': 

i" v.-i aecenctr. irt' 

v:r bii^irr " r - '" I’ V.M LVIC 

,.vuzAi t~ 

H 1 CO &- T e # • e « • 



■k.J'itt • l>'tter b-.i;’innl.: , 

: ; .: \*cn 

yare it r.zr.j id ;v>n 


t* • » i t * 


v r/. 

r /* ■* r.l t I ))rrVi)i. r . 

T*T.t '!■(*"- t . -7 

* r r bis a’.* .c p J 

e. - 

« # • # • 

.1 '• '• 


: •: V ••*. a -t; - U ••..;irr.’..'. 

M . - "ir f i : 

,. : ilt ; - ?.r: :*nt* 

* i 

r • • < 

■J '■•' 

*- A 

; .nr*: 

? % m \*V ** ~i. * * 

J oa vi'. L- L '* •. i 

ftl t 

1 r 

- » fr * • * 

•1 : V- 


) .? -i i .a v rX C ^ i r* 1. ’w, c* " r5. r_iv.. n 

- r T»-t ; i* * *"' . ^ ■ 

n • f • « \ 

V' ; 

,'*rv . 

i i i^tt.r oe^inn? r 

; M ^:*ro : v i*ra;: ;■ . 

.. . j r; L- vllj. 


- V 

. i • • 

* . v # * 

/ * 

j»vl-\rX Vct-r* -.c v. •«' bc.iinrJr 

... « .. * ■ ’ * ; - t r #»* ♦ 

* f C»cv; yerdv J h * .» 

i ,'3 • . 4i iii'I 

. •— 


r . .0 ' . J ■. J . . tt- - ’ ^ bv’ ^ 

b w'r J 

1 1 , *. i' 1 : » * i y • 1 ? 0 V_"*^ t • • • * 

i . 

•1 *\ : v L 1: 

•‘ nr : I . ; 

*.* > • • * * 

.Ay J 

: i.-rliV ./-•*/ bup,ir5uL 

: »•<; ;:ii;;:/ :j . 

r . . . d: ty./e. 

J C ..\ 

• ?: 

. *v 1c r •- j L5i h:* r L - 

*Mroi3 r- t ; v v i. : ‘ . . 

■ %. - V • * * • ) 

t 'iw ’ 

% v c>*s, *** ?• ^ 1935 

i - } ^ i- c 

.;::;.vr.;n. l*tt«r 

bO ; 

k.'-run^ *‘ ^ c i'lio^-ro tit. . 

.t»- lcCu^ « i • • % 

H • 

•v^* » *' 

v r e 

cuv h An^-'rltto 

ii fed irees 

*■ ■*- ‘ « j. . > 

t:i* r 

•:/v: v *.0k Yr.?S'. v . Cia >* I 

cc 6 id ** • • !•:•>:•■* . 

i d r:.o;*e tftfjlnr.i i 

< *" y. . 1 * ♦, r** 1 4-? 

.* > » • • 

-.1 k 


virfJ'.rlM. n dated tVt 

■miry 6, V.V* 1 

1* • 1 7 ■:. r : 


jrev* tr/o^.t «•••«• v # 



-'Lc lt d cn U;e bt.c< b.; j. 

liHivS ritinp pc in ir ' ' Uiio tu*5crivo 

;^ f ‘ 

", * 

I'’ ,^ wmw * 

Or-'* Tour krjiJ ritte-n letta.- dated ’ .kroclciy , j 
br;if a? n^; roe!. ancora uri*i. . . « ’ • 

y r icc:'.~e 1935 ’’ 

.179 One eiiiht handwritten let-ar date-1 

beyinninr ’V 5. indirisro la '’hto.. 

-.205 Jrv p£jv? letter kev 1 "kronx, ?• :^c. • 

American citirm. .< r . 
vjjll dp - hnrflv rif.-n letter bor-lnrJLr.i •■'■rgl T v*.l,vrift a eenklrvi «•••"* 

rookl ’r. f '. y iMcv-nire 195” 

.?.■;* nr.iii,* ’’I ir- t.n 

* - 

— 3 

Labe rater? keoort r*-lXl/«3 CO 

(ecJtlmad r. r.t pafa) 1 : 3 

..l l; v ; ; , ■ * 

- £s." ■ ' • v • : • • -• * 

.•>7 -"* .*« »** 

* * V'* N 

rr ^j.u. T ry g gjjtnui ^UTvl^ 

<>'.-• ^nveloro wit!; handwritten i’udi'e.'rr *t r TCA'J’. ! . L. I 1T....31. I local 6v » • • " 
pc-- i-.: ‘.r:-:cc Tsrk, !•■ v 2? >4 1935* mrd act-. -nylro letter 

iU.x - i "love :V*,r 23, Iv 0 5" heriw-Lr.^ "V.. ho sciititd[ f.^rlRi>* alia. ’*• 

J 2 -1 *~andv«i*.».or 1 : t-' r b j-rinrir.y "^r-r. .do rlf-irto della. ... . n dated ’'23 

;.tv - tr-: x ;y. . 

V . with haryirritter r.ddrcro "h. -.;:T. p 'rw^-rkcd 

v ' : r. c'.i.;- ' ,\.. ' < :.qv ?i. 9:30 ■ ‘ 19; : ;> 2’’ ur i L'vi acco.-apar.yi - w letter 
tw.;lr. jin.*; " c- .'Vi • • ** • 

jj U' f envelope tsJ.v. hondv.Titoer. 'dui ! -re.-.oocJciro Lilian..*." 

post-.-Arhod • •'rooXiyn, i.. v . f ta. £. :inv £f 11:30 *7 and the 

acscrpiinvir.;;' har i.-ritim letlsr dated ’’iroi.'hi.yy. 7 5 — 11— 1 bc.^ianirF 

,.;i * J 1 ^ C li 3 « 

, rv . l ; ., V It;. : ~ni'-"ior,er : '!dr*sj 'inV'i"* . Vli.Ihli. . . postr-artad 
■>ir. 2 V-I 1935" v-cr".w,.iyir : let tv r teri.-ninr 

d. ' el.:;: vli- av.’ru -:Vit _r.~l Inch ? :t 

'• •: rc . . . . r*. svc?:r- v r:i v h.i- : - : J :• f ■..:*• ; . 2- 10 - lv35* 

»< i*;v : r’> l-'ttnr > -'in Iji - , *C..i. 7 ' : 1.1 J ‘i~>v:-3sii rettorti. 

■hI.'I ?rv.?)oro with har. -Vritten a ‘.dress « 7M VZn .TZliUW...* 

•’ r'y>! lvu ,.. PU. ..c.v 22 11: ?3 A ' J .35" - th. sr stu. v >e 5 if!nlnS 

’ r;: 1 - . ■ ' i r .:i .* dot - n ?3 - Wb*- 

.’ J. ( •■■ rVi- <• :-l >~ VojLnrin£. n Al 1-2 

D ' - nv .> > ;• 5 l:: l lv.riV..en avirctf ’.* 1. “ T-OO'l 89*. »“ PC?:- 

;.c oc.r 0 *v?i: i* r -0 p&“ 

1 __ st <!ti _la 0: 07*u . i.:> ->-vCu Cit.y 

, ; ; )*•. : \ r ui Vr> hundv. v*i t^o a rt r- r *.! ' i • . ,%i.t U - . i ' r- '• - - 

. . V. i«3 l . lov S3 TS w .1 acc.-ij u.; yinr lcU-.-r fct.-ioniry. 

d l . ...J. rri<3& di t-iff- ii dico...’*. 

i.r.rinr. haivJvrltlr 

»^s cv- 

inning ’’.J. Poet: .-4J* 8v oh. 

ri c t*v j t: t:# • « • • , v .‘7 . 

; ' vlti hon:S^iU«r aWr-Jif “J tall?- n r i v.r . c.aa^<.. . . r ' cot fesari^e 
••;. V Ter':/. . 7. i.ov 21 5:30 Id 1935'' ar.-J the a«c::par^rL-j *etW dated 

"orlc 21-11-1035'' b-^lr.niie -WWa TATH^: 

t . o'i 1 , C. v envelop.' ritl: hen ^rltle - addrosfl 1 , A.T • . 1 "-e* 

y, _.. 1 ib t.rtir n n_v>« f , . ->r,' icr r^ iv? liars'lrfri iton letter 

«V» f- 

b. iirrdnj ” :0% 3T.1 VIO. rjn?.V*r.U2T0 

.215 O 1.0 handwritten letter victo.i r ll/2;/55. ' *:• i "iPu-in^; your 

UroRdc u-t 1 oLiinla;.* . 

•VIC* ()».•? nhr.'.t h(..»rir.f handwriting kn£ "*■ Oo e Titti clraltri..*’, 
v . l? C:i<- ,‘aindv.TlU n latter dated "lew Tori: 13-11-933" fcnd ..batlnrd^. ‘ : nirlger.U 
V dilla local-..,.*'. ^-*1 

521^ Oiff handwritten letter dated '"^roocKcy!* lS.U.?M.|^inai?« %ue»t* * la , 
«»r eeconda.. *» 


laboratory Report P-1214C' Cl) ; »rr . POlv’ 

$ Or.- viVn aiSrou* *'1 - i* ,* %t o: 

f.%‘ ta. ;:. r. 1 'vS Au' 2 v i*ni -~c /In: i'-tW 

n jnj-t, —S” r _ .* ri.cnirJ diV 

v L ;^j i»:v ; : ..u au:-rc. h 

o:i*: *>• '-• It; * ( :>' •: } -'’- 

I.",.* mvciro * l\’» ..♦rllLo:* \ 

;v. ? ’'^alir- : >. ' r* Y. ec 13 7 ^ Vi?*-" r 

CH: *1 Jjiii?"'*;’ 1 ':'i 1 -'C O ir.Y.. , 1 .- . t«» ... 1-C.kotO** • • J * 

Cry h-!V‘.. letter l'» •jin: i *v: " ll'ur.tls *£fr*v 

"•: j ‘'.:.r.'*';r.' ,tt.;r. i-fi.t-.-r ba^inr* ir ’ r ’ ' ' 

r i'*.’ ,•/. i ;«■ *■ ' i ; •» • J .**■ * 4 * »-i r r* * rt * t‘(' ' * ' 

* '** ? ... .. “‘.rarr 

; v:...;* ro^t- 

• C "'/il i 1 .■ t'^7 

l ’ '. r.'n .' 

x 2 t 5 1 •<■ f.‘ ’*a';; , ' , v~‘ L : .r," K.-'r'irv; ' . X .. n 

.'. : * . »tfJU 

Or- :- r.'U-*:! letter or- yell: Vaf. '* ’-’-to ' : . •'•' 11-' '-£'•?? »*; 

J :i c la t-:rn& *’» 

•r.O Or -: hw.^!-ri tier letter d-it-*d ’ roeVlyn 2 -IZ- 35 " ‘..r/.ii.oi'v. ’’Carli *1 ir 

k o y * • • • r< >t .*• • • 

...-. ' t - . ritCc I- ,U * fril «.} ■”!. s* York JIocv. ).' . *••','■' "ifi' '■• ... - 

tt .,, iir.o 

Or v . «r;l vrilten lyttvr be. r« n.> 1 Vc ti e r.r-:r r*. . c. ’ Vk® .'.oca'-. »*N, I — ^ 
vr. *-L:v to' o - - 

Or-* :*Andrr£*.‘-ftn L.: .w:* i-e^inru.'.,: «Zil • c.I v .. . ;. T • : =c-it.o Oubca 


:.-:-. r:c.v;ri .'..on Xc'Ut;* 1 * bo^lri u,;i;.t-issi'..i> . >' i.-.i cc*;o_ r,it. 

i”^/. .c. . . 

jT 3 ;. Cnv It’-n i>ritc«n 1 ttar fc'i./.irj i .*;; "Vif.liurco i.-. Li.”r< ;-.«>•• ftoi 6 u . 

V .;-J 3 :;■•.? ritoa*. letter d.nv«J ? ''Srooicl.'ni V-l' oc.l.'Jr-l . ,! -- J j". 

. t anc vs C“'J s i...’ . 

Or»«; envelop*.- v.ich ^atitlwri tien t-idreop ’ - - I ' 1 -• .'«at~ir/5rc 

'•y vakl'T,, *. li f 1 - ...: l‘/ 35 ” arri fvsco: n • lotto) -Jstca ’ -.or 13 - 

1 ^ - b-:,' .r. ' " ,\ l/.’vJ ; r er norm's...' > • r.f-Oi:-. :» p-?r cllrpir. v - 

aUtcW v.ith tltls '"LMttl rlL l ttilitni . . . " . 

? J 5^ envelop* *..ith !^r.d--.ritten aodrerr ' . 1 .."... oobta>r*.;ed 

: t.t. l. Y. <vct v o. !*:: 1V3 v and th • t. .ce-panyln;'. U-itcr 
Y.'.nol’nefill -'.l feor»o» 

t.r3t One envelop-, rith hbnrtwriiten tldrecs C. O- lo 'nc v.' - r 

ro turk vi “ "roOivlyn^ 0 1 "' — f 19.r* *-.‘i < ace.; ‘a ><•.•. iottar 

»_ ) i . *» r> or. . ... «: 

;/rt?i>w*rn u, r , r. r » 

, x ?37 One env.dopa ILh Jar fifteen t.d!m r ":*• . v'^l .-..v pctlatrUevI 

’’onocklyj:, Y* rta. f .’••cv 11 11:3 J •-'■ 1°35 , ‘ wvf it-coop-c/iur thrw P»?« 
let tar beginning *i,el tuo rrrnore pronunclutc..',jj. k Vi • 

053® On'* pep« baarln; typewriting be-iniiinp; '-graflff Je-l* : Sweats »e 

. . v . " » . , . - v 

Pajre 5 (cofttl4»ed tmX page/ . * ' 

l^.tx>rat*-ry Panort D-121A0 CP. * ? * 

- c V 


. ? > 

‘. 2 U 

One pr*.f hirjnrltlnn. L >rftiny »' r: c tdarli^tl e&bav alia rcdi...-. 

C;:' 4 'sT^lor > Ifr fcur.--h- ratten**eas ”:' . ; -• CJi past v:- ,. --cl 

’’Plvr'ilfvs ... f. 7 11-1\‘ 1V3>" a:«f* a — c^-r.yir. J loiter bs^i.jc 1;: 4 ; 

"• ; IV;' iO :i r C. ft > tl . 

On ' hc-i.'ir ;.*.? I jyl'Y'ir* 




^ A 



aJ ; roc 6 1 : 

e* ♦ 



Vi 3-' 

v.I IV 3 


rtC'j*2i^pr-c '.yi.. 


o . r • 'ij 





^ r-nvclc 

r> - 

*• i th 

, L:^idu\ 



acdreGt "IV 




. Y. 

Uov yj 


- T<: 

193:-'’ anc 


! *C. 

.. * L7I0.> 



k :a:j 

_uel cV.e : 


r<a.v> 1 


n " -T 

itins fc 

A-jinrin.* : ’ 

▼ A * 

0:v*: hruuh ri tt le :rr u'^-.inrung 

f'V{.<-s . 4 • m • * 

j:.-\ Flvu popi-c cnrcr. v\lth J .ardor., v-aa ti-dre ca 

*•>'*•. :r :cd ’ ... v York, Y. flu. ’I 7 <;b p <- 

hr,-: rtjiiiV il nice n&r. a cne p-^ : - - 

1' . 

.r-'ji ’ .••.*•*' 

; . - , r 

f Pure. . c. c 

* ■ T ■ 

..k • • • • 

■*' irfl •> 

ir,? ha.ti 

, a * 


in ye- 



i Vi C: 

. i • - 

*. .. . . J Oi;*' 

. .V.’’ cr. 


i •* .. . 

•* v 

l T • 

V 7-7 ' 

> r r*j ■ 

i7.: : 

bojfinnin^; 11 .-cro-rir 


* V •' 

yd V: 

Feo 4 2 -‘‘'V 1937" -be. 


: nrko i r ,. . 

:t Tor 

>., ... Y. St e h ?ob 1 



i« . 
• e ^ 

w;J opa pox' to.vrksd 

i’ " 1 

> -/ * vy . 

?■. ’ '* 

’•Chi £=p;;ict nor... 



talcjr^i Osfirxinr 

' p PI.u 


har Jrrrittri* address 


.,! • r :^% 

1 ^.r.le 

!-.v,:vir.» ’• • Y. .jov 2 

;*^ ’ifc* 

• * l- P •■ : r\ i' . .■**,*■ 

Le ..* rr r :iv .* . Jr • 

£>•. , Inning nio fC-TTin ncrcierjlio... 

Or..- page l»-ariK £ . ty-rtfrilirfi tecinnieg r "irJ x oil*, v ;r jujujo rent mare 

*«•• • • 

. , *. t m * * * * 

I'V; On*.* pare b.-rirg. tyr,t ;r**iiir^; beginning Urol: io 

Cr.'* >»‘v , «lnn-: viln hand* riels:. address "fa ' . I.. I.. ." post“fc>~ ;*>i 

♦VadUon £*. Ota. 7 6- F » srm accf cat* *dth 

ha’n-ivritlv o*j innfjig "■^Tes»lo VefOiacho fa ....*’* _ 

cj?j2 Or , envalo •« with typewritten address ”.• . r.” r - •.: * : " .."-..I...” pcelaai'.te 
**r.RTA Perro-i* 19-20 15 11 Jt'-'T!" and Hc%v»r yl i.- type, ntter. J 
briYnninj • v Giuda Iccartota. Chi tl..." wit.-* t: .!•»••> eiipu of paper 

4253 c.»c pink slip of paper bearing h&r.-iv.ritlnr «’• i’!"'.'.!*- il 
Ttllohista ana three ir.WEpa.per ellppif.'s »Uac:.*rd. 

4251. Ore poatal cwd with handprinted ad.-iress ".XT" I.h.T - General©. « • r * ro 
_ portfwrU, and the neaan^e heglrming "Lstua c*te f ;^rla non sC trcva... r, » 

d?55 Cr.ct pa£i-. v-ith the title "I’.vHv 07 LT ar.a "Lu Cliasnu <si.. 

. •*• • JZ?(i Cr.e envelooo -1th !v^d*ritten aY dregs T*‘ZT1Z’ poiitiurkic 

‘ "i.ew York U. ?. ftn. Jan 10 7 UJ 193-'” ar>i the AC^taiyir^ letter r ^ 

r ; b^nniftc derive la proaenle ■ - ' 7 

tAtM ad kwxt. pago - ;*V 

6 *V \V. •- L ; . ; V.. . . . Mmm 

' : v* ^ •' Laboratory Tiaport 0-12140 CO ' >' *’ v Mi :7 J&(SS 

' r: 

"> '■ 

■ ’ < w <> r A .‘ *. •* ^ 

r . 

i / 

• - . . 

: .v : -i 

Sfftc- . 

1 . 

l; j • 

'■$> t.f. 

qj:? Cr» eivelsoe with handvriCter' ucdres:' T posc^.rkej 

*?: son* 11. .Ian 9 1:30 l»U 1 '.;%•* an* t v .c -•■*r*osn|^n>: 15. tar t-'.n-l:.: 

"Vi riretfcil restin /lorrolt. . . i 

Cm enveloer * ith h'nt “Tit ben ! d 'in "S I'/TX ...U pc: t. crtod 

"i.-v- Tor's., ... Fva. ! I'. 3-- •’•• : V 1:30 " cr : rV: rcco^-nvin,, ictisr 

fct ,‘.u;r. in" ” . t- » 'V: * •:.?•'• £i\,i, ’ a'..f .*i'ir£ a. -c.CMO'i. 

.25? C:*<: envelope “itb hanl>.\i~ted address ,v . t.vT0.T . t .. f.:r. Var/.< o 

n. 3. 5 1936 ,'an 10* 12:30 V unci two -Ins nawyvper 


t.:s'T envelope with hu.r.d.'.TltCer' -’i'drscs. ”.2*. I/TJt • / .. i..2» . • ’’ »>o s t .%od 

"I'rr.oklyy, k. T. Uo* 23 9*30 : ' 1935 4" acc-o latUr fc^-onir.? 

r li. .---ra thnt /-a- -.aiioo, wni'h n-c...‘. 

* <.ol On- tnvc.1 ojv '.'OtO kun ‘..rltter Gdf'ress ’ V i.OOO.; . . ...0.2 yet tuvrlrer 

*i-- - t _ -* -j * . .. *V7 . **• <* * \ : ». , * * . . , * - ‘ .t ■ ** %• 

" LJ.%J . « 1# «A ■ *• . ¥ 7 ♦ . %/ v * i ^ .. - •„■. w * 

be L, .A<\ ’ ' tf zr> ji'.t c.... . 

,.ii • c;u al;;e. . . .... .-it. «;*•*. 'ij-ire.'.- •- - 

'/«.•> Ter.., ... 3. : >... - i.o,* 2i> 7 - r* 1935 ~* • ' 1 
i»c ’:l,..ncr cv. ^ia-a -acialii ta. . .'.' 
att io’-cd.’ 

p; >' ri. 40 

1 1 — . 

. !-»ip_r alclcre 

’ jreis ’*:/ 

■ ',-"1 > 

'd. - - . • £ 

. .." r . ‘i 

V-35 s 

- iCco^ - -Oi v ir.. 

• hanlwrltteh lett«r 


=irl30u e*:r . 

«. uG ; ri'.i >.4 v ” 

"‘Jolsr.ia r.« *. 

Uc,-‘i:nin,o ;ic I: vs. al...-. 

p.- 'tjo ban o v. -'Nrllir':,- earl»o». eery, ug; n. ;i.*: * 

e ( -re file •*=••• n#:.-£if»te 

’.r. leti. .• C"'. ‘ e ‘ cf t re- l>. . : .'j 

. .^ rra-; 

:\Zj 6 n i :e jos-tal r~rd .elt!* hand^rttlcr. addi-c-sr h V4io "... ’ peons 

n .. .. 7ork, I. ,':u \l box 2T; c - R2 l r C*j ‘ L : ' - "• }.'.v!:lT*Ker. rcayc 

be.'.' revir,,’ * quests era trlsto r;he... ! *. 

v£*j? On: y allow p.\0-^ typewr ltin.’ be/*' “rlnj; '* :1 r'r- *;da ..anfa.- OP , _ 
deli*: locale ■ . . . M . 

5?6“ One envelop:. 1 %ith bar. written ta^rci-s ” ' . '05 - *‘ ** ' '^rac.'Hs? ...* 

-c-t narked '’.<«< "ork. y. Tl*> s ;.c v i:.v '• ..'.'.'O' - • " ®r- T ^ 

ftCCcr^Kinyln* letter b' .^nnir.f ‘V-ttirurlo it. acc.->rto. two r,. -. uper 
clip inpt. 

^>69 One envelope r.lth imri written aedrer a Idl't! . .. 3 ,"M. .. poct-.ur!ced 
Tork, r. rta r lov 1« 11 - l r 33” arvi acc^runyli' letter 

be "ir.nin? ’aaacair . 

..2^0 On-, enveion*. r*ith handwritten aidrers * , .'.' T ! rL *‘ >..? 1.501.*. *" tioet.'W.rkei • 

-Tin ft Fq. lU. ii. ?. .\cv IS 1 :f 1935” arJ ;.n -v» cc.'.-.'Hny.I r.^ ptr Tro.a * 

a nc.:6;yiper > tb« till - fce^lnri?. ri 3:.T...'»7'. .1 rC-i.L .V 

.Jt 7 l one postal card with Mndtcritton address - ! <.ntoi..-l Loc.l $\ , 

«!»rk» d “Brooklyn* I.'. Y. Aur 16 a: 30 - .'I 1935" anl Lite aeas* .’<* be^iniiint 
"Caro.^aacruiaca...’ 1 . .* J > 

J»age 7 

laboratory Report !-121 z* 0 Cl 

• ^iV ■ A * 

c c oinjwftt ;j^>t paf.c ) .:'■••• 

. - ?v . x . 

fc-r-. -«aw*r r«rr *3 
1 ^ 

Cj: j hor.uarittes: addrcyc r "ZL‘ Z-. 

> ^.r» «* 


AIT.^IJ.Z • • »” pos tntrbci 
fitfv.lnr letter Urirjir.. 


fkly::, T. Au;; V J»r’« _;35" ani the ecco 

* / tl . t ‘it-/ VO.’ » I 9« « 1 » 

**• _ m . , | • a, . ■ i * »• * . v ^ (* T *•* ♦’ p i .i *. ,->h ■? 

• i. A - -•’.** <*• r. -L v. _*.<<* 

*** '»• ~* • ••’.ir x -9 12 - ■ ' i'/35 */•’ an-.I &r» tcc; n- -nrinr nonsi : p:;-r 


"'.v J .v on V'-io .■“■;• l ; t t>-, irXltvOJi -•■•iiires S !- 

•'Z'iri'A *.a. 1 1025 *i 23 1*> - A-'" ai»i U.r. accc frying letter 

fca ‘wiubilaiitC t~y /iiorraic . • • " • 

■v?75 Tvc aheeU bc-ria; tvpewri tin;: bsfinylnR "Curo r_ !»?-: ^TivI.-iSs Avevo 
m Ur* other f.beut be : Annir i{ .- r v aur.'k' ur. { lerrwle.. . 

i ' ;\2 

V.- 1 

letter bo^ 

1 r •_ - ”Se vor&tettc ce.'. 

-' 7 ^- 

t^"W » 

ri-tton lett-r b-j^-in 

Itc, "Vi; -1 

iccco Caftlo. 

• a • 

0 A ‘ 

th*:-..! b ft ;•!:•. r tyr- *~.t_ In 



^ — / . -*■ 

> cf .year hen:"- hie 


— ■* * 

o; 2 v c ic' t ; . 1 u\ ^c.r; 1 r. r 1 1 1 *3 r; 

a Mr 

... < « • pJJ'b.t:'*. 

•« • 

e-v.j.-.v ... ' ;C l»i 1 - 1 V 25 

r <; ’ k . &::CA 

a -ii./ iv. .written 


t'r bv :innir»* ‘ .. .. - L-. 

H .. # % - 1 • 

*. 0 


^ pi nr:i:^’ 


AO ixi.ias* 

I a 

written Utter beyit^ 

/ v M # { w*- 

iel oral--: . 

• Vie. ^ v -. r i cna 

r -a- 

r r-ujoe bearing h-r. iv.ritln 

no \ico na - :rc « • r , 

v .^''3 

r:*. "• br.a , *ir:r ritiri- 

b seined:.'; 


♦ ! .«* *# »>;. 


's*} ■: i c ♦ « • • T1 * 

* T ft 

l.urh’ir’. .-tOi. Utttr D?«inr. 

in/. ’’Curl 

seine cchi;" *r 

0 rl : ^.cre. . 

. . j 

tv, ■•;. 0: ’ r; r, tya.r r'-tlny, 

earber. c 

‘ * 

;., rffwlv- il 



a . * . 


•*••••- bo >,\‘ : . r.l tl» v. 

<•■ vine ; 

4 jh c;:a iw.-. 

£ flT tl % • « • ♦ 

nvciop - -i Vr. *.:»;*■ irri tt*~. 


“Local .V ’ . 

aV" M : :.l ^ post- 


-?u '’be '*c" , -• b-a. 

Ctl Z s 

i-A - lv >- 

1 v.:r:d Z.Y 

x, ’ 

t -r l> ,;ir/dr t z Pj J^rc iticur^ 


’>cwr f - 


w ■ 

*_it' *9 


ri » 1 L V-: i: And v.ri i.i ? ;; 


i' 1 N id Y‘J* 

0 osc^lt^tto nel.** 1 ’ 

-■ V- , 


■ c,^v*rliy.v» - it!' ftkn<!v.rXtUfr. 

* r ' 7 ' 

1 » . v. . ^ k. 1 • 

I-OCul 'f'V • “ ^xst^ 

r>- v' .1. Dot 17 il-r • 19.?* 2 a::-, U’.V?* _ 

b: .inniny scull# r.£o LI toe ireerto -tli'-....' . 

: >h envelop ; v;i th handwritten address ’’T.C'.'I'' AAVAV.I*...' posla-rbed 

-rl/r.,*... 2. :-w. v -. . ? an i> 2:3) v \’ 1936” art the ticccT.r'aiV’-'*' Utter 
”T a.-. vrltin/ y>J h letter letinp yoj krovy 
f<r»; cr.volcj 1 th hmrli.Ti tto.i aldresc r b. io. i hoc- 1 AV . . • ’ postn&rV l 
•r.roaUljfn/:.* y. :»ov yj 10:30 1939 *uvi the accr-pan. dr.y lett.-r 

bo 'intiii!-; "taro Aniea A.'.'iV'M.’;! Pjrina. 

U.2%2 One hand .written loiter bfsyiininy ’'KI nubile ci:e vi »-olute tar. to ; fore.*”. 
Oi*e with ban Iwri L ter* iiddrejs ’‘ercnrarrii J cc.ti. 8y*«» ‘ pob t;w.rke2. 

r ..«r. York, Y. !ioc 6 7-11 1933" anci tcconpargjiiv; letter bo t ^:4iii^ 
r i,i froi :«»j*lor<ivole. . 

ihipe C 

Laboratory koport 9-1214-0 Cl) 

(tyi.tinuod next p*£«) 

~ . ...d 

u jit wf'^cvH .- 

^ ^ '***■* v- 

T ** J 

t ■- 


^2^4 Or.v; or- f eic^3 vrith i a^dr^ss r V': • .<1 T^j .*jl « ••• ! ’ P - -n^rkri 

-.. -.. ;or::, ... V. •..«••? 6 $ - v.. i S' 35 T ‘ end cccorruiiylkT lector Ue*,ljric2 
"•' fin;. accio ri -il : . "7'it.e*vi •♦..." . 

.p;> Jj. . ZvJ; h:.: d'-rlttrr hirers "''•:. h : ~ f ~ H«7; 4 .I.. '•..." 

•’;.. J. _ r c -• >>:$) * ' 103/" ar-' th* acc r. 'xviy i >, . at i* bs t .I l -nin i! - 
v* i ‘o^^l ^ • * t • • * 

,.r.-' r-r.-' -. nv.l^.v ia!- hancVritteri -tidrcss ' "•:. 1 ‘in: poswatrkcd 

,; lcr.. _ Xclajj .> Ci'v> -• • i« 1 19 3 > fee 3 5^39 - &'* an- the accj^piur.yi.ij 
br.-ir. liv ,! E —stills. c~n io tu« "• 

jLvV or ! envelope ••i£:i h:ind*ritten aJdrosc. L'JIVj.-. posuawrkcd 

r> - * 7 vw 

‘ v ; 

• i v 

>v 29 19 - : ' 1935" 

and ^c:c^ 

.;v.i‘.yi:v le 

irler l>c c r ir'itir^ 

' i 

C: v » -t :w ; . 

:i ■j^ore 
*n;; :• iLh 

^ol 6 t) • « • ' * 

ivmri. rittei. ari 

r li::O r .. 

n •' - • * r 

. ... • • • 

* - ^ L^ar,:ed 


♦ > . - A 

, M ( 

> * *• ** 

ta ;.ov >J IP - ! : r 


' , * ,*W * ' 

lylajfv Tctt 

L ■.:*"*■ ' l “L ‘ 

.VO c r ... ( , 

';n;. . 

. - r . ^ , 
l : l *■ * - 

/ * • • rH< d 

' i « Ml .1 1 

•r r ,^ t . oo 7 ' . A*/ 

IV.'v" «"'■ 

: u^r.v •; •un; 

J*-; I C--‘-r 


U ^ . ’.'ll r 

f.r ''.rvt. 

.; ’ . v-o 


huri'.ri^tcp r.uircss 

t - ; y~ 

4 . r # T“ a T ^ 

. . ' f35tTirfcw3 

p- "'C'* 

>:> • f 

V3 ■' 1935 ’ cc 1 12 - t-rd 

.v -or.r.yi 

. nowsp^per 

‘ Vf: .-' 

I ir-vi,'*! „...rd - 1 1 5. harder* tt en address io ' s -‘.tl on. •»" portsarkcd 

- Yor*‘: • . T. ft** ; :;.:v Q - v’ 19'. ;f -" arj t fcandurittea£a 

be '-inin- 1 ■*':•• rr :..v f 

- :. . • lt*> fcan.5 •rltter. .s : dr esc- .. 7 1...* nostdarkei 

‘.ov ?" CrpO : :. 1935 ” ar.<: •tecc-T—’ -- n ~. it star bs^innirr 
lr<Ci?.o “ : -y . a, i’t -uiVli? tr- il tore. * . * 

r it ••, »»n -w- 1 ! ♦ »r :i-!ny>ori: r \ a .Tifi '.Ifi d »ll i . . . " 

■ ^ > j , ■ > - V. , ' ISA y, !■ AV, t (.-* ■* *. w W V* w 1 ' - * ' — < - v U- " ' • — ■ ’ ' 

~o.t-.arW • “ern, Y. «.t* L lav if. 1? - \ -35" and ucccnounyir. • 

litter he;* i:viin-T, '‘'ill'? sosre^rl-o tislL...."* . 

■.'■}!, ••• envelop ; vrfth o&r.J r it ter. tdlrers *"£T* L. *.::T ... nostr.Arkea 

»• ' _ :.op . cv 25 2 - ” 193;" wk\ t' .♦.ccr. r. - . .. ’ lev r 

• > - ora » .U.ti la. ra ; io ccr.?...". 

3 ‘> 0»M envelop • vlth hani»-ri -ten -iddreac “J.ccal ; i-o^rar..." post^iarked 

"*ikl;-*r., Y. ..ov 2^ 7 - T 1935* anu Uie tcco’ r anyir.f; latter iwglrjiing 
"..or v'. ver. ar.Iato t ....*’. 

:J0'j Or; - envelope with handwritten artdpeas .7 1' Ill.... r pootwarked 

"Brooklyn, ... Y. i.or 26 9 - r.Y 1935” and accoc.p:i.:yinj letter boj-Annlttg • 
w lou rcj'ao.rA ar 63 wall ho* nuch 

ayT'Y Or. ? envelope with handwritteri address •Mit. I'Y- 1 . ...1\ ..H.J....'* oottaiarked 
"’.l.aeB i'q. l-ta. !.. :. lev 22 12 - 7! 1935“ <usd acconpun./li.c newspaper 
p& C e v,lth the title "Gr.Y7I2i;-,’>. 

^3 ;» On-i postal card xlth handwritten addr'ess ’i'lrigedti V* postetrked 

-Lcrv, Itlar.d City, Y. liov 16 .7- 7.. 1935 2*.^|t ^.Jiendsrltwi; .ieaa*f.« 
• - beginning "un rappo or . . , t 

* ' ." 5 ■ ' •• .-V. " .'i; 

FtJJ3 Y • UU*» »— 6"/ 

Laboratcry Itcport I>- 12 l 40 'CJ) , '■* . '• * 




V ’30S One envelope with handwritten ..udreas -'I pcstatrk^d 

'Troc’Oyn, T. Uov i? 9:30 • “ 1535” a-"- tesaapaayitf- hani/iritter. lefcts; 

a> ap^eso t j^^ncrito c> » • ■ * ♦ • I 

^ 3 }/. c;v i rv^lorc vrj.t!' hai/J rituen arrets* *.<!::• •*•’<?? . iVO.J*** po.-t^rv.;-,., t * ov 

lock, 0. r. :ta \ ».o * 17 1C F 1935 ” an;! ~cco^*t:..-inC hurl^ittow letter;, "Vll.~ i£. .'.ofrntvr! ~ t.'Cl . ..»’ 

"il Ons envelop- t.SV: lani-rivtor. n rdrerc '' • • ; '■■* * -—•*•" •' srur.v.r.-Ctd ' - CV! 

for . U. r. ■' Ui* ;:ov 2 : £:3C 1935" *•’* * -rd,. r ^. ; , letter 

, T/«r.tti fi j-ijrlare cents* la noatra...' . 

1 .• PI 1 t* ft * f 


<V P;. i.ZI.i. . . '* pc*.s*aarke; 

11— r.h* 1 and r-cccsipcr 

.yi.-i,; !:i-i.js'ritttn lattfc; 

Liicolo... . 

•■•idrcLC " :*ic tin* • 

• * * * 1 

- ’ irC y aj,.’ <•. 

f : \ •- teir-.-Titten 

pr :;cento ' • 

; * ,*■ 5“ r r* 

'/ r"; 

Or. •vnvelap:: .it’. har'd- Titter. •■■idrcLC "j-ic tin* HIT* pettr-arked 

!.scm il M& 1. Y. ^ 13 5 - '7 153^ 3" w*’ - v ■ v-.y.’ - teu-b.Tit.ten 

lett - 1 b«*.-;.rr;irj:- ".ice' dole prceento ' • •; 

^■>1; Cr ..r.volC;..: It’. han-'£‘..rit'-en --.c .rare "... 1 •' ?'• t'-.rk-u 

’•ilv-y ’ dll IV y. iiOV 12 - • ■ W‘> 1" s-v • ee --r:':. in* l. odurituv. 

lev ter Le 'iradiv, 'lev v orl I s .loveybre 1~25 <*-Cv- 5 ' ••••''• _ 
x31t One c:;vol-:T>- with ' To V. * LY -■•••' 1. ;e: ist&r«rsd 

fork* 1. " r . lev 20 1 - hr -935 15 r and aecev ■•■ v • ty.-.c.-. Lilian letter 

bs Inninp. *'• c rV,l'.: iipnejv; col?:, vostr? 

;'v.' r..ic rrv-iiop-. ;>ith ban .ri .to:. jddroca v i~30I ■' *'» i ’ . 

: c ... . : t 

£. U lev PC 1.7 - * 

1935” aiv 

I accc;r ‘ 

:.. /i.: f lo^L^r Lk':,; 

Ti r.ov.-l 

re fr. 19,...' . 

in:- f-nveloro 

‘th irfu: .-.Tit to?* v- 

T t |T 

. . « — 

... ,4 1 

• -id yr.j 

lev 19 10 - 1 ’ 

1935 l’’_ 


u - ; ; 1* 

Ik.' b r ' - i: r... 

.np ; LOI 1 : 

* - i .'* • 1*N 

^cro “1 

: r r’l'- to " « a 

r. v envelope t 

Ctri herri rltton . 

* r*^ <r 

jiwC.'w - . — 

Y V (Y' c 

...**♦ ]%-- 

i. ."oJ’k, ... 

y. l? 1.-35 -ov Zi 

9 - 

"rut lit co 

' >». r *\ J^ 4 

bcpiiwinj ' b-.‘ 

ind.udo in qu^ste 

ri. r...'' a 

r:d throe 

r..s’<isj.®pev articl 

: -.ri3 t'fl.- envelop*. ~ith biCi-~ritt«i addres-f ’’ — . i/Ji 1 PC- vaarkeu 

»••*, ; ip?iv*; peats'; r!:ed 2\>iT:, ... kts. lay 1' 

ly,;" a. d acco ipanyli c latter taginnln^ 'der.-iii ;‘i* ’ _e^dc : ;?.i . ’*•' 

v ) on-- •? lope with han-iv,ritter; address " 1;. I’ l'll ..11“...’' poetrsrked 

i.. 7, 1 1935 lev 2.’ 9:30 T'V- ant! acce.i anylrv .».«• seaper sheet 
Kfith y.*f title "Sftlvifc-ao II I>stro..." and it bears, hwdrrltlr./; also. 
c32l On; envelope. riUi handwritten address ’’Uflfv.) /.IT 2X*-.b« *•’" pe tfi - - rled 

"Iroo'clyn, iv. 7. Sta. £ Uov 1? A - Ti! 1935* *ivi ae.cs.T|Anyl>: handv.-ritter. 
lattsr bdiilnnlns r THuis trlsslsao /dlTadTUI 'doltr della.. •"» 

One envelope rith handwritten address ,! .7! 1 1 '..Tl.rU...’ postnarked 

r;;« :v ?ork,*S. T. J.°v 19 2 - 1935” and *cc<vf ■-*»";*! r<, hand ritten letter 

bepin-.inr ”1 fool very happ7 that your bach with, uy...”* 
cj “3 om envrlopn vdth har»dwritten addracc "vt-neral ‘ etrotary. . .* pcstiaarked 

*fcev? Jerk, r. Sov 19 Ss30 1535 " arJ aecopp^ylne huri rittc . letter 
.. - be finning " 1 advieo di pnrlarc 

A32A One envolopo rith typseritten ed^re*® "U. JT’iCJh -oiemat.onal... _ 

Titge 10 

Laboratory horort !Vl2lA0 CD 

^^5«nti«*tt<rd next pafia) 

^ ‘it 1 • . • % ^Wi-V 

v* * *- *♦' - 

S , 

pssi'Vtrffjd York, ... Y. iit--. -■ XV35 -o\ lv 2 - and 

t;.\- } ii tte- :>•• ; .r '' irr. -rr'ri\ r>r.ccato cr.Jncn. 

.■: c'r.i h. i 1 -ri dr :w'*r.vsc - : . i. ! !0. .1'':;"..! . por,i..u:3:cc' 

•• •r M .'V •■". ;.cv :.7 i - • 1323 3” *»•».'. pccc ^--x/irr !>n 3- 

vi ,f it .’ &»■ '1 -v.:“ n/ .? o~^o;3ior ui ^v*r r~I uos > * ♦ ■ ? • 

TjV.lcv; ’ ’ V. : :.!* vrl > pH . tiirertf :; ■./” . * .. . • * * M * * ^-rk'‘ 

- t • t',. . . i IT: 3'- t 1/C.- ' -■>' -.icn. .rr-r./v..,*. *-ur.A.*.-itt«r 

lev. r b. vlr. 3.n. ; "'i r'.n.' : ; U Uila roi.'.iM car:-...*. 

.227 Cr.: 'vjvelep-..;. Is?-; .Written address •'!.*» ,-_retrri3 U'l-.'JI .‘l.T j.'r;.!. . * M 

po-t“-vi:' 3 ta. Y. .ov It? * - ". 175:5' it.-! lc hand- 

■ Sfrr* let-. :* iu-j-'n'J.r:.': ‘v/v.' uJMte, r’cmo If 

•'•• ■ •.ar.l..--. - id - .- Add ..ox A, JLV3> a: *2 bdr-.ii sj ’hare r.^x^c.o 

C tx . y t ,\ ' f T" — « 

. letter dutert ttolr-c - 2 3 a:' - "n?*!-.: * 'C rlr i-n 

U h .- r'-\ 

i i V L»l> >.■ i* , « * « ■ * 

\ * -* »* . • .* f. 

. j ' ; .*-■ it *-• • 


■ r.v _*I rr - - ‘ j x v-er. ..rMre.-j;: *1 '1 - tlj 

■1 * r. . - fc • - *x;x ..ov? X - — - f ... ‘ ♦ *. c u . 

* •*•. I'*- I.. ' ’’Con-venf.- lu lost; o ‘V - 

• nv . io:>. +-L~J\ 'M. .>-: i 3 

■Vs.;.* i lv* » • « w'i 

uti 1 L l : &crcr'>2: mm ;- 

>rt . ::v ■* 11 

55” Vi* .- ac^r 

. . . . ♦ * * 

> ■ * ■ ry* 

r • « r\ 

,i0.r cli-.r*:*.;- 

,dH hcr-_e 

* a .» » » ■ 

r v'i *•! iul t:\r: I vli r.ilre: s r - 

w i iV^ ■ ■ ■ l 'O ^ - K r iC-, tV- 

/U rt-t: » ! vi I oc: iu • • « • 

C' ; r- kvitn an irc*^. ,r • 

; f *::. 


r.o /i - - 



' . • ct 1C 3 w 5 " ’-...> <••!’*•* — -i»i. •►■«• — *3 

per. i.irksd 
lt‘: v- f , r»t 

r- lUii’Xr.o cc co. 1 , .h '.. ( .i i\,; ' . 

Sr.t envoi os p- with r.ttnd rrlttea j.ddpajs L'l - .', L-l..." 

:.'o"k/ x. f.ta v Oct .a .--k‘ i--3> ' t? • « .-. . k;j 

► * * ... ’r .. -• ‘ » T-. T : i : v%, 4 <' . ’ ' 

w' O r * i . -i.X \ n.l 4 * J- ■*■ V* 4 - ’ . *!>,•»» • 

• h.-rn ‘ .t 1 1 wtjj; r be^ r ln.'V.r.2 '" C’ifi.b. K.r ior ► <s '.oiiu t*'.. -- ■>...» '• 

..ryv? fi*i *„u»r. letter b;< ;! p.n--iftr "Vrl s‘ .w tp.'- .—--ore de)la.« ,: * 
?vir, p_ f t- ha- ii xriLteti letter dr: ted *’«. ^;, ... let !.♦, 1V35*' b.’, in;dnj 
{.r.nellc 5i‘iao r t t iia qur stj. . 

i.,„- livT;lor«fj with ha:xc.*rlttoi. vilrent; " 'Utlin avrt,...- po; tnarV.. 1 
•* 7. 1935 2 i*«ct i:.: 11:3 ' -‘ * tn l i.ccc^j-nriiv 

ic * no t^lli i nr.-.T^^U. . . 

:il 1 C'r vt:Vcl^A? t;: .iav tivrrittui *. -fiuUtrcr.:; ' voice cf lie:.! >••• "C'l tnt.rkeJ 

3 / ? 

Of.ila icc JU 



Lftkoratory Import k-121V) CP 

X .*• * ' > 'i V ■>:* * : • 

. • - V--Vs *C ' : 
■- ' r . t > 

0 ; : ;;r . v 

~V* C*V.. .... 

K 3 " 

- 4 


C. v* wit":*. 1ui:yJv.ri‘L t^r 

pu \ if :'or-', -» 

* ; litter r ■•-.:! ‘\>c 

7 fW ^r\ - * o : % > T ' 1 

Ic-tt:.- u.v'iit’ii*:. .;U50 
in iv.m i. ric . -r letter 
.4 r_r-i. jat Vv r. I':..*", 
fr .anlM-it! $n letter 

d''A ^ uO » > • • 

•inn irrvelcp- >. 5 ti lyp 1 ' 
■i'c,o':li'-' t . ". .ini- 5 
1 . . - •»:> : - - ) c/'.Oi-Tittt 

Cn*? ercvdtr. : < t>: Jjimi 

.. v . i 

": or ncn :■ y C "< or cm’ 

One; envelope <«ifch hr.*; 2 *'*> tt 

• /J 

‘L t^r 

cdirv. s- local ?T : - 


..a ' .. 

- Oca i.. 31. •>.- - ' 

hYX'" - 

trn acc^:.^:. 

iC % . ir' 

•/ Cttol::; l'/33 Ptr 

/•O.e." , 


.. : dre: r "lyr.liu.- r 

■.'pr icr 

. s C -i . * • • 

. • ^ 

: -j. 16 1 f . ^ ; 

. ,i , 

r - ;r-.w ? ir : r 

. C ^ . 


^ c *.b r, r '-t l i J i . : 1 

^ .-; 'I ' 

ut. 1'^c . 

^.r. ^ Li - 1 «- - *< . 



, *. tfC . 


• « 

i r 

1942" ar.'i ■ucc'3 ,, .;>:tny 

^ *?> rjVj 

U'.c - 

ctv:r be. '. •. .ir •* " 

r,; v lr- . ' 


'-d-irsci; £ ‘ '. . 5 : -' 1 

. . ’ • . ■ ’ . 

• a 4 ' r^' A 

. ” 194 0‘ an ’ occn ;;- 


. ^;, r 


ci’dre. c 

—l — 

*■ V . 

. p '* 4c 

^ « v . f 

1/i.O" cvrtl accdrsjur.:-' 

•:•- ttc r carl 

br ?f * * \i r - .■' p I a 't .iScU ioxarj :’ % , « . . >f + 

O': rr.v^lr \: ;6t,h bsVvKr:' ttor, ' I 7 

7 r :i\ 

.>•»•• V'Jv* 

“or:: J:;r; ?3 11:30 lvv" sr..’ th- nsco-r-A^ r *' -Srttv «9*lrr.'ug '. 

”T ;,c*- Oi colic? : Eif'^O al 

C l t . CiT/i/ lC-p ‘ v 

,r c-..r glir'T of r:-p>jr beapir.:; !.*ind»ir*. tin}" uayirmir. _ Irmoy: ••>.: ■ ■’aflauli. • • » 
On ?nv*’lop'- ••vricte*. aa-Jr;?:-:;- .' • - i ts Inc c a c.:..-t 

lr-.r l l uior.» . eotccarKml ’’••vcC-O.yr. .<• ,V. M .i'-aO Jul i 1- 

Or:-.- jnvilop? :.lth n;. address -nr- t'.:s return r tali.? *- rtr-.-i ran 

Council...'' and anc ios*<; a-e: >ne * .'*1 v- -a u latte; cn iv. < p>;‘.r 

b. . ir.r.iri;' "bV.c roiccola 0 . . . . r j .n«; navale- • * 5 -V. tur. rites : - 

A. J;U0j. porViurked "rroe'ul; ., ... V. Y«? T -13 - ^ 193$ ?’ ; 

ar ti one envelops >.ivh kype'-vri tion aldre 6 ”. . i- .. .i .Vi;.... ....“ i 

-il v;c r.'i. “U Y. Jan 31 5 - V- l-./v'' ace: ■ ‘ji \ ? ' ;Crt i 

li : i r boiiiriin.’ M uue volio ti Uo rcrtic*. .... '. 

L-nvclop . rith typewritten audrenc n :u!uc"- -ore 1. iocaij. . .." post^n.rlud 
"Vir.slarr, ... J. Jal 21 fi 194 O’’ fcr.J aec'>-ars:.yl-.5 type rittsr. letter 
uatt_ n*i 5 ai f i ii<*tl della. « 

C»;c ’ianu./rltten letter ".juetta let tor a r vottate. . . .**. 

Or..; bearing liaruts .rltinc be^Lnairy; "41 centra brndicra cells. 

On-; envelop- 3*1 th hfcr/luritteft addreas "Co Joist do:*rd«.».' po? uni-rtccd 
w :.t»» Tori', . » ?. ;.U|* i> 6 - n* 19**0", 

’.y- Ori-? Iw.v.wri tton lettnr datftd 5* b'.rln: in;' "'Vy.r Br o th*. r . -nun-m 

As -i ■! 

C35° Oir: portal card riUi .tea-trrlttan addrer? "V i.'T'dC . •’ :o8trt?ken ? 

*c ■ >1 *st Cev Yorit SI. J. ter S ^»:30 l‘f 1943“ boylr.rir^ ^ 

• safc*:oMm....% •• - rl A 


V : -.f. 

? ajrs 1? 

luborstcry Report 0-12140 Cj 

- : fm \ '.-'it 

.v^optlmt i ri /.t >t 'o} , 

0-0 On- envjlopi with typewritten cddresa L’JinT A 

V-hldl. . . . M pcs tn.-rked 

V CTA, r. JuVl 3 7:30 y • 19 .. 2 " aid two acea§»ryin’ newspaper 

C u r T.elonv- nit-. h'ir..r>*r , itt«;n vMmss "713. '.• ; r*>2 / t portl 

:X V.-i « feitr/Uv-L Oi‘.r> 13 0 A ' 1«4? 0. v . " and tecn^pyin*! horn: yitten 
1^:.'.. r 7 M so o e:'. to .luhti* . . 

3 !tr >e j ■ n«*s 1 vrin* typft riti: :.■ the first a syir.nirv '"«.11 ’ao£ 2G besti-i 

c iv.U'.« • 1 j oucotvi bc.;i , -ni!v; '’I'cii- tli is.*"! o' t'* •USli.fic.ssG..*. 
an: 1 the third b-iciivir.Q r La ecciata* universale 
3 3 C~-» envelops with handwritten nldreta ’’ll*. L tT'O i .* pc. Crjsrked 

rerk,’;:. \\ tvC 6 £ - TV l.*! 1 an 1 the iir.coriranyir.f. thrae pa : ^ letter 


’ ~,~' r r " " . v tfi p»* 1 a ca 

i »7 1 

bar-i rilter. lotter <latcd 

'■ [arch 20 # iW -r. ‘ 

r. ejinnii.y ,, I attended 

: r ,r 

»* "sa*. in., i:\rt ni ,; ’.t. . . 

■ £» bin ^ c-vv! ;v '. 4 

■ • 

■v - ^ 

V- 1 : - 

!ihr < d , ..r-i i . t.-n inutcyr dtted 

v ru* v crr V *“ 

• - ' V Innir. l jr 

r ■ r 

'I ,.h * ... .. .' i csivt»."e__ c: cu 

.. ♦ . • • .a 1 ♦ 

.3’ •• 

* ’i 

F A.-iriv'.-i' . yr. letter aat«?i 

T *■ V ^ f ^ ^ 

»' > ** k W J w t , *- ’• 

.:• ; Vie ^.nnin.; ' li 


T*h a! - L W* 4 : .0 C : H. V-'i. . . . 


'W.;rt: .nt?r c^ipyir.T v.ith t 

•Vi title ’ n-t ... 



Or. • 

h-nvviop:- ’ iih hand- -.Titter. 

a iij-uis ":ri. !.9T / * T 

. CT..T*..'’ poa Ytr-rkyi 

!*' » 
► - V 

w Fcr-., ... V.. /u£. 2 _ 11:3 

0 F .1 19h 2- ! i-nd acc 

tii/iiVp. i.jn-; ->jr 

i .. 

c3 5 o.vLnr ' i'- the title ♦’Fair ■ 

Or" p i.*c j^rv,; typ; t -:;L'uijir •>:; r •• ' rues to rim ti’ . 

V I* Vx k . * .• ; tv * 

- 1^3 

<■ * 


■a v jy . : Titter. lotAot- d it-sd "hoi York, *fc.u 
r : I i.c : s •• tcriv irti . 

.371 On ■ ,t;i 5‘V.p ;r clip'.'! a- » -th tl... title ’ V . ... : 

Ax.:. v 5I ^i e,:-o with lypevritt-.v uddrt t ! i . I.. ." oostsa; ,<*.C 

'A : Xopu, ... 7. AA 5:3- : 1942 1 ' and th. n -r'. ; r- bcTlr-niruj 

t,. . r.cno da poco...”. 

o ':3 -to letter dated Crt l^th, ? 5 :-2 Wylrvity* : ’Ti acrivo a eesa 

Puvcho fca*iMa. . 

w’c'- anvalop ; v ’ith ty.' A.rri tter. adore: s fipnor O' '201 .•> iTo.OLM. • • *’ 

pc- ' .i-k-:d' VcrV, F. Chi 1 a 9 - ^ ' lv^2'’ • 0 J -; a-c^ipany^n^ ^ . 
lv-trr tc.i^n.lnr ‘Act i deriaso bene cc.ncscerr, to tu...”* 

373 Jr: handwritten letter dated *'31 Ottobre 1 Vh 2“ ur/i beolnnir./; *’Clait Yoto 

unitr. » Tjello.. . 

. 37 h Ci,- i-nvclop.’ vith. h* 4 i *• .‘Ti tten address V L f ». ? AilliZ • • • ** pott:'»rked 

•Y. v 7 'crk, y, .i«.r 5 2 - 1913 " find acco iphj.yiriy two letter 

bapitvim; ’Oh Cr;- dro r : Crcvene efto il tra nevapuper clipping 
.-.ttachcd, *‘ ;, aid ‘hidor Protect". 

Otic envelop.; vrith har 'critter addroea r ' r r. b. Antcrin! rot 
n ) ort" J aland C'tv, I. jar 7 JJO F . f iv.'«3‘ rnw i..-r:- 5 • . handwritten 

le.t'-r bt'-p- in* ,'T, ’Ticnae tens? unlarnistc an cho. 

•/.a % 37 <? ( ^ e ywtol card nit ', hand: rit- ten naao : . f .. T d if.TOSJJ^ no pcitahrk 
.end the Aandirritten :ao®so/?e beginning “It seen* * &&*> our broeaacher^ 
Or.a handwritten letter bogirvnlrr, ” !71. : . i~._ — , . ' 

tai prendo....'*; and a poster *dth letterin'. T 'For»ictdt'jfi 
•v379 Onu poA t-1 card, with J»andwritter. .asM''ee 8 */iR X»at®aj4te<S 

F’eje 13 

I.aotrutory r.eport b-121i»0 CD 

(continued next pane) 

-•> . v*— . 

» vv~ 

/.» ’*■ 

^ v’ . 

- * 



-J/3 i 


Torb, i.. Y. K*-l> . 2 .f 3- .0 A ..0 .I.‘ 

^nvclo’.'C vith ‘ ir 


V 0 V- V f 


•*r- / \ :w, " :'o: # 

L V w 

: v ‘ 

-: v„ , 

:v^ ; ' r* : . 


• \,*“i bc?.rl rr m itv.n i 


onvaI-7^-^ viUi ^n.n 

fork, ;,a Ta Apr 

4:J thr Lixl.rlXwn *>c iuanlr.2 

7*.. driu-OJ^ ■* % • • ! • 

^:;:;r,; r ... r nort-v* 
^ar../i r C 

nor sclc. . , . " *.'W» * « .*.**},'* per iuctwc .'’ '*'■ :c-'. 

, v pc s .:tr:;r».c- 

-:30 V.:. 1943’ 1 

t^J iiCCO'IJjt.' 

•yin* le .t 

er beyl-rarv: 

k Ltt^r. u. k dr^i.^ 

-. i*r’.*re~ .--f 

, . m » • * 


7 - r- • 19x3" 

c.r.d a.cco:;c- . 

y*:V 1 eat 

ci* tsvL;:;lr.p 

tn« r,e 

<p:.r cl;/ 

0 ar.d 

u blues slip 

Ire:- :. 

v-. r.r:'--- 

*r*v» bello pe^de. .« 

- .- ■,- envelop,; r.ith Ivind «: 
r '. rc-ckljr., F. Y. Ap* 15 
,! !.i.te-rj plu!. __ osto If; . . 
b::.ri:\ her I T.’.tlrt-'. 

Or r vr.^i^'v . » A uh ~' r ^ *?v riotcn 

lerl:. ... 0 . .‘.~r '<■ 1 X: 3 ' f 1 Vx.‘“ an; 
tc “5 c lot/to 111' unit; * opcraia. 

Or<j }__od;. ! r.’-t J „»n l.-wt-.r ca f ei^c-* piper 1;,.. • .u-w.a '•-. s.- 

Cr.* -r.vtlcp Vr*.«v Titter; idro.»« *'Hon. '- ‘I -..- a?;-' • ;.*»sfce.arfcci 

'•::roo;:l;T., ... X. .-un 9 2 - A:: _'^? r air! *itcv,- .... 1 t/.v, .rltun Xeitsr 
bs;*ifV5in,i r ~er vostro nr^ ori«- c'.c. 

«/■»' S < r. bear*- v hvirlv--i ilnj bc s ‘'i: n?n : ,: Zi.y - n ... “OHM 

i. - ••ita e pir.'. e:*ite, . 

Or.* •Mi-'-il .or, lott ;* b : rlrj<: '’Car - 'IT':. ptr U* net vie. wesiyno..’ . 

tie lrtt-;:* b :r?.nrA - **1.0'. o M Xr m. - r-Jto ci XSC'.JV 

* f 

r J>9i 0- v.lth •.■Riiiwrit ' ; adnrma " : 

*•:. «' -'cvi:, ... X. Aur 13 *» r:- 1‘;. an-t e MM .-'V.c. r.eaf :.r,e;wv ; :innL« 
"U ccnreniali 'V ^’ocrt/.ici.: ...". 

Or.. - ocr.t&i curd vdth handwritten addrera ‘ .. 'I3 : . *• '.. ill. ...* pori-i^rk 

"l.ev ' r cr’:, ... Y. Auf. 6 i:: - * f i'jAj*; ? .r.J the !./;>•■ wri :x«: U^loainf • 

••i'cj Li : ;:: T..? crirdrol corra::ii»n...". 

j. 3 i\"i- r*^5' h'.n'itrrittc r i l»tter b‘. -innir." r o-.e ur#.i . , ...:l^.o int j -*-#35aV. > delie . 

•' ‘ ■ 

r • * f • - T ; 

V' 1 .. One *»r.v«ior> ' i*itb handwritten nddruas ". -t. A . .;.?• AIU « . 1 p6st2~»e! 

: p-t.^ Tor';, ' b . Y. JuX 12 10 -.V 1933" and &Gcxap&r.ylr,r Uard^rltten lettav 

bt d. nr. in j* •'“arirsico ..nT , *!I."'aT, _cut ; ‘.e ea non **stto i— i^io.« 
v 395 Thretf t/jv 'Titter. b«£in:ii?ii’ “Ouro , L’esllif 'i'jlle urne 

deile reecir.ti 

Cr.r cnvelopo vith typtwri'-tar i-.,JXrc i . r '."U I TOT ■..TlSiZXZ#*#*' po:tra..rWfcd 
";«stoii, ’tors. 3 1939 Feb II ?:30 F ;h anri acconpar.-in* tyro^ Titter, letter 
b*«innitt£ ’"ftitti i O^batd asc ito 11.*.’. 

^397 Cnc handpTitt«r letter dated p 9roi«c 2/15/3 9 ’ w..l b«i*.^mitno 11 o c Af>. 

til.'. • ..130 CoAi" nerbro. . .' . 

"PL n A 14 “ 

Laboratory Report I>- 12140 tiD , 

.. • *■■ ; •' ,- -:y’ •;'•*• 

■ - ^.. v V /-fi’ . ’w r ’i'* 

irHv-v ^ 


O / 

c%*\ ''r- handwritten letter boclnning *?o cl o-i- 4 berta d ; ccr - v - rci ** * 

v ‘ r . r ' ",v--»lopt-- t«ith h.-nd -itt-.n address ‘bl. J.Wlc: .:tfCTST...**ea 

cr.rV''-' V i&v ;• •>, * «. P - ?:* " n*ri &c«rvv»il-iri£ hi.rr rit1.crt lfAt.r 

n * ' rrr . r rrrL.;'r . « * ,f * Z-ftf * T-C .* .. . 

i-tr 1 L/p 5 '•ri lrtt-r VucciT " Tctcbrn 19/lVCr &rl !>-. -inning -fei propric 

;Y, - W* ~ 

' /► - V/Ul P". UT«_i. Cv«.JTC • • • • • , 

, ,i- f '*yy o r % cnv^lr^** . ',th vr- 'Trcrrrsr - *:. 

' « 'rrrii Cf-.r'v. i:..icy.. L ;\ .’on 1 7 - 3 V *v- tU *cvc -panyirc ty> 


. t 

irLt.-r Wr’in-tlnt: ".'one era at si dun'cltcLr.eft cd. ♦ » » 

,/02 0:.e envelope with tv p -written address °" i » Local. ...-.poet- 

JaSr Ve i -!.w *ork, C Cta L ?*b 10 2 - ' - 1937" accompanying .letter 

jj; . x* iil ^ 3 d6^>. r«.i j*l»i • # • « *’♦ 

^.. s - or M i c^vJ ' harJr ritt-on 



V ~ t*t t' 

k • « 


:.. v. ft rcb 11 7 - • 1937" a::d aecsr* rr-in: h.w.!writ*er. 

4 * . . ' 

«t '*S ' > » 

? i arc 7 

t v -rim'S. ;*:1 letter U * 1. W Xorlt 

£!£ TO X L< . w-T i-C *1 'it?}, i -U-. • •• » 

7- > ,Ai~c h»’ fritter. letter dity.? ”bev 'srk 
’( ■'ah cY<* il lrvor.). 

937 .. . tlf >7 ' : cncr:: 


Cj . -- - 

Tf' rir iv. 1 . , 



** b£f::r.:Ln g r Cariart r>. 



■-'•l " pat to b 

t» » ' 

-• oi C : 

cf 1c cal C9'... M pc-at; 

/i' ic»’ v-\* u oiaro — — ... 

. Yor:/ . 7. V • rr. ' 5:3; ! 19.3£“ and nsf&tJ - :.-crlng t;-r‘J».rit','.n e~lp 

L-. . - "• ■ i' :w?f t.‘l pro;rri.'-v dell -. . . ' . 

;ve hand: rl lottr • Jated •" f-no be ,-enco scny_c 

^ - : , r 

-.• tvn >>.;•' ictv.rt* br 'innla-j “lain-'^di ecora-; i„.;\ fa..,.*'* 

< /; V -f,VleT'- Vith hant?riaw.4 addrets "4: LVICl - t.TLr.TM . ^crt.wkod 
'•.i.t.rsca ;.. f ♦ .car IS IS ..19^" and aeconpan^lnr ntnd bitten letter 
bc-'iu in; l-iCdlri ;:i auflrr- jnolto che con?....". 

< •' tv>'-3i>r5 .'-‘ .t: lettor b'f^.nrd.'* "ii prefiv dire cl la rathe c.c 

1. . re--;-? Jv.fb.rit ter. latter d- tcrl "2/1 ->-'.9V u *’■ t\;lnncr. r »Qsec£Ug»\., 

u " _i .* £ :i LoiX*#*'* 

' ‘ . - 4 * 4.. * - • 1 

::t •*: - 

craicc. « . 






S J*1 . 

Or. s type; 

aj-.r.itnzi < 


0r**r hr.nd 
tc ray *- 

VI 7 


Ucli 89 e 

. uX Sorio*** • 

Tsdt 15 

labors ter.'- Rejiort D— 121 ID Cl? 

- J ■ 1 ,: -- ’ . 

(c# timed next page) :: 

* V Ar . . A. ^ 

- . 


--v fy i 

.♦Tv-’' itev ’Stcrrcrr **. I 

v . ' ‘ ' “ v .. '»*s 

X ^ 


Or* har.dnritver. l«tb*:r r >.* ; 

dc ^T'lto Con* « • ** • 

u TD Cr^ postal C-.M vv t.; h a‘!r?r>. 



.; ?a 

>*<-> - < 
" ) 

/.:.?. : 'ii c&i 

n, < r Vi**: ;♦ 

r/Tli sabato Hftttin-t £ 


*‘luli>.i*-. ^rstiau.; .?.«*•' pc it- 
•’•"* aril te, L..rJ.i; • •*. irnar 

„". 7 non ."Ic>_. 

-.W i.-v 

ft’ r .-;b ’'7<r'»o::i*rr' A. v . 1 raves: 

"-Vidal. _u.-- 3 S.-» i r...d,ri :r V eil? .. V , 

0: : bandd tie. ldtnr b* dn?.’ .-f. '' r - .'• 

i- i i'/\r u p' n.i 1 iif; ^ r 1 •: T1 1 V • TV’i * ** 

»,,,L «,•.'/ _e k, . . « ***!,.' -* U * *L <* k, .1 VkW , 1 »«• . . — 

•MwoMru:, *. v . Au«.- 77 il- f ' 19>6" «>■' td : ..js ba.V.’..inv **_£S end 

i taiiann di nosed tn . 

*-..: hadwri tfcon letter cited "Xur 7J5, d 2V tejinni'Vi ♦’!T.s werker's 

O -CC . <3i 

ouila the'?..' 1 . 

«' necto • „r. V-' ‘ tori’ 13 beyl.-dr,", n 'v .-ri.' ht-dr r o-\ ■ ir. H.) tit/, .‘.w« . '» 

•„:, .aniUri t tor. 'niter bo-'imi"7 rt i'o,:v .. ’ 0 . - t;- c:i Vi cvl.^a il » »“ • 

^,r- ' 1 * *»-■* 

.* a L>. Ivctrinrii-Vir: aVL’CS* " . 


J,ii » ♦ • ’* # 0 ! *v*T, 

. - .'*■ V 


;-V 31 6 CC ’ 133 :,.... .: . 

\ * * 

? - il - - k '*!: 


• M,. ' r ♦ ^ '■ ; 

' ? e - vT ^ l' ‘ " ' ■ 


t « « » * 


pL'i;'* Dc-.rin; 

h^'vbtritin,*. \.t.£tsrinc •.!•.. 

< » 

♦ - A- 

prvor VC.,:..! w per 


:-occni^ ' 


/\ . 

> 1 > 

joit Lcp .:.tb*»ring bo* .:i:dnj ** v vrr/ Labcr 


y m — 0 1 : t) 1 , *»w 

J :V 

i v*» * l? * 


O- . . 

letter, b^.irnin j ’’V*-. VW9 - 

r( VJ 

iv, ..Ci Jer?v, --7 

t* ! . .. 

• • * « 


ia.nv. ri t 

Xett r dated end i>.*;;lr. 


‘■.,-j ; r.ta vcitr. i.'vi 

;»o x- r zv^c):i 

c with r.f-wgpapcv clip’ in;. 

t i.-i. ••— 

. ' ‘ 

r^fuL t'.rl '.Ki.:;..rltt aiici r-cr.n r ... 

....• yeti." . i-f 

r ■ v . 

:rz. v :> . u. . 

v r v - " 1 ‘ * <0 r 1 • V * ‘ ■' * ' 

■ , m 1 e » vv^’ « -1 ^ ^ * ’■“ — ' »*- J ■ 

v l - 

. . . r»t — ... . t .— 

b. > 

. : *< L. , n • ^ 

;.' 0 •' ~£- - h- *i z-.r.pmd .' d . «. V 


istifr dated l/ 6/1736 co'.i - 

" VrotllcJ. 10 t’uirr.j 


r ruppo* * * r «• 

letter .l»itevd l/t/l f ;3 - c.;;'. t 

"Ac tmvjftfti d«c 

, r , -» 

Ca ; 




* 11 

. ^ U « • • # 

v • " ' ' T 

han.hfri v,en 

letter dated . :n** 2 , 19.33 ana be--; 

stn.- :* V;:-sr. •,„ 


*. ndn • tc %*Cu'* pro Ti.:..* '. 

C' 35 


;Vin i , ri’' ten 

lettor beginning: °J.-. *>in &olla cosa 

cho i- prtuto,. r . 

\h 5 A ” ith f /.apathy'’ card bearir: : ; hanh-frltirf. 

:J y 37 Ct:^ han'vrittm letter dated 5/6/36 and bi;^innin? ".dilO' *• 7VJC2 a.Af -»T..O 
sd^o un jrr.:rpo di.. ! and e r.^apaper caries;! attached. 

-*f,33 Or. a r.nvelcrki tflth baridrritton address »•’•-. M.V' AViT L"XAI..*’' post*ate.rfcad 
Kiw York, h. Y. Feb .?? 1:30 Id 1936" and the accmpanyln : page b?Arir.? 
typewriting anti hmu writing, '-he typewrit! r.r be.;*! : r.i*yT " AltCAi.C 
apretio, • » ^ 

»v\39 Coy h&ndwrittc t letter beglrtting "Ti fircio 8a’..;~e che oni sotiinana* •"* 
^J ; 0 Two tendwritt-m pa roe dated »*7th April 3 193$" beA*jalng.'*Ura VJZ~1 . . 

AMCaliH. Certowmbe _ 1 ca-sa io ptxrlo • : ... 

• Hl°rtbidmed r.^xt f»Re): • ; 

?agn 16 

Ijc-bTrutr.*;* P.CjWt 0-1,91/, 0 CO 


* '.t- ^ - 

- 'V-** - ♦ r - •-- 

• i 

1 • “ r 



;-i*U Cr.i handvrittcn letter ta£lnt 1.i»: T.ri.o AirYuL.iJ v.i pm . 

:,U2 Ore t/pevr’ '-ten letter da tad "23 nyrile 193'-* baslnain^ ‘ u*ri.a .nia r.ssr 
rrotrebare centre...”. I 

. ,,43 c.'.‘ t/j'S lotisr kopir: ... r .,> TaLci-v soorso hi '.'e.vti'-' 

/, i,/ t c.'a hari-to^ittsn Ictv.r date :i 1 7*3/1* 3'-' be; lord . 'I' — •. 

.. 1 lil.'.J i- cor.o....’. 

/.',5 '.•:»> uar.drri-ten iei-wr ilafced //?■/-'': b- -irvv*.;~ *' lie 

C _ 1 iy. | O'XO p*r.A (*-. .... * 

C'.’O han<h»rittcn lettar becinrins **?c hr. » entile ii‘ 
jj,7. f r.o handwritber. letter becinnir;,’ ’'Tiilro U'VO.' ■ ' !. »' AL7 ..^r.xcchc 
pyxeare e . • 

^ i .3 <Y.a handwritten letter b^rira. Ir.p v rer\ no vii as erica Us il vortre. . 
v+49 Cae handwritten letter dated 12/2/1*&j berionin.. *'!.• 1‘x.r. SS..CS L. 

; . i i*'j questc JLcnr..*". 

>C ( m? hendrrltt rn lx tier dated T'ob. Il— 1 ,- 2 - V) " . ‘ 0 n w ‘ ”• ' '<4 r o. JO pj . 

> i :• entire utile. ... 

i.51 Cne p'i^r benriv-.j, hnndi'.ritiii'j icjinnifi;; ” .--an. • , •*' v-. act- _ ; J a witacy*- 3 

(i ' . 

'.31 One pt£~. bsarirti. t/perritinr bo£in».ic-; vo<;lit chirx rvl nu-asiXiC per..' 
4453 -';ie b<::.rin.-: har.if.ri tin 3 be ; -jinni-^ w *Ju rr >.pp: ui rcrtl-:.'..." with a 

ru- r. . pap -r clipp 5 r.*> 

Pr.-t envelope x.ith h'.r hvrittar address 11 ".. I '"I' . •” pc-icxrl. 

K.ijx hrid..;e Lta t.. Y. rib '09 A*’ 1935" aria tro ttcc«7.psr^ir.; hand- 
vrittov letter bc,;ir. '!■«.' vuliista etc v;x-r. 

*5 v :ir envelop v i.h hr.nO.Titti r.', addrerc ".!!• h Y" . /. 0 . .. ■ . ’ '* v .ed 

• Yorh/ :.. v . .hn 2> 6: 3C ! . the . c p- n;/: ; , letter .-tlx 

. vluole •. i-ucTaistarc. . . r . 

i. re tyrvrxritten letter hopir.r 1 . n$ ,! 7n d- ta do? 1 ocp vi r.i<edal ur.a 

letter ..... . 

. ,57 Cnr hia«5»ritten letter bcrinrln;: M”..- 171 ecsonto 

Vina appro loncta. . . ’ . 

On«a ooctal card with header! then address ’’J’ro ;ya- ..ocal poetr:>.r5c«‘*. 

•'Ja-iaica, i. Y. Tec. il 10:30 V* 193? ; ' ard tl ' n n: *• r .*;« V .. -'nrIn ;> . 

d :iio can-.rro _ corn>>». . .”. 

-,5 r ' On-: postal card r.ith handwritten liudrear "! ; T '.' r..'; PI..I. pochtt-rkcl 
’ janklcH, Y. Dec 18 10:>0 P!! 1935” &rJ the noss bepannirc r ^r«xo ___ 
teapo ole Joir 1ft 

,J t 00 Cr.e envelope ¥.lth handwritten address "Local t'y ' rej-raa. . post-narkc .- 
»•;;«>? York ,T.n. _ 9:30 Ah* } ta" end t!ve tcco-.nar.virp; carb n copy>.’ 
ALT'.’ilOk, ftcueate I’artilre....'*. 

<Aftl Cne postal card r£th handwritten address j;. 0. . . pc itnarkod 

‘Tides re. Pta. y. Cct 23 i - r 19 .V" and the r>»a;:e be -'.nnirp 
“Caro co-paj-p t u r .!. ! ) - To nor. arrive a 

-» Ffti?e 17 

Lat»on>.tcry heport D-1214') CD 

(jjritiniied next pa.r° ) 

QJ.S2 C?,e s-yc W-rirv; har.d; riti b=* ;lanine *al ?oeV» v, 4la local 89 Tutti 

li £ TilV-i «• k« • | . 

O 4 , ’> «">•: h^nd letter hr-Jkr&\::* p d~V to ton* v che 10 tt 8 Cu,Vj «a« •••"♦ 

.},'' qj* nnv.-jic-: r'.th written Sr esr r->- • locale £•<•....'’ coi-tnarl'i 
.V Vorl:, . . ?. J:.M V 7 19:30 ,v: 193 -V accc^.ostvdnK bf-i'tridtM 
It : ; r a«-- :' 'ininr 'T.-rr un-a '.tv-- cory-lr.’ .•* o*»i ..«♦'» 
h 1 ', ' Cr* f;.r»-'l : .* vth handwritten irar.c • VJI ■..♦••” po*'t~<ar!'cr. "tew 

v. vy 3.3.', y,- 193,, an-. 1 ^ccoapanyi t letter ’’Caro 

/,;.T. ?T -:0 tu n hinneiyicc ieiia ratri*..." a«i a nea-spapor c-'-rtccc attached. 
j ; 36 Ore eiwcloj - *. 1th handwritten ; ir«sss # jv.C’ -*£•.«•" poa-tRarlcc'd ''reel 
;.k ; York if* «?dfi 17 ID: 31 Y!' 1936'’ end acronojodr^ handwritten letter 
bc^irvung ' ola Kuccjdl jut-V efi* si. .... r . 

i/;; Or*-- mvdcpT vIVu fa.:)tiiTitU!: /^direct '“V^er^l of Ix;C<il b; ' 

dns^aic. dm 16 5^- r - lOV b:V ^ .r./.n ,.:^i 


. v* V 1 ** i *, ' 

i% * *‘i i /a 5CrTif< 

vi.-iehi a'-c:ltJr 

^ r » * • * 

• / > 

t i : 

j:*W -t 

i* il, 4 ■ -5 r j i ^i-’ d tten i 

7 i ro»* ^ . 

“■■• •’ pc 


!: : r; 

;‘X Cirnt- 

’ 10-i . l r, 39' 

isnd fc^c'ipe i- # Jn^; hii'. 


i. . 

t j w€ 

_r N j •-eel" f vr:.. 

> Leji-i tyj-atc. 

... . 

* . ” •' rrs 


:*;] "It!, lanv-rltc 

■•,•; addreef 7 . 

1 • - r * ' 0 ” ‘ , 

J :*.4lill'4l»4. » ** 

ett tir'xe-c: 

F# 1 
* * 

1 # * << • 

v. o 301' v - 

1942- cj. . to-: 

h un, . c.-. .;^Te orjlnniic 

%* T ’ 
^ — 

c ‘?1 

dues h: ci neri 

VC c no •••'*• 

. .V On. 

idt:: t’jpcvrittea 

diroFS ''‘.' IG) 

, . 

^ Jau’ 9^0 Id 

1936'' and t:,o> 

-tec. « ^r.yiRr typewrit 


1 ■ J. 

, r b? i- . . 

d ^dc> pr tute £: 

-tlUirc. all*, re 

^ 1 c; v^^iri 

. , - On 

1 - ♦ ' c - ** 

tr. hr-i^ >•:. tvr. 

. diresr ”’:o: * '. 

.•»ti e. . . . . pc JEdrke 


r r 

r ^ : ;• 

. w ; y - » 

x. i.7 11 - * 

' 193v” nr. > id:. 

• .-) t:c - rlttc-i letter 


• ■ 

i -> - - 

> Ch.; 1 , 

cr-.n uni cU LI 6 

^ "alc » • 4 « — 

\V .-2 Of 4 ? h^nri* riwUcn let Ur btjrjnni,; J "Vi ecirai, -? v - 

s ; r ?'> rltto:* letter borinni rr n _cr voet! * t^-aid r^rti d.*v donna 

Ol . dC*« . e 1 . 

w 7; Or.*:- J\Uv.V?if letter ceylnriir.i "Ava^it.* cen la :’; aceclft 5n ^gui* 

* o* *. on ••!*••'• 

r/,75 >. ■ ceta.1 c..r-1 f3th J^nlwrit-- • r. *dire e 7 por- -arfct?o 

r, id,*? port r .vin Jan It 12 5f 1936" arid Ld-: neoea.-v te 'inni> ; '’C/.na 
ftrr^’-’blatu c cane »..««•”* 

•<.'.?'• L'rif- onvelcp -3 •..< th Karri written aJdrer e r IjOcai 89 ru'W.... 6 poeUw'.jrked 

Jtn 24 9:3C *V' 1936” ari ftcc.nrar.yin^ hnrylwritten 
let r 'r r.nin;: r a 11 Tuattn-, c nansa ur, cccc, u *rrajjh 
^4?7 C-ne h*n :»r* ttnr. lotto: befinnirv; "l : .ono una coapa ; .a ^’lav ^a I/elia 

. IOC j:1. • « • • • ' • 

.,fT v i,7d On* h.*tnd written letter bor^ntur.* rr,„ i/jjni .i »• rostaartcei 

■>» ’•Brooklyn, I.. T. £ta T Jan 72 5:30 Y ' 193^’’ *rJ the accorsotnyli^ 

* handwritten letter bodntiltvr T2C..9 rt.'sl'WCi.: Tu to^dto 

tr_llan....". ... J 

^7^' -M** I? • :: '7 ;;; I. next ^ d".- 

Laberetcx 7 Reoort r-12140 Ci ••' • '-":'0 : ’ ‘ 

.:.. t • > '■■■ . ,y‘ •■‘■ r -C" • ' ' 1 11 ' ° ‘ 




h' - 

:lr i. 

JL . •• 

C*,-. naadrT; Mf, letter b'viardn.' "La vjvre oa~p- •s** *uti I v&li-r... « 

0: .i er.vilc-'; v.ith h..nJ*rI-her. 4 Mtrrt 'I-OCil ! ‘V cj Srv*»c*s....- : -ct- 
a-rhe! ' ' roV.'_L ... ?. .' :n ;-0 1? ! ' lV.:‘- fo-l the hancifcrin 
b' \. ' uijv r , "• lb ...II, '.ocalc "I ioi 4*~.»r>. » .:.!<w:r. . . 

.snveiooa wit’: hiji:l.;riivej’. ‘I*.. • !' 

rk.h’ • • reo--5jr., ... Y# J- i 20 7 - • * 1 •>'.•* <.rd t-C- r^Iuc letter, 

i i *4.* L ,f > nruLn.^ "*0/ /r 1 *. r. 1 * v-o» • «« * « 

> r:^ snveic^u *c th hxr%>.2*itw*r; cddrctfs M - r ■ ;2 J o^tr^^Xec*- 

• ’iTODklyn, »*• * * * i , _ 11:30 AU 1936" tr.-t acc ^ sSi- ■ r^ 1 * in, 1 *">dT£ **— j* 
letter earring ”.‘‘I r '!o: ~A;iT ..I -I. o ceTpicnifc beilo alio v:.liic. 

One pa ;e be -.rin*; printing. with the titio "he dl U C»c-ri’** 

It : envelop*' ’..1th hujvi.vrlitc^ iddresi **?o jxvtwki> "*C«w 

Verb, :.. I. Jar. 11 3 - A - 193' • ai* ac: o-^unyi;.; : nrovritt *r irtf*: 
bsjlivujvs ’’■'■'r*’ •* o c 4 x* ^ tic »>?*».' r, c • J •.*.# « 

1 ^ = * 
w* t * « 

■i., 3 ^ c.'« «r.Vt lop; vith rr.n-h.ribfcc:; nduratc r I '•IV..’ ... ; . 1 . . . 

2?t iic.n iv ’ t. i.ew 1'crk, Si. ".“• postnf.rfcel '*.'.re '.'•■V u. I 
*J. n 1 /, * ' : IVA.V. 

/.cr^npcv vrir. ’ ; \ s ?t of hat', writ b-ii. retire "fes::: t.o yrn colcc-.* c. ; 

Pri' - . -tiers. . _ < 

*/ 'T' ' hi.-ce*’s-r bc-rl'i;; hr fc-.>£lr:*'.;. T j’ ' 1 ■ 1 . ' : 

'.* i _ r 5 n t::c . r . • 

L u^_ t 

"t v ir C 'n r ~ ii vi L'.vit th'j rx:i \ 

b « • . t j 

v - ♦ 

niin,; &•'. .1^3 rt'O-i «-•'•£. Vir fs-epar* 

It u\r < sr.olaie-i UvM rV;;rlr.UiVi; f... .l?y, «X^>» .-20, 

;?-•?, .2.X, f/?V^ 0307, ^311, 3?> V? \r . r->r. prajx.rM 

h» r *■( . ' r • 

?} e sour*o description of O.e provlously c>i- dvtcl eut.vrl&l, i. dulrr 
Utf.t cI'V-. t.Sv»a s«t irr.V:: in laboratory Scpcrt / le-ll; 33, 1.-1*1136, *nl 0-lIU 

<p‘t*J >’*: - 6, 1911 capias of which were dr.r.5.i;n.''t j.‘. for year office. 

It v.fco c oncluded that none of the hnn^writSv.' 3f> c . JL f 3 ta.rcufih 
, H ? «a s p:t»jvire;i by ritC"; ■!■•:• irJI’I w5:o#s kwa*! hi nt- ri ti.v. was ttuaaltted by 
your* office in' ier da to cf »bu*ift.ry 1 ,: , 19l«. Kr 1 d-- «a ; Trit. ?;* ir. t f * TAtcr&tc.ry &s 
« «*nd y# 

Spac ia«ns g^85, V^Bo «td >^S? .are chfe- ical. .y trJ:-.V<l4 for U»e <‘ow*eXop»' .* s t ; 
of latent fir^erprinte and a separata report will be aftfb^ltted on tltls 
•xnnlnation* ’ 

lego 19 

Laboratory Report f—1.33La3 tt? 

' Continued nsxt p&#*) 

■ ' .b V ^ *' *1 J’ . r ■ ^ 4-^Jr - 



Laboratory Work Sheet 

Be: 0A--X'. --—SC A 

— — - - ■ - r . T 

File # F3-r.r?E 
Lab. # 

Examination requested by: Ter York \10(M ?*■.<:} 

Date of reference communication: Lst Y/d/-.-- 
Examination requested: -concert - ..n^erc-'J 

Date received 

•r./.'.l/C-: fl: 

Result of Examination: Examination by: '■ T -' e -' 

th/v 3 — ^ Aw <c 

6ft /7 », /f«, *<-?, 

id. r ii.o t 3 5 y” J i -3 

AA v. 3 — -~£ ^'6 » - 7 - <P 

0. i submitted for examination 

-JL-IEIT A * * 

Ult.“ 1 re f. tel C'.rT witj; h - ? or ll Lr~ ?-..r lr. 11 . ".T’j for., . i. cc. oO 


«r.s submitted for examination 

vji-*. 1 

ii • ; 

dlf-.. 1 

. x. c: 

i ?.. * " P ~r. t .& In r.c.f r .f- ; .s b;r. “Signori Tcn'c Ar-ete ;l oi;r.t 

carl with L.> cdr "Circolo Piciltur- C-erci* ***.; °i>v York, 1. Y. 

1 -rr; 

f 3 ! t:-c re . T. ;r "Carl 1..T rodyliori IT circtiu. . ." ci red . R.“ 

Cr.€~'OFto' core i-itr. 5v ; Vdr’ "La Parole... " ":>v York, ' . Y. ?'.cv 2f ; 1L_- i‘ 

ID-l" foe the ho r.e ^ ~ r.-^e 1 rr "Piers Yvcilirrior i;re lore.,,*' si lied "O.r.. B » 

01 fo ■ 1 orteT erred ri tk A- nf»r.?.- t :e b^n "riceec- Lr eve.,.." -dr to "La Parol?....* 1 
nn 1 ..t v: Yirk, 1:. Y. Dec D 2 - V/. 1940". 

OJH i poRtrl cord with fcn ear "I? Pamir..." nm "Yn; York, Y. Y. itec.7 1 - ?- 
Im. 194 -O" ?nd tie In aecsare Vt "At.tif: pcirta Fir-ico Dmo....". 

|Jl 69 1 i-oetal card with k ndr "E .tore It-r.fredi. . ." — "Lev York, K. Y. Jrn ; -I 

FK 1C;%2 ,# pr.d t in Jr> seepprre D£n ‘‘Harare c-i r cc : Ktf, enc.*»« u si^afcd 


w 9^2 11 


plii t e i." ) r '.e f "c eg:. 

r cj’ w J>r. ?r ro?^a. , . . lf ^ : 

IV t:*c h_* ■- 

rta,;c Y. ;m “Carl i..>‘ rod;;" 

cc. re. idtr. 

iv • ?.dr "La ra.rolr ..." ; 

tl .a re r 

'■ r;.';e I ;:t) "?.ieT>e Yrcilir 

cr.rec vdt’- 

h- r:Pr.?r t ;e b^n "rireer- • 



c. red a.“. 

«o - « 



£T. ; '?c~ 7 2 - »: 


•( f'-fllL'i k' 

•j. 7C 1 -Ftal 

-,1c. • ,r 'n fr rol - 

*' h "• r: ■ t A A c r, ^ f 1 1 L 7 : • 

... 1*‘ v . . 

- vJ £ 

1 . :Ci. 

t. :'. M i.Y.r.r.t 3 : -.lU-rr;* lii. • r-. 


Lr 'r rol| k' .... 

7 ^ 

>u £ 

' P\Y '.7 

-M't rf r ,: r "La : ; arc*.* 

n ^ it . ;> 

. » . • . * - • * * * * 

A . A cy 7 ^v*' 

7 1 'Y ~ Y - r 

il7£ 1 .- v v\ 

l<yv* r.r . J . . r. rcc* ' -’t 


l tie s.c c 

#* 1 # r * 

1 r >? 1 . .nrtrX c 

2t -. t T! , 

v„ %• i,\i 

1 1 : r, ; _v ; 1 ; r 

!l :i : 7 . or 

I #■• » *■»» t " 

. .r r y * * • — - 1 J . 1 « • - * 

v *?'. 1 . i . ’ ' l ^ 1 7*r J.T: - ■*'. •' P _ • • « • 

hr r VA ?.e r ro Vo '-V::o;v:l v ll * r -” - ' : • 

( — it ... ji . 


V ±rr: 


r* * • ^ r 

V* ~ r V *>■ n 

U ; ll ,7 - 4 * 

vr. . : 

kx-± , 

■ n r. 

v:i V'. hv.-. r ll : r. L-i.-i A:.t a- t v 1. i — “ ;- * . Y. 

w v r.rr ’■*:* V; ■ '■■■ v -.r_ 11 p *,r; ; ■: ,r * 

■j . ' it ^ / 

i , , r 

► « ■; ^ 1 

OC,- , • 1PC * , • 

hv \r7. V~. 11 C- 
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v%, ^ 

•V. 1 

v- 5 't) 

o ‘i 

C » " * 

n 4- 

- .. r-j, *•« 7C-;. r.*. 

7 :■ o ?- ll L * l A-.torCr^ Grr.A r Ino ; 

i : 7r: ; 7 , :t L^- ?•■ -or/.rlr-. ; Vo Locr}.r r? ;-- 

1 ‘v ?ct ‘ n 11 -r^r He^revr^rio , -^r^ctri iircv/ri ?V.r 11 • 

1 rt 
\c t 


2ri AntOAi/.i Gl-tftr. '* 

u >vr i7 a > .>«on.i.r/l 0o.7r "1 tr ri* * . . • 

- - : c; . • SJ >::* T ."u-~ : A ' ■■* • 

. l 7 cv Vor ' ^ A* 

; - r n ■ - M r. Hej’ro ai i'ii'.ir'- S rvn c' •: 

1 .: . e ' ;-rin r * hv: ' u tui'or*n: 

i • v/ 7^t ‘ a ;o Ar.tO'AAi oftD.n Xoc; le ' .*. n 

X p .v \ A t . . r-ilr ;1 ro-rrr . Xoco.1 ' 11 cv Y r r.' t 

X - pj." X ?:r ^ ato acc Xrri e + 'ilo?o"i' loc" . 

X ■' crru vn t’ K; r>-r u bticA/.-atir3 iuo L \i ,i.* . * tf 

Y. ; XXIf5 Dec 14 

f n *i 

i • i • * 

;.• Yor :, IT. Y. 

St,.' V I3f.p •' 1>; ~ HI 
3 ’••«•• V.'t « v tfV v r r - i.’r- .'*, 
1 ictir- .r..; o: the 1>r-c’- 

r,:C r. r r> "C t;*:’ ,r i 

e a a ' 0 ’ ir >70. "* 

r -ory ' J . * 

ir.r- -»-r’rcrlva nv 


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X^X T 15 ! v*r 

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— .* ii.- ^ • « » 

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tiaea. , . M . 

M 1 

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LccpI n? 

kr*v yot 1 ', r. 

Y. *ov 

ivTr'ner :-£, irSE" 

”Ti *-o eentito 

’ a'lr. 

1 hw let l\yi ”^~y<zr i o rif5ato Vllf-. “ dr-.t^c. I even; ore 19o5 M . 


■ 4 * 

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Viiyi A .tVii 

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:t Z i fil 1 ^ . * >AC r: r .v • it 

Si - » i>. . 

■ 4 A r . VI ► 

30 A7 ICCff" r .:A i 

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•••L.i'i ellr. A 


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1 . T i- r;> 

. ~cc lit 

• f o: » Ocr-. L \i .-i ; 


1 er. ir vrit 

hv :• nr 

lt Z r t or nr t i onr-1 Ir i 

c j. ^ 

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; qy 2? 10 - p- : ^ i'f , r> h rr’ 1 


- v » f- , A. 



" c :v/ v-i “■ 

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“Cl-re Lni-i A- .to: 

y v* • ^ # y- ; 

V V"7| :1 ‘ 

: :V the ve AA*e V. 

" f,f ", 

. . o r i 

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j. ,;v vl . 

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rrev Oil:;' 

..“OVCAAJ ;.A 


1 f V v-it 

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her h *r ,! S: A" Antf 

r '*i r- 
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1 l.f: 

■ vin * hv 

h— Porto ior 

* j .<A 

1 • :- 

‘■_v r •' 

" 1 1 : ^ ion ire r " •;■ :;.r !' 

'1 m- V - A 

If 11 nr:- 

the r-cc orte" 

I* * ■ AO in. . 

• • • i » 

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"r. r ; V vJ 1 

‘ ! v -A a 

117 , s * .^4. ^ ~ 1 

. . 1 . **ll 1 t Jo li. J 4 • « . 

•» C‘ r "11 r. • ' 

r-cc t a ’ 

j- ^ ••» A'***i IAl -<-v. ri '— ‘ 

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-* - »- 

1 1 ‘ ' € t 

. -tc 1 »•’ 

v ‘ ’ t ' 1 * ' , f ■ 

} Y : '.C i .t ' 

;r U A trTuv.i p. 

^ 17 

7 ■ v; Ut 

;-C. t: 

v hop' \ S— 1 "* — hh./ li 


i :.ct 

*'U:. l! » 

■- -£ : -h 1C. 11. C:; 1 ' 


i f -v -it 

'iVi ; n r 

f, I 'X 1 . Antoni r.i * . 


^ f'CC J pt 

doted 55 

-i - t> 

1 OPtrl . 

or ri v;itV 

hv.’ rrlr ;J Antoni: 

t- x ‘ < : 

• T* r V r : 

*1 r ^ o t ’ e i.'cnppH 


1 ei.v vri' 

'> hw rA'r 

h evretfir ,r . 

Ac- . 1C 7 


r ja'I let Vvn 


1 v \.- let 

■ 'i 11 11 1 

•rrtirjirno GoriViti 


1 ''.r let 

V:n w iii‘v 

f .;ot r - I ii,;;i Anton; 

1 ;:.nje cl 

-W V-.:i ,l 

C^ro L;\i.^i Antoni: 

< '5 

3 »'-~e o' 

1 hv Vnr. U 

hlr;:v)r Aj-.ton.ini j); 

1 :.;v let 

o:. rei^ov. 

r -nr* r>er doted ,T hov 


, «i Ir \ €,- rt 

„ 7* Ev.* Kov 

. ; T ' ^ 11 

momm , iV-;i ii'jcr r, 

_ ■> r_ II 

.*■ ■ » • * « **•*»- 

- _ J. * li ... r • ■. ' 

.e v U' ^.; _/• V J 

• ♦ • * '*■-■* * 

•’ > ' * 4 p'r * !-.*■» t ' t 1.1 **• 

1 o cr j n ~ a oh . - v 1 ‘ I 

- ii *. tr ^--v- 

- * • • • « • - ■ •’*> 

. .»v York : •’ 

7. 1" - :‘o? 77 

1.'. '• n . . . 

’ y. : v f 21 

. 11 oi n.ori 

"A torJv.i 7. . 'j t'’t! ’ rA-tri, . . . 11 . 

r‘- 13-3 "viri ?ntl "" lot' To 

vpIi “i' '*] r 'AU ~ . if -irCV'T rt *) 

\ * L A < . A J. « «. * / ■ w . -j ■*- - t * • - . '.«•*«« » 

^ ^ a »■> ■? j- ? < * • .v-\ il f i ^ ** C »> f */ *i - A ■* " r v 

" - ri llv r , , J 

*'.•■ ^ ff ' 'I -• I* ’ 

— «A t J ^ ♦ • • • * 

1 - .:v let o.\ ,'el 1 ov.' wer dated "i.ov York 3T-37-1PM 11 -v~r. “_ con 

f '***' le cornn. ,....". 

*•..» agg» x ’v let- dated ”lroo]'l;T: :.* -V -3D" Y’,r> "Crri — .* 7--- •«“.• vio , , , "i'.A.", 

•'.|B $22$ 1 hv let d ev for’: Pese-nber 1AA" »/*;-> "Antoni: i ti c.r&ino di. 

•* M 1 hv let T-.r*n "*0 t/.e \-ro. -.rat- of w Ihe Leca'» 5tf>, I vrlttng to t-.if pro.~rpn. . . * 

1 hv 1 et 11 1 11 1 no Signor Antonin! Ascolto c.u’ ’ i 

1 hvMet bna "javi&titsifco Antonir.i Eccoci ria ir^ V f 

, 1 hv let b^n w ?iplifteco inaigenerato I’ew hai en • 

^335 1 hv let dated ^Brooklyn 9-1.V1935 11 brn •t'-nir.i hont^^'e G-elo i 

Q27Jf 1 enr vith hw edr "To Tioie;i Antonlni. . . 13lr "Broojslyn, h. Y. l T ov 14^ 1-AK 

1935 "and acc let &a“ed "Eov 1?> - 19ot “ b^n "A lii-ri An tor: ini Per nor^e....." 
jnnn r* rw» w^rtitm^T* fil i-nniYiP* tflt/'i tit.’', a ^*1 ■? T tie 1 < f»r> t . 11 . 



/ *£ 1 0/v v. v it - ' ’ v nor ,: Lui"i Artorrini 

3*“ j..:-:, >’ '\i . ~i t /_f . ri v- c ... c ^ c i i,]'o - ii 1 1 ’ i i » * * • j- 

1 c-.r viilt • •'..• car Or. Selo 2ress.t.:C**r tt.-icn “ : v. «2^.;oh\**r. , 1% V. 

1 (-«• 5 in - pv I9^.r !l f Jc let r>p-* "Locel ST^rrer. ! V:e.i ?•' '•?- 'fc"ie . . . 

1 <-r;r vit". "m- *»lr 

’ „c ^ j. w. ^ > - • - - - - ■ ^ - - * 

vr. Z-Ai- i Artoroivi..." "Irorl^ T*J V. Sis. p Vo\ 

13 Urof: 33 lrC,c“ ::r one r r : c let lr 3e?. n-r;yv.e ^roro^.cirto. 

1/7? io-O^lo f^urote n vi # . 

,f r. c a cjl ^o?.l a t o r n t o al.'.r -*►* • * 

#Zt 1 “ 30 !•- -viu?. tv ' 
qpf(f*L 'a e iv rir .- ; lx ' 

■if'ft) 1 t.’.v vim — r Ir "Hr. _l.o: ; lelo.... 11 i ’'-l. or, ? . i 

p.rm. _pcc let r-T. ^re 0 yio P"ico. r e-'er.ti. . . . . ". 

QT-f/ 1 • .r.-e ‘oer -ir.f; r.v Vr:: ”J ;i'e . rio Si gr.-.r Ve :lit M . 

Q;#3. 1 e-v vit:- hr err ": r. C. Colo... 11 ■ “hroc’OrT. , - . Y. 

p.rt- ~c?. let l~’i " 0&rr> So:.. &~no G-elc Arr.:ri e tc.r c ..... 11 . 
1 «?♦» ;.v: rt.r '’I'-iri Art mini ... ,l ••'. “Yroohl;- r , !'* 1 

. ■ ICC: 

■:>v P. 7:1-0 

; ov w. 


s ■ W 


l‘7,T' lf ice ?■ •*■' letter V;n "C-'i'c L'ti -i Anto-.i.-.i c: r.i t'e tc alio...'. 

1 ;e V v r i 1 .: •>: -r.r- */il? ;.‘ou t .c 11 . 

1 \v let -•••;• rr "L“i 1 Jvntcr.ini debl-* cofc Ji Y:iY'. - 

6 -j.-trl crrcc viti. r-lr “'.O L-’i-i j'--.tonini. . .« ev v ,r:, 1. 

t T Yc 1 :s •' - 11" r- j : d . x t tr.~3 ‘".gr. "il c« ' 4 C*- r.-n - cnict- . . . "; o 

u -- c*4. r , tr ' ■ — ^ py >. W*- • ■• ■'. n, n- o 

* • I a . . , » • * - » Cf U 1 >/ . - i - - • -L - • *. i » ' ^ ' ~ 1 - - 

* * 

Jpca im., ::. y. st.t v a; 

. -r» 

1 II -.~r li 'r 

~r 'ilr. _ il c-r V.etto. . “ ; cro 

"I'm Yjr:, "1. Y. Str f IV: 11 f - 1,1 37“ It. !: 11 ■ rift-rri r-iotr-. rr. 

; c , --- » 

- - - J -< * • * * * 



e\i xC'T 

. - *1 t r-r"“/ *o -v ii/' " 

/C .L>. — ii* JL-'w y./,*- ^ a 



,v nor r. 

Vy.ion tf;Io ro o. ■. 


* ^ f ll*> * r -. V 

V l l %w+ * • ■<*. 


; - xK . 

1 ill 11 ri: ■ •. ar;c let 

:■-? b-- 

• risr tv * ■ :i "XYn-f 

a c be 

rrirr tv t:. u H> Or 


z,'torCiOiv% - o. . . 

- . r / 


• * 

1 er.v vitr. lev car "la 1». Arxo.air.i. . . '* -s* "il.T-i ~ - L< . St- . : . 

S- !•;•; I' Eil r....* see cm wit a rv V-n ''_-.'-r • *V , .‘ l -" ■• c..o : 

tv ccr ,; 'r. Lni.ri Antoniri. . . 11 v a • i A--r i'err .\ _ri 1 - 11 1. 

.'. rcc tv let !.-:i "v. G-iudr I: ccricit-r.. ti...." vitY cli^e o: 


* ■* * > ’ ^ 1 
XJ - L*.; ,-i. J..' 1 -L l 

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. o 


1 '* . lV Vl * 
m > 7-rn 

a; e 4 *cIor»cd # 

??.*!- of • ooc: be-' ri 
cli; r 

1 ortcA o;.rf vdt- a.clr * T Antonini - Crenerr-lc**, w , artv.o; 

:; rir ra c ^Lrtiui cate^c-rin non ri trova* ♦ • ♦ u . 

*£& 1 V v.Ct* the title "-IlIJI i>I LI CL.SArli 1 * and Vti :, Lu ? y>*r?i di • 51 • 

3 never -coer 

c. u 

ifi> X ' • in 
o-’ff 1 : ■ 

,* crtr ; c; , ,-,r.r:\-r..e. 

52C*> *•. 

- r * •« *° t - 

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T>r.i 11 ! 

.nr-LO.*** / • 

t J — C + m 

J vu* X 1 O' C * 

tt u* t ’ 

lyf* 2* ! ^nd the see let V'n "Caro Arico Antonin! 
qiw i h*« i*t *■•> rutile che vi restate tanlo c -“ore. . . ^1* ■* ‘£\‘' 

1 e-~v with' hv e dr "Prcgranr^ Local PS*. . . .'•! "l ev York, 3.’ T. Lee 6 7- ?’■• 

J.9P5* a»d ccc let 'bgr "ai fmi Lcv-lorevole. . . . ". 

iftyy. 1 rrv wit!. '<'V adr "Ur. Lui f ~i Antorur.i. . . ." Ir ev: Xor.:, Y. Dtc 6 5 - Hi 

l‘-.r f' a:.:. : 

‘CC let 

-:r :i; ' r- ••.- . i . 


1 * rv v ? l” ’ 

";;rr. L>\i r 1 .. 

e^cfl t. o r ; 

lnt i 

11 i Yc.rY^ '* 

1 -v 

' -i * - r 

’V.::. -V.t.^nivh 

It:,;. > . 

r * r/\ LL- 

” 03 a t?.*; ? cr let 

q ran 

~ i • 

1 r— vlt:-. 

'-.i « ro;' 

h r v.i: - e - 

i 'i ^ pv : . ; 

; :» _ . 
t r ; 

•cr. let c; r. 


1 c.r/ wS'/ 

> v: r- - - ' 

‘‘h'-vi.,! Avtonii:!. . . . J 

12 - ?K 


*-• t 

the acc let hjY u 3 ' 

1 cr.v vriuJt 

- n>7rjt ... 
*k» — »- * 

• ? 

.A Sutsi'.ius . . . . 
et l.;o 11 Tone ur. ‘ 


?. 1 ;V MV 

c -V" r v ir 

,r r Lei i Ant or ini. 

Df'C 1 I*" - 

V> tl ^ - M 

r> (-»,*» p 'e** ‘hCol 



vC vitr 

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: ,-.-t vi;’. 

hv y v 

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-L ?• Y I v L 

- ' ii ^ r v. *! 


1 r.uv i.Ct.’ 

in: n'r 

ir . r ,.-. - 

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L-t " on ri -cr 

-30 b 

1 : /»' Vl v . 

hv r^.r 

•1 ,v- • r 7 - 

■ t/ ^..^.4^ J-* -A.A • • • 

* ~ - : .* • . 

CC J.c Z 

'■v ,; Ye*v h:er r< 


;r t J ‘ ' . 

/ ’ V T T 


:::-, I • - ! 

^ ,il , 

*. v, » . , ; 

'■ acc r:C'"'V; o*' v:. < 


* . r tr.\ cr 

rd \t _ 

hv ri s - h 

- /^> r ^ 

M' ( "r 

2‘* rj:d. t!.c -V : . r 


1 f_ V v: tl. 

r> i* 

hi • a hi* 

" X-: jj± i_ 1 x u • * 
le t 1* cr. ‘ 1 Ay t ::h o a . r 

V iO 

1 ^ Vfi'j;: 

hv; -r. M 

!l !>. Ant ^r*in.G. • ♦ * 11 

i"* ?:' i:;l- 

r r rice Y. v- let o;;n n Tll7 


J. --:.Y 

hv: r vr 

r ;ir. L. .1. tenini... 

B:' ' a;: ?/: r 

51 :.nh n 

.cc hv ?.et h^T; 11 Sr. c l 

' 15 . 

1 c:.v v f i ".! 

hv: r.;> 

l h'r, Irti; ;::1 Ar.:ior:i?y 

2'c^ \n l\~l 

t. ii rn , : 

. acc h\ T '“.et hr: a ,f A? i 


1 ^:iv rif. 

?-•• ;• ‘r 

M ^r.o 5i r *;» Avtonini. 

5 - pr. 5?r.r: 

2" pjic 

. acc hv lr t b^r. ,! Ac 

?. c:y' 

hv r dr 

“hr Lvi/ji Ap.tnnin^, 


« • 

u ii .0 vti'P CO". jC'tr.t !l , 

» . «:>rv: Ycr::, 7. Y. 7ov ?5 

....■* ^ . u 

_ g . . JL » ' . ~ ‘ • * 

:, ev Y.~,r ", Y. St a "or 

•1 “i’i-.-e? L’n. . y, V 

) -ciV ". 

» «::ev Yrssv:, : . Y. txs " IJ.'.i 

.. ~ _ II 


W.V., . . 

cr.Z io 

rale cfellr. 11 : ;, ‘.V 

‘"YLLno re :ri- t*-rl • »V»Y. 

”..c; t : c: . 2 

:■ radio C >:,? 

» • 


• • • > # 

»Y - 

4 * i 

. . . -vOV 

l 11 

r - r:: 

. l.QV 

t .e 3 ‘ ItV-IZl.Ah 
. “ d l* : I * - Cit; 

‘l* y ■ r-i - . V 

hyr 1? 

nY ^laiirv: Sr Sta. hi V* 37ov 1C 

zf k'H j C-.V vito tv nrr "io ’V. T.uiri Ant-vlni. . . " " c' V 7-, . . Y. 7ov.2-> 1 - 

— inrt' 15 I: tmd ccc tv let eg.' B ^;re“io ci~n ■•in? snVlr voctro ...... 1 . 

1 '-v ’it?. !.v m’r M Tr.i ; 'i Antonini.. . . " on ":>v Ycr'% Sta V !;<»v 20 12 

•* lire" an? acc let ‘brn^iere ?i novel re C-. I:.....". J 

(m 1 ?n-’ V'it’. hv rSr ,l 7r. Lni~i Antor.ini. ... " v: "Lroohlj*, T, V. 7ov 1C I > - 
ISCfi 4" and acc hv let t >rr. "Signore Luigi Ar.torini _on4 ni nr ..". 

1 er.v vith hv adr JI Lr. Luigi Antonir.i. . . "Kev Yosid-^T Y. ‘It '?SL Yov 
ZC r j - id 7 an? acc hw 1. t bgn "Le indu&opin ovcotr. :r.5a.S.'” “and " rev/n-sner 
article* attached, 

QZftj j 1 enr witi. hw air ":tr. Luigi Antonini. ... " -r. "!>v Vorh, r . Y. St* I ?‘ov 19 

’V 4 

“ A * * V-*£ J 

1 <v . 11 

r.CC t 

' cIO 

dC;:t " V'l'O 

_r oc l ' l i 

i ■ - ^ - ■ • # « • * 

rri ‘ fl x; 

1 l. . x . . » » ♦ « * 

1 * • ■x'' r ' zniz 

A f f • - • - 

cot \;itb the 

t a ;»le *' $r 

r - r »*" ’ !-> T 1 ' f- V a- r- 1 1 

-—**»*•- V A . . t> u . » « # 

fjSl/ x ••-; rl'.X ?v *;:r Acito'-ir;-- " "rr>i::7.; r., V Y. St-. 2 1 ov 

1 :’ - PY. x rr.'. ft c Lv let V- " .0 1'iftrir : X . - I bite relit...". 

';.' 23 X r.” 

^ a ^ ; .» ii ■ - = -' Vl - »’ -st’ 'r rv ' V j -t * *" 

■ _ j ; ! \ . .. V . .a ^ _ A.. i L L-X. , . • « • . - f w i ~ ^ * , * - • i - — 

v' : : - 11 na . * rcc . . \: lot ly;n lf 1 1c ?1 ■ ~e r;, * hr v. y t 1 • r i 1 ' o 1 m* "■ o'. ' vd t L "*.£•», 

1 row viv’: hv r.ur u C-e:\£ ral Secretary v ***: . * . V. l.V.v !M 

c?^'* El! l; EL 11 t::C occ hv let Ip- lt _i rwirc di ^r:lrrc . . * • . 

1 e^ f vit! tv rcir 
Str 0 19! e . 'ov 

.r laii ;.! ^ntonlrd : ’.terrationr: 

w. r _ v*« - 

uid acc t’ I'c t cry. ■'>: -it, vran occr to eve ‘'.on. . . " . 

,r ev Yo->, 

r* r A «■ 


i . 

vj ; 

' . v: ?.dr 11 : r Antoj.: no * ■': *2>.d lev: Sr. At'. ' . Y. 10 

vif 1 p ' -'- r '.dll Vi\? p.f.r ' . r. Ini; i Antonird .... 11 -r: ".'t?.:'! Ccr.t. Ar.r;e" . Y. i : v 

1' X - I.: x •:*?£ rnu rcc Xv let h •.; "Sioisc or-: -or? Inv *.i 'vrr r.®Y -.tir'cro. . .". 





r c c hv 1 f* t ~yyv n Ai r if* r ": i fe 1 V~ . . '■ r t rr* ■ v 11 * 

1 c. rr vit*' :r : . v ■rcto-i:'!*? Lvi r i ni. • . . n : dc: l: 1 : Btf. tl 

.rr L r ; r - i : K n :.;* 11 r*nl c c ,:v let : 11 0 ■ 1 rpbrto, 16 . 

1 1 c* t- > ^ r . 0 u - o* ^ t i. '.\.r 0 ' .1 C f'H . ^ -* .l'i) ^0 y * , 1 ' ■ .Of ? '-^^‘ 1 '. . - f ^ e • • * * • 

1 :*_V let l, C;t:l rr rr - l^rr/ 1 Ely: ov ITonto.ivr e t 


VJI 1 

... »7 

X r. ' t>.r\ It' ll A::erlco, * ■; 

r ‘\-i ^rr ; tili Coy.-.o:.' «i. . . * Kr 

0 v vdt 




1 : :vr v: 
lJt.'-. 15 f 

v Jj 

.v pf-r ^loc-l Cl Iroyrry. 
r 3 rcc r.c v: r nyr r cli i r. 5; r vl t h 
1 ;. •/ ,;o l-.idrr i:v > l, ll i>V - loc: 

?. rr vd v';’ ■* • ‘ 11 > r Anruinr ’• y : ore • . ♦ . v ... . , . 

0 c - 11 t - > : ! :j n 1 v 1 .c v'O r - f r e oyr> L ji t r ; r l. 7 1 a r o 6 cl “ r ? ;* c 7 1 e , 


*r ; 


>ir : oa- . .t 

it* • . . •',... 

O' l! 7 -v 

. u * j- . o 

! 1 Vk .1 

m . »; 

: ’ - r-^. -rv» * * 

*. . 1 »■ ** i J 

> . *' 

<> w i.l O *••• *“ • « • « • 

:f- V lev 1 1 ■ 11 
el Idl. lico.,. ,; . 

-. T if 

: 11 : 5 

:;; ..a 

hv: ^dr !, lv. loivto. t ov C-r lo r * . ^I'-v Yor' > 1 . Cct 

r' l tie yenoroe 1 . iJ C' ro crrl»o car*. lout l! * 


ji'- r. • . » ■ >' -- j_ 

" ev? xcr- , . • • utr 

ll^Jj 1 e:- \;it' hw a dr :; .:v Lviiyi tor ini*.. 

j.OTii 11 c-vl tl? acc hv let L-rii "S.*yaor k-\Z'r; i^i t: \ 7 ~ radio: t w . 

*3* 6 

' r t ". ••■-. "Yc- -' t£ re xorse r veAc tre" ^ . . . . 
• •. lot ■* Vr*.i riatr :r trar-t-re ~ . 

/***• i' r. ;e l'v X-t anti -. *!.* r:\jar'.:, . .". C. <; l*-, VA i. " X- "‘.'i r ;e-llo , 

;r A'cto " . 

X. c :-•" -dt:-. -v: r<r : 'Ytrticv; V/ovd. ... 

I. - M-.-. 

■, . Y. ISC? 2 Oct 1 «X 

1 C - Pi I 

IX:; :■ Fi;" c?:u rcc V :v; o-;n “Av.tti r •'»*' XoVi i ^ i....". 

'■. ft 1 e - ;v vi Y ‘rv: rt'.r ,,v 'jice of Locr.l fX .... 11 * •: , '. Y. Oct 

I?’. ~'7 2" vii in; let X,;n "berime .tl fie XI? lccsVU-x'* ". 

x. ersxr vdtX. hv? rflr "local ''••• - Intent- tionr^ . . . . •* • "‘V-v Yorl:, '.'. Y. Str A 

Oct 1/ Air X r « r n r.v.X* n.c c l'- ;. 1 r . ,,:; ' , oc?da X . tv odre 1' X;’ revi'.-o. . . . " . 

QPf£ 1 e::v did Xr s r "lt-li*»’ DrccsrAoer Local •* %r.. "Lrcrhlyn, 3". Y. wc-t IS 

P?cO PY i 'T'5 ? " rj.X fi cc h>* let *. -n "vjvrcto r'.ttir.n corr* ai. ... “. 

1 : V let /.!»tec‘ X-cenuber “• lilt: lvja\ "111 •vntri.rrJ o AiirJ.-^to ver. t :o.. . . n . 

L , , x hv;. let l\ r rn "Cari Luici Avtonir.i i :1 ccr. -rrO-Xe SA f. . M . , V 

1 c r.v \d tX tw "!'r. L’iltgi Antcnlni...." t<” "3 3 ro. :-X*nv, Jar. f .? - Aii lD44^ ,! 

and rcc euv , clir, , end let, all tv, the let 1 :r •'Av^^o^lett'o trol . . . , 
vvr 1 ear vdtX hw air "lir. I-nifi Ajitohini. . ;:r , ‘LnoVX--ri,’*P. Y. A-v~ Id 12:30 

jil. l'X-O" and acc let X^rr *ldr pen vs-.v CSrs rru x pen nr;» -o . . . . " . 


. ■' . : ' ' > 


\ c nv vi t! .’f. ' Irvi/i Anton:’ • i . . . ,l \ '- ; :roo’*.l t ~. , , Y. <. rr. <•' 1’ 

3r . f.y...aM ''.v err;' "hr : rem v.mcr- . . . . 11 . [ 

<4p 1 c .IV with .V nfr hr Ir'd Ariorriui . . . " : n »L cv Yori ‘.A ?G 11:5: AIL 
c p.t t c rcr 1. rt c.i' - ' cl ."‘ollor r:.r.'.tc- rl...^. ". 



1 • 

x n ‘ 


;t 4; 




u 1 r: r t- "ipvl _ ' 

> or • r .r , :■£ o -r 7. am o ;'Ti no r r: r ..c 

* » * - * 

A. JL v *- *.-/ t < 

^ *? - 


• * X A »* * * # * I 

r-rc; „ j:\ 
u* > 

on rip’: rr-cr Vjn ,r /:v 

n u 


♦ * * 

Sr ID - Fi*. 

' , **V * ’ i T . IV." ! 1 >* T * J - -I* » J - > jx' l»Oj « • # i • * 4 * - ■' -- ? 

7" ; n-cl 1 vTth tv adr "lx I outr-ac. ... 11 ; “ £*.. Si' 

Cn:\ DO c - S' XM: 1 ' ml tv lot V::r "A-'- volte tl Or. re-t ito. . . .”. 

1 r*v viV- 1 1 ' r e ".. ’ tore In T.ocr 7 r , . . . 11 •> ’• h..~r 1: . •. «. , v'M ‘-1 •.— P-- 

111 " r-v me tv Vt >‘T: "A t-.vtfci :.M aTi’ilirhi *ellr 

:pSS 1 '.•.•let *. ~r « lette-.T € veti- 'c 

1 h.-.c-t "ire; 

*y£j X *-'-V vriil'. ):v r 
* *} ;v.r t« 

,l Ai coiwro or.:- fliers. d**l? r * * * . • . 

. L - : »Vev rcr’: # . 


.* Hi-, ■ i r/.f it v* —■ u V'ot : v "■ ' V* -r - -r 

**.. . Vw C* w- v * , , - • - > - * * «_ i*. J V. ' - * - * ■ - -** • *•■ ■ ■ 

v>a# i let <* 

'?&*. 1 '>o «•.!??. c • r r vlt': ’ n. r ;l I/ai i Ar r' ‘lira, . . . " "" 

»^V c ‘;.70 1 J .' 10*: 1 <( the r.p nr- ;•' l;*:. !l L-ii;;lno tlv.rro?!: i 
."St 1 T-.r Vi *1 i\? t-'.T 'Of. Lil i A;:to:?l::i " 

*\ ' J ;tt r*i > , j ''•"‘iSr C*^. il').”'*!# 

1 )Q '*r i.rn *,■** II r -’ --.*1 "*1 Ar- y * 

• < • > % 

vr lor : :■ * 

II ,o : . ; 


c ncr r - ■ -.1 > at. • 

r- ' f '0+ *>; -- Her 

l.e f;.rr*t 

k ♦ « # I 

! f . # 

*>■* ^ pi • • ' v. ■* - 

5 .■ rt;; f 

- ‘ \ '\\;r\o ‘ f 

1 1 • r- - 

•T.6S 1 - ' 

■:•••: ,! L‘cci- 
v rr-1 1 .' 

‘■ih? 1 c. .'-* -it 5 v r-.-ir '••. r. 7-nt. 1 icitor.'lri.. 

l : 'l" fj-. : e rcr 1 let err. 1( lr oe. 

1 let Intel "irrcl I.O-IO" nri l';a "1 c.x. 

'it-.: Y-r:, Y. ID V:Cf F 
7 «*.>tcr*Tliyet Dr.n IS A*1 

» -> ( ^ c • • ft-' > ■•••*7 ' 

■ ■ A -C # * » , 

■'■ «» * O 

|| , || ' ^ . V *. - 


V ii J l-a rocicvop' 

v. :-oc r r ^ ?:: 

11 w 

* c. x ■• r> C*. ■. - •* y ' t H 

•it . c r ct"d ">t t'clcd. 



let .‘'-•yfA l *. -■-,• Ynr'r - ; or 9_j>" nua > r “ "j *.r l’-.l i i:.i ilftriv'orajSi 
11 ■ •• • 

747. 1 let ■ rted c- Ytri: lov ? - 40” me 1;:!: "Ci c.rr.rjc (Vtlir.-ir.o cor. voi... 

*>167 1 rev; cor or c?.i;' .ir-" vlt-- tlic title "Pair DriO'.t 

*lo6? 1 i.l-.l h*..* pdr ".-'in, lui • ;i Aator.ini. ... 11 • :. ,f . ev; lori, ! . Y. A'vx S_ 11:30 *' 
3^4 15v?" c<v* aevr- aycr cli^nirr- wit j the title "iV-ir incu:rh“. 

i^br 1 ; r.7Q liirviiv tv; c : t. “I 1 -xa S 0 S D eeto clp ti laacio 

•il-yr S >>r.-re tv; l et ilr.tei "lev; Yor 1, .Tm» 8 1941." brr. "Avrei domto rcriverti. . . 

| 1 \\e.vr~K -er cli. v'inr vdth the title cryr ". 

1 00 Ctrl, c yd vdth tv "hr. Zrai^i Antovilui.. “hev Vorh , . . Y. Oep 
•;< 14 : ro } 1947" er.c the :?ecc?.-e te "Hr. Painacclri one:. Soao dr. roco. 

1 ’vw let cxvtec tet 14th, 194? Vp " r li scrivo a « rr neache rv.ertc.. . 

1 ear vdth tv; "lili.o Si^mor Lui^i Ar.tcaici. . . . " 7icl®^eu Yor’.:, IT. Y. Oct 14 

£ - AM 3 94?" and the let hgT "ileri&eriarco verve cei^sberv r.e tu..*'. 

Z&yS" 1 >>: let dated ”51. Ottohre 1943" and h~n "Glrio voto a’-quello. 

" 1 *" ' - 4 - "* >* 1 -* 


h\: r. fir 


II -. 1 - , . v, ~ - 

.? - ?;'. rr-C. ; c- 2 nrs let Kn :i C:‘. re Ant-ri.:: CrtYpat che il. — 

oxi. a tc" Ti~e'- cl! iir.''* otti'Ched, : »c. •■ r»c , ;r r^tost" . 

*347 X hnv vit . hv: rdr r. X. A-.tcniai . . . . " “lor;. Icier • iity, J\ 2. 

• Cf: i.v: 14 1 

c ^ r x 1 . i r r t?o r - c . * ♦ • « * 

1 ’ 0 


r" i' v 



- r* ^ 

:r x. I*u. : 

■** r.‘- ' li 

: y . r t j.v 

t‘ e . 

ye v z 


V "It 


' s 

e or. c'av 

’ V*£» 

rr :_?rerr m , 

IK 1 
► • - • > 

hv; lei 

. — ■ . ■ :. e 10 

iili v (4 , 

i . _i 



r? r» ’ % - ^ ^ -i 

r ' r • ‘ " e 

i * eri - ; 

(1 iy 



1 -O 


cr rv v 

* j. " 

k ''.V' 

^r;r *0 

!j* Luipi A 


ri j" ’ ■ 

y; ,l “e- Y 


Fe .; 

10 - 

K - 

S r x" / **11 r- 

.. . - — X I . 

y v. 

hv; re 

c Ij^r. 


ro cc: a . 

y .^, v "P i 

a ! AC 1 - 

ri:v ; one. . " 


1 ev. 

tl. Iiv r 


11 T ^ 

r ujVii.y 

1 Aiitoni:vi 

* • » 

J* ..... ir-Trjy 

iv r; , ; 

V. A- r 

1 ?:?' AX 



'* the r 


L(-;t ■•.••■- 

•; “? r ni po\ T 

f ri 


€* r\~ - 

t. t ♦ 

11 <- ■/' r rvawe.* r ■* 

• f 4-4 > 6- . » C ^ . - • r . - 


y re 

r t : r.che 

c' k 

x vt 

1 py 

' ■ a \ 

,r-T ■ :*y 

v * 


if ->T.C 

ri '"C z.o i- 


. . . 

•• • » • 

1 ** * 


. / r-. * 

; .y 


c cl'ircl e 



. W. t * 4 « 


X n " 

• : . ;• <’• r 1 -.i ; -:i Actinia! " 

;-cc o "e :C- Xollc -"r'l- 

ir ■ , v. 

-X 1 c;r.- vita ’.*v: -dr "lvi.-:i Antcilni. . 

em • cr. X<'t - v ‘j'ioeri pic i 
' o ■ ■ 1 ~ ~ r r i re "* m s 1 ‘V * hv, 
f£ ?, r..v dy- tv r r *.hr. Viid 

r: pm rr.r. tv let h :> n. do ?ett 

* n ..v; let : ye*." c*: er 1 

ici /yto !*•» 11 ; 

A . ^ i . il - K r v 

r. Y. >: 1/ 7 - 

" r er : 

^ U n? , nr* i 

jciiccuo \r r. ■ y> 

?7 i 

ZrS±i Art or, id ~r. l Trd:>:; 4 , 

r-t \ rr 4, ier voEtrr ■yorrer.. dir- che* * . . . ‘V 

- /*f *.>f r ? i.i. * r.v fj 

*. 1 4* c ’• 

— « - * • » * » 

\ ^ 1 i-v, f Itt v. •* *i*it on m il ?r vit rfc 1 * * • • - • 

> f 1st ’• .:•• ■' \ yji.i tvr n?.- ; ! rise- Xt? r ?1 

' ff i 1 5r t,' ’ cr rX vit:; i‘v ;.:Xr '‘."r. Ante: !.-.j X " •/ .• r ',r'', ... .. A”“ 1». 

^ 1C'.;. !l -r.C t!i>: ; v j-.eec" /.• ll X'- cnr.mi.ii Dcrc.c. ■ c!ci ;..... ", 

v£-f& 1 '.ctr.1 cf re v-itC hv rcr »Li.ti«d ic:t -• " r." Vorlt, 1'. ' . Aar : 

X’- . . r.r ;l t'.e t'.' "£ '-cr?.^ b/;r "Ive’..’ X::i ;i 2l:n cri;! .cl corr ’--tior.. . . M . 

X ; c let 1>fe« ‘C-rr. ".nc solto inters"? ft.-! , .Xollr r..s, . . . 

.7^1 j- X c:.v ' iv cc.r ‘Xj-. Antoni".!..." • . Ycv':., ;. . 1 ^ 21 -j-1. . * 

1’ ’ i' 1 r’.d r.ce :'v !c*t c^n. "iM'iceinc Xy. Antoniri, _c”cr .r. rs no:, t* t to il rno..“. 
-v fS r tv 0 , 1*21 "Orro Antonia! , I’erito delle trae dell-j recer.ti. 

'V^'b - r: V wlta tv.- nr - ,r r. Lui.:l Asvtoaini...’. 11 pc "Xor.toa, ?!* 3 ' '.’39 FeX 11 

i f Pi: 11 cr.d &cc or let bra “Tutti i Ir-lrti j* K . 

1 hv let d'.t r.C "xronn c/lX/dl* 1 rjio. Vpn "X.;re , ;io Ci p. A - - tori no Ooae aer.V.v-. . . 

.1 rv let aacrnL* V.a rii prerdo lr liXertr di rerivtre 

S i, 1 car: v.'itl hv. - ;■ C.r w . r irici Antoaini. . . . 11 * ‘Troonlyr, I v . Y. 1- J P ?. 3 A'.u ? 
ff 8 - Fit 11 Arid i.vr let “Caro £i aor Artoair.i _ iVnr’t mo, to->o... . " 

•pr'i pict'ire litt'-chvd. 

P 1 t-.: let w tcil "wttcare IS, 1940" a: C Xcr. "Sei *''ronrip.#jt|»ao/jjt nredicrjo-....*.'.- 

f, ^1 err vi tl tv adr "Xrorrrr."na radio. ..... M iv.: ror.y Oejt. .Arjneii. . ”. < ”ii ^ : 5 

r- 4 7 - K; 1938 4" rad the pcc tw le t 'ogn "Soro r inr. Aftisd^^Mao'ltntz’iee ^ Cel*.."*i 
•>‘<#85. 1 -env with tv is dr *'Dre*«es. ? Union, local. ...." S« ) T . Y. StaL 

r©b *10 2 - PM 1939" and ncc tv* let fcgr. “Elias, di tuttc. 

Q*W 1 postal card witfc hv adr *fcr Loigi Aat^bial . . . “ pc “BrC okii'hV p. Y. 6 Pet 11 
' ' 7 - PM 19?8 # -emu hw oesear;e hgc "Caro I*tie , i Ar.toair.i e che c*l irttii ili-/*. 

<W 1 hv: letter dated “lev Tori 11/ 1937|! b^i"Sonoun cscoitrtrice del Badio. . . 

Vy.;.' v y y ^ i ••• 


o i'V 

let cAxVj.' 

•i >i.' y q p ’ c o r 

r? C 5 — r?' ; ’ ' t - ] i * 


1 -r.-e l\v 

let Ante' 

■i “ “ j V- 

3? ri c r. i ' _, x c ^t 


1 r.ll;;. o: 

o. er 

in . :r. “A *' 

•s ’• •'■ a \r • a 11 

-j i J Jt i t* • i « • 


\ -- r v.v 

^ T . jr -* 4 , II 1 

Voice nf loc'.l 

v -. ">v 

, .1 . 1 ♦ ' ” 

■d T Ci: tv 

r-M-i V ;r. “All 

v. r re- del 


1 :V let • 

- tc 3 

-ir: j:' r:;.' y-R 

;: c. ter. to r.r ny f 


1 V let- 

:n Ovo 1 

r c.V'<- ^ r>r ^ 

•V u 

4 V « 

Z- ff ' o vl r.\v r Cviyi Zr.tcr-l.--l. . . " t-- -m 

r:. \ rcc .’a-' "it V l-r tcniri ' A / .V-vTir-r rite a' 

1 tv tet ' ;• r. "Hi rr*yi -.ire nils. rrJ: -• r-e 

V. >-.-•(• ' V let “C/l’-lC-SI* me '> ,n u Or .tc.' tr . n s. v,i rr.'.v.t 

1 n —f • ’ • rt - r* * ~ - * n 

T. "Ix cirfr. cl i ...mi x:.: -v-rlc 

- It M r .. 

v: 73 

U/ 3 - 

V/£ 1 -v let Br.teu ml 

.v/5> 1 tv let “f tee ’’l ’1 1: . 1.1 - - XIV" ml hyr. "1 S-. vl 

1 7 | 1 '-‘ t :■ 

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o co r -mne Ahto; ivd -’ovo**.", 

nri e o:._ c*ir 

r vC 

-j c - 11 


"I :■ vV V**-? v- r - v-rc ir.... J . 


♦ « » » 

;r.. er Vf' \ V;r. "?Ir 1 r.ntrno Air. — -i~ to.- v-V. 

j.°- iyr m ; 1 : A> * mini Q~nl ormto . rtv .vr '.re -It: : 

£.£> 1 ort-1 c~~r \'[z. nv: r;l: % 11 1 talirn irorr’r'^r... :: . !l ’ ‘ ; ' ■' " ‘ L‘ '/U • A. Crnverer.o 

^ ? U*. - r .’ 1 ' ll r> • . “• * - It t.‘ - fl ■] 1 * ,* «* p " f. ;■ V* 7 O 1 ■ i ^ 

. * kJt- i t - ■ - .i j J. 4 <- c. . Lr l « __ - * . . 1 - ^ i . ± » « « 4 

v >/ . • • lez ~r. ivi-r Antonin! Con r-rr 

y. ZA 1 • -ortal vit! nv '\f r "Locrilc 80\.«. n ~ i "!'> 'rhln'; f A ^ v 2 r j'A 

T U * -- 1 * «r ■ . . 4 ^ r r> e •' — *\ i ' - *• c s p t-. ^ fj ^ ^ p ^ •jrP . ^ ^ r» £ 2 0 ' « * • 4 *'* 

1C,’ c n l:n “Tic r:,r;ce: -, ~ : ' >. .-ell A- rile, r'.-v-,-..'. 

... h 

' ; 5 i * 

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r s ver : i t?. ’’ri-terir 

l a i* in r. 

‘ . fI I rr'e U en 


n r V 

r i n : : r. • « ;*y n 11 Cz r i r, s i . S ; 

■/ 53 f 

\ • ' o r Of*, r 

vitl- letterin'; !*•;;. ll j 3 vrr^ 

Cr i: 

■ :;n »; i trovo r 3n;2 e 

I j.rvL 

3 rvL «ir-t^ r A 6 » mu o L -n 

: vf r c 7 i y xn^r rttpereft. 

' i . ortpl 

o:r:l vith ^v; rr. r "I-'r* J, < 

1:^0 ?:: i 

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7 v let 

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1 let 

Artrci ?/S/l 3 C^ me >rn ,j Aj 

‘•‘'• 5 *?- 

1 !v: let 

•f^teA -r-xre*- " f 193 G and Ivy 

?. r.v. f t 

r. -^} y ^llr cooa ch< 

a i 

rt;v” r^rd cerriry in:, 

1 .iv let 

Anted Jr/t/?o rjid Tipn 

pr? l r nf-’ 

•roer err toon p ttr,cheo , 

v corr ci fc ra iT ‘A 

“ur. Vruird ^ (, Ju 

i ^ t rni^. ~ to- ^ ‘A 

■ * w i 

>r Antrnxri e * er r. 

Aor rorr* in V.f- 31' . "e A 

i'L c '. 

ii \ ■•• • - - ■ 

a Lniei'.r.*' •'ie' o 'an yrap'O 

1 er.v vlt’i hw r>‘ r "I'r Antonini L"',i^i. , . " vt.: n ”ev* Ybr’- , i , V. Fe e C7 l.*cO Pi! 
j. 1C Cc r c.r.C t -.c rcc .’■yp ’herring tv r.rl V v, tic- tv !•«.’■ 11 Artoni.- o pyretic, 

9e 1 hw let "i-R **ri ffcccio severe ciie cc/ri sitU'irrr . /*. 
? IlV re. T-r (Irtcc M ”th A rile- 1S3P" " iwi- :. Aa^rilni. ‘C-.rtnrer.te _i een4 

in rnrlo-lai ". M ^ '. • .. ” -r : n 

1 hv lrt o»yi "Si^rior to.tor.ini, Siapo tin g rc^'-c .... J t,l T 
«CfS. 1 tw let dater* ^9'« rnrile 19S6* Ivcc "fiesta ai« rer ^*>S%efcoz^ contro. 

<W 1 t"w let ‘brn n Selin to ecorco ho Sent i to ^iln. , . . ". 

^ 1 hw let dated "7/£/l9.*}P" b£;r. “Sgrettio.ciyi'or Antoni ni lo eono ....". ; .. 

' v *^‘ 


* C<f 

; ■ /X" 


<* T * *! 7> '£ 

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£ x *~f y ^ i W' /- 4 D L) ^ 

ft <7 Q K wu L S> O g J 

• ^l > S 6- T ~‘ ^ 

'(^^A^fZ/ v 7 k w P V ^ 

k k <■- 1-’ £ $ ? ^ ^ y \ 

p^IjlFe m 

Qix^W S T-G-u L . /? 8 9 Ai 

£ 33g -' ia/ y c f? K J~ ft T /\/ £~ 

^3i-3 /M L v>& <4 W/"* * 

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a <t ll & o L~rr H w o » y <9 5 

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3 ii.rUr.G- T f? )f O <’ f 8 

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-W 5 /T/?W 0 /l | £3 

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V* Vv^'t 7 * 

0„ o ^ 0 T K W 0/7 ~ 

?^o , orr i a/ °‘ 9 9 , ~ 

* - V * - -.-*r~ • - ♦> - _: _ r ~ 


0-74 1 postal c.ard vithjvo adr "'.a Parol*..." pn ">w York, Y. Bov 26 

1 - ?■' llTi" 'in ’ the hp res byr ‘-Sir ~ da - La "Txclfj Aydisr,. » . . " 
ri.-v-d ".‘ ’u’.knT Start. n . ’ 

•-2L75 1 "it'ce ” “ rr. vith part cf bp r.dr "I.' 1 . T ’«ro..." and the acc Let t-yi 

"/▼ctra. r„rstr'. *ixr>trn """sirred "C . ?-, n . 

•3.76 1 env wit~- fan .aAr “la ir.roln. . . . " y 

York, h\ Y. CP 2 - i’K. 

If'-l" an- 1 the ' eh b s <tn "Licnori - Per norm...." si~r. Q d "v 
LX:IB17 £ 

ali ^ 77 

1 portal 


with hp adr 



st- : >; 

s 3 1 ! 

. rp * • ■ po 7 rj i! 

^ 7S 

1 - »Ft-l 


tith h ’i r^r 


Oct 1 ? 

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t i 

a no 

1 o r v * r". J 

L V, 

"a dr ".Mr pro 

,r C, 

13 'o' 1 p;vl the Let "bpn "IT, D1 >x?rt.n... . 

JEaUSI' 1 C 

1 e '” vri'ik rv p;lr "I >. Iriiyi Antorjiioi. . . e ■ a "Brooklyn, Y, C.\r. 10 C? ' 

.✓ I?, 7, " roc h\r yr.-jr let ban "• ynir. appollotlvo e 

1/0*2.02 1 r-j-v ..-Jth hvr pry ’’Toc-l •- 0? 07 'ice. . . : ' pn "Brooklyn , ' . Y. 4 Jar. in- 

i''' 1 - 

_L * ira 



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‘.rtf aw 1 -a ^ ' 

vr. C v .< 

Y, C 1935 Dec 14 

jr .. St- u Dec 0 10 - m 1925" end tho irecenje byn "Lei Italian! ti....“. 

1 hv let ckttrl January G t 1936 ben "I hear your -ro.'r,- n every.,...". 

I y&n 1 picture .and on the bed: tUe hw b^t ""ino tu'eerivo que_. ... B . 

1 J*C 1 f hir let d^tod "Brooklyn, SO Dicertbre 1035" bgn|"^econl ^ncora una. ..". 

^r>rij5^-0 pa^e hv: let Anted "Brooklyn, 23 Picembre 1935" b»n ^ % ladirirco lr. preeente. 

1 pe^e let dated "Bronx, H. Y. Dec. 4, 1935" b^n "I ad an American citizen...*. 
'■^533'' -1 bw let byn "Bgregio F&lloaLii a eentlrvi..,.". 4 ..y 

1 er.v vith hw a dr "Si.snore L. Antonini Local 69..." patVSev York, 1<. T. Boy 
27 5:30 YK 1935" end aec let dated "hojenber 25, 19S5" bgn "Y1 ho eentito 
. parlare alia ......". 

>£S*J3 1 kv let ban " rlfinto della...." dated "23 Kove&bre 1935". 

- vV 1 -. * ^ ^w- * ^ ;„ 

. *•*' J C\ 

ytrfA 1 cnv vriV' hv- ndr *Vx. Luigi Antonir.i. . . . " pn "Brooklyn, ». Y. -’or 24 

0 j :rr , •-.*! j»x5 -ri» the see hv 1st bgn "T^gregio Signer Sv^rgnato. . . . ". 

1 rr.'.' ’?!'■’>. hv r^* "Italian Urcorrvnkr?--: Union...." r- "Brooklyn, Y. 

St'. 3 . : uv 2-3 11:30 AT' 1935" &nd the see hr let dated "Brooklyn 25 -]?.-lB25 rt 
bgn "Signori 5-lvptarl _e!7 a ". 

6 1 fW vi '-'•■} J nr n .v- "’r T.nigl Vntor.ini o. ... " nr* H 1ro??:l"r 


\ y. ~r>- 2 _ r - r-r. 

v . s let > 7 n 11 Coro T*ri ;i Art^niro C" ? ’• 

ytw 1 cr-.v vitV hv adr ■ International Ladic-s <Krr.*r.t Worker*?...." pr "Madison Sr.. 
~ Sts */, Y. u 0 t 22 in - vv 1035 -' and the acc let bgn "Cam Ve ;lie Antonin! 

.^dori-reti -rttertl M . 

$*» 1 '-nv with hr-: r-r Tigrc ;i Antonina. . . . " pn "Brooklyn Y. Sta. TTo-r 

p .5 *_« 1923" ' - J the lacssra.e bgt? Tgretin Sigre Antonin! He,...* 

v * ":x-. sr. - i 93 r/\ 



*Al rinae. 



T-ui-ji locrlfi 

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•.1 A! t.ifi'i t 

i dice 

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e * 


!, A 1 cetr 

de 11 

.% locale 

E9- oh. Axi-:t 

tu, e 

^ n 

a tv-....". 

; J t 

alien l' ' c 

• ‘ * H tc— . 

e:\ f 

13 . 

• • 

a 1 . -r* .; r.., 


ov 21 

t v .c 

rc- ?ot d 


Vo re- 

■; 21-11-1939'* 

b-gn ,l 

3i t ^ncr4 

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t • • • 

1 ;,.-r* 


Y-.-rk, :*. 

Stci I r ov 

13 11-^.r:; 

'.v I:*. » • * t » ♦ 

1 d y vV : v U*.r i: Ir 

19""* an' acc Iv..* letter IgA T., rcgglo Yig. ?* retario 

1 )■ • i< ; * "n/T/T*!.:.” r::A l-gn ".'nrir: : you? ‘Bron-lca-t -i.tarday norring, 

-'^-1 * . ,vri:ig hv Vgn "Art mini Ye e tntfci glrnltri. . ..**. 

;■ i-f .'• ! ■•' "■’■sv "or’-. 13-71-9''"" and h.*n ,! .irigenti dalle. lorvle. ...*'• 

iv 7 r t- (l-ted "'hr >ockcyh 12.11.-35" b.p 1 ,! . 3 : eat?. e la seeor.ia *. 

”^51 r- >r *-it»- Jr-- { ’ r "1'r 1. Antonin!....” pa mf, lnee 9n. r.j 2% r. Y. 19-35 Anj 33 


• • • » 


• • 

'Wf i 

v lCWC-h t ce la* dated "A.igurt 25 9. St” tg;. " Cits c.jielio* . , 

1 ] astrl card vith Ip* car n i Locrle C9.... ff pn ' "roo’J.;*!!, l'» Y. 

^Auj 1C / in 1335" tlo nerevg p "lore Anton?.?-* Vio 

jt? 1 '- -V • !»-.-/ e-> •' 'oyretm-r. Juigi....' 1 a:*. *: - s ‘^ \a h. Y, 

]> -* *7 7 . : ; icrc" «i»a nec let b-sn ". greg-.-io Signor Antono-ii Snloto. . . . 

J! hv a ;> "_11 •u-tlejirro Corn-ito Antoni no _or.o 'in 

,1 let 7 ": VvTgato Antonlno Avre . . . 

S/Tv:^ l rr c oh hr h-n "Crro 7-nigi Antoni no Otmnt'o variate r.gri. 

1 5 age- of hr bgn "Signor Antenlr.i Pa-rero ItslSano cento !1 dors re....*. 

1 hv let cn vellov prner dated M ’ T ev^ York 11-3 V19.' 5" 'brn 11 anisr-le con 

Js coma 

3 hv lot "J’rooVTyv '<'■ b'jn "■'Jr.rinrino Cegret: rlo .,.." otgried a. A. 

1 hv let do too tt ?Tev: lor’: receabcr 1221" l-gn “.xtcnlni ti ordinc dl.. . 

1 i>\ let To the pro ri.-i of*the J-cenl C fl , I an writing to this program* •" 

1 hv let ban "Ill’rw Signor Antoninl Ascolto dubM 
1 hv let bgn "jagintleriuo Antonir.i 2ccocl gir. iraino.i.4*. 

1 hv let bgn *7iglihcco lndl^merato Pew he.i eu „...S 

„ 1 hr let dated T-raoklyn 9-12-1935" bgn fAntoninl Kont!%a.'« Oelo i ...*. 

\C^6- 1 enr with hv p.dr "To Luigi Mtonlni... ^;pn "Brooklyn, T. T. Pot 14 1-AJT 
T ’ 1925 "end ecc let dated "Hot 13 - 1935" bgn *A lulgl Antoninl Per nonaa....* 

and a nsv^spvper clipping attaclied With title "Tutti gli Italiani....*. 


e— r * .-ft ♦ ... »f~.- .. .. ^ 

‘ . A* ; t -*"» ' 

~W/z > 6 

tj . 36 1 er.Y with hr adr "Luigi Antonini . . . .' pm "linos Sq. Sto. M. Y» Oct 9 

/ 6- PH 1955" and the acc let bgn flnol-'cntl ri coao...". 

v — _ ...» * ** -. * y% - ^ « tt . i . . N MTlI 1 -^ >T V 

* 1 env nv aor ”a* i** u-eio jrcssnT^r unioxu**.' pci ^uor^n, *• 

Pot 6 12 - K1 1935" and acc let ten •'Local Lressen ITjAeTr 69 Egregio. 

1 enr vlth hr adr *ir. Luigi Antononi. . . n prs "ErookV-n, !?. Y. Sta. k Lot 
18 11:50 A' : 1935" and acc 5 pare let b ( jn "JTel tno sermons pronunciato.. . .*. 

0235 ^ 

— y^gjB3Q 1 page tor. ring hv; bgn *K o adsollato sabato alia rodi..,.."» 
-x/J^X) 1 env vrit.i hw r.dr "i'r. JSloh C-elo.... n pm "Flushing, K. Y, T.ov 7 

1 bc-rin^ tw ban "Erre.^io Gelo Leu c a to ee vi.... 


11-PV. 1935" 

and acc let bgn "Egrei.gio anico. _n questl,....*. 

1 bearing hv bgn "Egreggio Signer Veglia . ....". 

o rt.rtrs -r.\i ^ ftOtW 

i* i:gy <s f i ou ivi i^o" 

' 1 enr vitn nw ear r* «j, u*xo ## ." pn ”.0r©o/uyo t jj< 

^ y/ *\cc let * C~ ro CoTir)ft£iio Celo Arnfti 9 t£r.rr?o* • # • • 

1 euv with hu e^r fl Luin;i Antonini. • • n pn "Brooklyn, K # Y % > or 30 7 — K 
13.7 5 |; ana acc hv letter bgn "Caro Lui^l Antonin! Cfesl Che ai dstto alio.*."* 
Ofar?P5 ' 1 prj^e Tsd tiring hw h^ti w Ir Thonac ? /ill you release 

1 hw letter "Lui^i Antonini deblc cofe 8S Ylf^.rc ev:k~ 11 

. 6 portal cards with hw adr "dr Luigi Antoni rd. .• M ; one 
i/ 1, ‘ . _ _ . . . . . , ...» . , . . _ 


:-w York, 1 

n * 

• • 


U ?Cb 25 A - ii' 1937" and the n«6Ba^>> bgn "il cr lco ji'-js a r. iir.t ,.. one pm 
«.I S v: Yorh, IT. Y. Str L T Par 4 7-FM 1957" bgn "Lnropric C?r.i can.. ,; ; one pa 

wa*»n ii*t '/ *_ i ■ v l'i, _ t T i,*_ I. j 4 O 1 TV? 1 ! 11 v sw-* H>’<» 4 1 V»r^ 1 ' *»f f <» ^ • avx a 

jor.i, j J * j jp« u tt —it. ^ ^ a. 

"1-sev York, IT. Y. St a U Feb 11 6 - H! 1937" bgn "il proferrionieta. .* ; and one 
pa ".aw York, Y, Y. Sta V Feb IS 4 - Pi! 1937 bgn "Chi gop- ica nor....". 

Q238 _ 1 Ir.tcrn Vnion tf»1e^rfn bgn "cacicie iJere Fronts Per '■’. 

V 1 env vrith hw air "Flap. Ijr Luigi Antoninl..." pn "Hud. Term. Annex. IT. I. Hot 
{ 13 - ri: 1935" enu acc let bgu "Can aio sonne nerciorglio. . . "i 
t,-?40 1 pr.'ie b-»-rin? ^t-i Jcrui "Finiccila con questo schereare fai....". 

•^'^1- ;1 page tearing t\’ b gn "10 Credo lo credo in ". 

~Vl 1 env t;it!i hu adr "i’o A. Andanini... •’ pm "Fall '■on $q. Sta. ?•’. Y. Apr 7 


K m «« <1 A A A n r\ m <*7 

t*.i- UUW VU- v; 

V » rm M , n W r»1 *. a /'S ^ f.r 

W jl* w » ^ Al- 

CpAC 1 SUT with t:i^Ar ";r. Luigi Antonini..." pn "Hor-e. Ferrjria 19-kO 15 11 

35-aIV" t,- let tgn "G Giuda Iscariota. Chi ti...." with Z slips of 
p?p,er enclcaed. 

4 1 pir.k clip of tearing hw bgn "Luigino il Tallohirta..." ani 3 newspaper 
cli.'iplnpo attached. 

*^245 1 pop tel co.rd with hu_ a dr "Antonini - Oenerale... D , no poctnar'. 1 :, and t-.e 

( Ai-r A neesage tg.-. "Latua cr.tegoria non si troTa,...". 

page v;ith the title "LOTA LI LI GLSAEI« and tgn "Lu chiaceu di....". 

Vi . 

i. ota. wan iu v a* 1 - 

f\j534?;" ’1 ear with hw adr "iTr. Luigi Antoninl...." pm "i«w iorK 

1933" cnl the ccc let tgn "Scrive la preeento per ". 

enr with hw adr *lr Antoninl....* pa "Paterson -k v. Jan 9 1:30 PK 1936" 
f and the ncc let tgn "Vi rimstfoil rectio giornole . . . . ", 

h.s afi-r 'M't- T.m 5 ri Antnnlni. " wa "jTew York. if. Y. Str— TJ 1936 

«wza X «UT n* **w • ■* - - - - *--- - f - 

Jen 9 1:30 PI!" and the acc let tgn "Lgregio mio ecro stupido... . " end a newspaper 
: t ^. picture attached. j 

'? 1 e nv wit h hp -d r r. Luigi Antonini..." pn " Brooklyn J U. Y. 6 1936 Jan 10 

^ ^ 12:30 /JI" "and S acc newspaper plctxiree. _ | _ 

'N^5l §i1 l enr with hw adr "l!r Louie Antonini..." pm "-Brooklyn, T. ror ?5 9:30 PH 
1935 4" and acc It tgn "It seems that ^«ar union, vhleb has....." 

env with hw adr *)!r.I/uigi Antonini...-* pm "ITew Yorh, 7. T, 20 Lot 27 9:30 
AK 1935" and the acc let hgn "Carleimo figtio 



' a* V * ]'*r ~ ^ ^ 4 t“ v ?‘. 

‘ '*< / fs‘| 

. • 'v - 

1 env v.i th hv r.rr i '.' !rr. Li Antor.ini “ ?m Te v York, -. Y, Sta 'j 1 o v 26 
7 - _}-■ l?.'.6 n tvnt' rcc l n t bgr. "Signer coxunists. e ecciclifeta ....■’ with nevs- 
j , prper -ictuo attached. j 

IfoL 1 es? vi th kmc hvr odr "Lni. c v i Antoniro. . . . " ptr. "T.reoklyn, v. Y. nor 27 1 - PM 

1935" rxL hv let bgn 'Tgrsggio Antonini 11a ?z a?. *« 

t nge. bearing ,ix_(cc ) bgn "celoni.R n. j. egre^io accenziate I'll:,!. . . . :l . 

' 1 hv: let corsirtiu* of 2 ?a;;eo bgn "f-ro conveno Astonini. . . ". 

~y(% (tf'-'l 'ortol car?, vith hw r.dr " J ?,dio Station..,." rs ’Tew York, IT. v » St?. U I T ov 

,..2? 6 - T 1625" and the Irv ciesc.nga t.-;n ” nuertr- ora trlrta ch-?.... 1 ’. 

1 yellow page bc.-rlr.,- tv b .~n *Al grrxds Ssngui suga della locale 

I e-v v.dth hv sdr "Mr. kni gi Antonini, Personal...." pn ’Tew York, II. T. 
iirx’.r. Sta vot* 18 10:59 A! " end the acc let bgn "dairanio in acco*/nto. ." 
rtn.1 ? neve paper cl * vvi n~ <* . 

• 1 crv v:ltl- hv c<?r ‘Tr Luigi Antonini, . . fl pa "■ av York, I?. Y. Sts n ITov 10 

II - A7 1955" md acc let bgn "Progiatifijino rvtscr.lz'-ne.. . .". 

^ 1 ear vith hv; adr "Luigi Antonini. . . . * pn "Einee So. S?-. ii. Y. 'ov 13 1 —PM 

15 :-n ” and an acc rove fron a nevvrvv'er, the title tfn "Antonini ■•cllev* . . . " . 

' 1 rectal card with hv air 11 A ntonin! Local 51. . « " ‘ l drookl;-n, I;. Y’« -lug 
16 4 :2r> .* 1 1SGJ5’ vs I the r.f» nc 2 .ro b/ni "Caro arvacf>tiec<-... . ". 

1 env vih hvr aur » if.ter 1. Antonini..." j>n "irook? yn, ", Y. Aug D .J30 TCI 
__1«F5" and the see let bgn "Fa^lriti tutt voi..., ,; * 

»^5<[ 1 ( r .7 vitl hv rfr ”lr. I.nipi Antonini. . . . " jsr-. B 3roohl;-i, ", Y. Aa- Id Ik - ili 
.. 1 r: C 9 " : rd an pcs nevrrr.ner cartoon. 

; 255 1 env .i v ! tv rdr "Mr Lnigi Antonini.,.* pa Sc. Cta. 17. Y* 1 191& 

.V Jul 2Z If- - /j:" ' r: .1 the acc let bgn “viuhilanto lerci^ cul giornr.le.. . . 
t|P56 ' S rh.cetr he.-.rin - t r b.-;n " Signor soatoaini ; Avrero npps ne . . . “ ; the other elieet 
. bgn *■• ;\j r. le vvr. giomrle. . . . " . 

rlifi’'7 r 1 kv let V>~n "So verenente r.ei iwparriale. . . .. 

Vt<n''9 1 hv let Ygn "Tigliocco Cc?tio 

i259-Vl cheat k- rl- - tv h-n. n ? is one of your iionorr.hle r.:. iters....". 

'y{gK 1 ear ''it., hv r.dr ”~uigi ATitonlni..,. " pa "Trevor.t Sfcn. 17. Y. Dec 16 1 - PM 1935° 
and • cc hv let Vgn "Cenerale Sallacc-ie della....'. 

0?71_1 pr/;e bearing hw fcgn "Caro Conpegno A chi dp ". 

yt4J272~ 1 hv let u.m n ! io bel oratore della Btagirne ". 

—yfsjifiz *4 pr.gec hearing’*.** bgn "Bnon Tenuto nennico nuafro ", 

•'274 7 -i herri ng "Luigi Antonini, A?!'--, 'JH’IT Loro filoeofo. . . . . *. 

'XptfTt'71 h \t let bgn "’ schlfuso rd ccero.,...". 

t-v76''l page herring tv (cc) bgn "5TviTa il grar.rlc file f of n *. 

y\075' r • l page hearing hw bgn "Oh onu tuntlli eensa. . . . . . ". 

"\(jf78' 7 l env with hw ?.dr "Local 09 L. Antor.ini...." pn "New York, H, Yi Sta. 3 Oct 
25 10 - iii 1936" end the acc let ben "Caro inr.urpa.tare del poveri.. , . 

) tv 1 eheet bearing hw bgn *_iu rolti o oscolttato 1 * 1 ....", 

t*7i env with hw adx'Vx. Antonio Local C9....." pn "I’luehin.p, 1'. Y. Oct‘17 11-P.h 
1936 2" and acc let bgn "Aecoltando 11 tuo difscorso alia. 

L f *l env with hw adr "Louis Antonini..." rn "Lrooklyn, K. .Y. Sta. L. Jan 4 2:30 
P'-; 1936". and the acc let bgn "1 an writing you a lette| leting you Intow....". 

1 1 env with hv adr "Union Local 89...." po "ErooId.yn, Hi .T» For 30 10:20 PM 
. 1935 2" and the acc let bgn "Caro Anlco Antonini Prlaoi.^.,% 

1 hw let bgn "Einsitile che vl egolate tanto a fore....|V 
f> 1 env with hw adr "Procramn^ Local 89..tT." pn “Lev York, S. Y. Dec 6 7 - PM 
u> , 1935" and acc let bgn "ai frui UeploreTOle.... *. 

1 env with hw adr "Mr. Luigi Antonini...." pm "Lew York, B. Y. Lee 6 6 - PM 




r * 

yj ** 





- — w-i 


1935" and ecc let bgn "0 mga accio dal la mente insane....". 

1 env with hv cdr "Its. Luigi Antonina... “ pn “If. Y. Ites $ 0:30 ?>; 1935" 
and t!.e rcc let byr- "_iglir>ti vnrgoguu __ jsnciorlare. . ..j ". 

1 env with hw adr "Hr. Luigi Antonini. . . " pn "Long Isiind City, ’ . I. 1 

1935 Dec 5 5:30 Tr.* and the acc let bgn "Srettila con le tue ". 

1 er.v with hv,* adr *3 r Luigge Antonini . , . * pn "Mew York, it. T» Kcv £9 
10 - HI 1935 s rri acc let bgn "Igregio Si gso re colto.,.,*, 

1 env with hw adr "Luigi Antonini . . .. * pn "Mew York, IT, Y, Sta A -:ov 3C 

12 - ?M 1935” and the acc let bga "Lansate £6 oeo 

1 env with hw adr "Luigi Sutanlus...," pn "Tires Sq, Sta. 3-, Y. TTot 29 11:30 
AT 1935 n and acc let bgn "Sono un mntro della,,,,..", 

1 erv with hw rdr Tr Luigi Antonini. , . . * pn “hew York, II, Y. Sta U 1525 
Dec 1 12 - and acc newspaper picture "The Eagua Radiates", 

1 postal card with hw adr "Ladle Station,,,." pa "Mew York, E. Y, Sta U 

3. o’- 27 9 - All 1935" and the hw message bgn "Cariefino Antonino R9.... fc , 

_e t. . . _ ft~__ 1 .J -X fl H'l- ± VT T "Y3T C • *tr\ X'.'r 

J. env WIT/H HW aor T J4Ui(JX Antoiuu x,*.« psi i iivo r^u v. ;-uv ^ ». .vw A 
1925 T?" and acc let bgn "Hon Locrle 6 r Me. ague lie tradi tore.,... 1 11 , 

1 env with hw adr "Le. Segrotario gsiwrale della...." p.-s "lev: York, ", Y. Sti 
L Hov 26 12 - H 1225" and acc let bgn "Illr.o ce:,rstarlc d^lla, , . . n . 

1 ct.v vith hv adr "hr. L. Antonini,., " ; a "West Hor Tov 25 2 - HI 1925" 

and the acc let bgn "Or ora chiusi la radio core.,...". 

1 erv with liv; edr "Local 59 Program " pn "Brooklyn, ", Y, Toy 23 7 - Hi 

1935“ and the acc let bgn "i on vi ver ; ;r* -late a ", 

1 env with hw eclr "Antonini Luigi,,,." pn "Brooklyn, IT. Y, Mov 26 9 - Pit 

1 O r . ~ i' #%M ‘ » A A 1 A+ 1} Vam »a veil VwttT 4 ‘ _ 

X 1 141 t'-^v 4 .nt/ w ivijvijwo* »wj j, **v «» • • • • • m 

1 erv with hv adr r. Luigi Antonini.,.. " n "Tires 5o. eta. K. Y. Fgv 

22 13 - * 1925" and acc newspaper page with the title 

kvil 2IA ,: , 

1 ’■'octal card vth. hv adr "Dirigenti L. 89...." pn "Long Ial?jr\i City, IT. Y. 

Eov ly 7 - Pi; 1955 2" and the hw no stage bgn "un _rua;-c of ", 

1 env vith hw adr "Luigi Antonini* pis "Brooklyn, I . v . 'or 17 9:50 PY 
1939 " and acc hv; let bgn "Avendo cpreso 1 •apreczasanto che.,,.. !i , 

1 env with hw adr e ;"r. Antonino,.,," pm "Bev York, I T . i. Sta. L Tor 17 
12 PP. 1925" and acc hw let hgn "Ulr r.ig. Segretarlo della. ... 0 • 

" -i-.ri H’Tai ' V., f »*“ 

Rf«. 3 TTnw 22 




8: TO A!'. 1235" and use hv let bgn "Saietti Si pari are coj.t s la noi.t'.-a. .. . ", 

1 env with hw adr "hr. Luirgi Andonini. , . . " pm "Flushin-?, IT. Y. 1 1935 
Sot 18 11-Pn " and hv'/ let bgn "A-ccoltando al tuo rldicolc,. 

1 env with hv adr *j*so Si*. Antonini,.,." pm "Madison Sq Dtp- IT. Y, Uov 16 
6 - Mi 1935 5" and ace hw let bgn "Acchiolo alia precente 
1 env with hw adr "Mr Luigi Antonino,, . " pm "City Hall Annes. N. Y. For 20 
12 - Hi 1935 1" and acc hw let bgn "Mew York 18 Hovenbr3l936 dice 18.,..". 

1 erv vith^Jmadr "To Mr. Luigi Antonini..." pm "Hew York, H. Y. Kov SO 1 - Y! 

lO^tc; 1 Ril fu lat hun nnor» ortl 1 o vnetrn. 

xww'u x tuiu <*vw e w av * "(j* , v «. vi 

Vi tV 


1 env with hw adr "Luigi Antonini.*,." pe "Few York, it, Y, Sta V Hov 20 12 - M 
1925* end acc let Vgn“*Seee Ti novebre G. 19.....". | 

1 env with hw pAr "Mr. Luigi Antonini...." pm "Brooklyn, K, X. Tor 19 10 - ?H 
1935 4* and acc hw let hgn "Signore Luigi Antonini _ano addaecclatore...*. 

1 env with hv adr "Hr. Luigi Antonini... pa "E«w Toric^ 15 1935 Hot 

20 9 - AH" and acc hw 3 p t hgn "Le indudouin onesta oia.^iv" «»d 3 newspaper 
articlee attached. 7 

1 env with hw adr "Hr. Luigi Antonini...." pm "Hew York, ft. T. Sta B Kov 19 


. . 10 - 12'i5 !l and acc let bgn "Geniil isriro _e Gegli acini....", 

•jSil 1 tsv vith hv adr ":r, Luigi Antonlni. . . . “ pm "Brooklyn, ?. Y, 1 1S35 Zcv 

.00 9:20 . i. : * and acc newspaper sheet vith the title "Salviano II rcstro..." 

. • acl it b' .re hw nisei 

\\j£j12 1 car v.lth hi: adr " /—uigio Antonino...," p-i "Brooklyn, i.. Y. Sta. B lor 

J , 19 — in-: 1925" msu acc hv let cgn ".‘.lluRtrisnlioO Antonlni fTolto della...". 

\kl&3 1 ear vith kv adr "Ij* Luigi Antonlni..,." pr. "hew York, V. Y. ITor 19 2 - ::: 

' ’ IS 3 " mu' acc- hv: let bgr. *'I feel very happy that your back vith us....". 

\tel4 1 ear with hv edr "General Secretary pu "Lev York, Y. lor 19 

. 8*SC ti\ 1925- 1 and ace hv let hgn "_i adviso di parlare 
^315 1 env with tv ad r "hr Iuigi Antonlni Interr.ationr2.. nm "Lev York, 3'. Y. 

atf-. c. UK 6 Lor 19 2 - LI." and acc tv: let bgn "Z un gr-n pcccato cho lien. 

N /UJ?16 1 env vith hv adr ‘-..r. Luigi Antonlni...." pn "Grand Cent. Anne?: Z. Y. he 7 

•*.’ 17 1 - AI* 1925 S :l and acc hv let bgn "oianc orgcglioc di aver cel nostro...", 

i e;v 7 with hv adr "hr Antonino...." ro "Zadie-n Sq. At:-. Y. * - v IS 12:30 
. - a: 1S3S" aid hv let bgn "Ai rice -nti della noctri c , rs.... ,i . 

1 c r.v with hv adr "Secretaries Luigi Antonlni. . .. *' p:. '•iorStnu Stn. ". 

yi <£20 


JTcv IB 2 - i-Z 1925" and acc hv 1st b-;; "Oggi c abate, r‘. orno IJ3. . . . 

1 hv let dated Kov 3, 192.1 find bgn "Caro Cospagno 

on. ana. 

Con ar nde. . . . B . 

1 1 let dated "Gttobre 32 - 1?C5" b r,r. "Carierino Lignor i'ottrna e tutti,..". 
1 prge bearing tw ban "I nr> e.n Italian Areric-r. girl w; a renbr-r of. 

1 er - ' wit'-i hv - dt H Ci Gentili Oocpononti... pn "Mafieor. So. Sta Hew Ycrk, 


r vr m ‘- ' • 

v cA 

— t 


f •> r V“ 


IT, J, Cct 12 3:30 Pm" and the let bgn "Conpor.cnti lu locale 39 - .... . 
i p j-.w p ^ r» ^XiOC^l 89 M T>ri ^I'Tpw Yn*"V IT I!ov 8 X ^ /it 

1922" p.r.i 2 acc revepeper clinpingr vith title "Letter 5 del Ihil-’jlico. . • "• 

1 rr« v fl Al Poeta Bell - Locale P.9 Oh g-rar. Itvatr, . . . '‘. 

1 portal card vith hw rdr "?> AmvmFiatore..." pn "Ja-alca, Y. 1 1925 
Cct 15 5 - and the menage bgn ".'-ia.~ra.-iat- dell? locale.... 

1 j;cV.tal card with hv adr "?:r. Montoni or Gelo..,.." pr\ '”c.v Icrk, 1Y. Y. Oct 
15 2:30 y. 1935" arid the nerrage hgn "Caro earino ep.Cf.-;ra lioutaai ..♦.*. 

1 er; vrith hv adr "Zt Luigi Antonlni, ... 11 prs "Zev Yorls, Y. £t.a 1* Oct 8 
_-x-; . 1935" and the ncc hv let b£n "Sitpsor Ar.tor.ini Lei predicat. ... ". 

1 h 1 - let bpa "Bcur.ate os fores a to4o trop2>o»-,*"* 

6 vugs h’* let tgn "Vai sietc un trad it ere della....". 

2 page hv let dated "Hevark, H. J. Oct 14, 192-5" bgn "?1 nrpello signore, 

m nuesto ". 

' 1 env vith hw adr "Station c f evd. ... ,l pn "Brooklyn, K. Y. L935 2 Oct 18 

i 11:?^ 11'." and acc hw 1* bgn "Tutti eono belli 1 program!. . . . 

f l env with hv oar "Voice of Local 89....* pm "Brooklyn, Y. Oct 14 10 - PK 

\ 1935$ 2" and mc hw let bgn "rerigenti della localefl9 fl . 

R^533. * 1 env with hw adr "Local 82 - International...." pm "Lev York, I». T. Sta A 
i ,, Oct 14 11:30 Alt 1935" and the acc let bgn "Erochin 12 C-ttobre 1235 ecrivo.... 

1 er .v with hw adr "It:Aian Dreesraker Local...." pm "Brooklyn, IT, Y, Oct 16 
IV *.*9:30 ??s 1925 2 " and acc hw let bgn "presto mttina com nl.... K . 

hv let dated lecsaber 6 1235 bgn "Ill'cetrierimo AinB^eato Tcrgo...,*. 

1 hv ht bgn "Oarirelco Luici Antonlni Mi congradole deljeno... . 

*0337 ' 1 env wi th tw " Hr. Luigi Antonlni...." po "Brooklyn, *.|T. Jen E 2 - AM 1944^ 
-^nd acc env , slip, And let, all tw, the. let bgn "Amnio letto sul....". 
-s Y^oO' 1 env with hw adr" ">'r. Luigi Antonlni... J* pn "Brooklyn, Y. An§ 14 12:30 
AM 1940" and acc let bgn "lor men may come and men may go...,". 


1 env vith hw adr "i-'x. Luigi Antonini. . . " pc "Brooklyn, V. Y. Jan 23 12 PH 
1 Q*.n B sfi-' pee hw esri hem "La nacGa donanda. ..."• t 


^ A 

yk&$ 1 env with hv adr "hr Luigi Antonini..." pn "Sex* York Jun' 2S 11:30 £K 

r -1949‘ l and the acc let bgn"Luf:ficio di colloe anento al 

C&GJ.,. _ l_e nvelcr .e. — 

’ 4 elipr. cf paper bearing hv bgr. " Face unli*...". 

i - * * . . r ~ « lit . — /N * * _ _ _ a Tu* . . 7T_ < ft tKM II '-*a «f*s 

1 env \ 7 i*r. aor "nr# -uao uaiacsQ jjasm^Bs v^cb- vuauu# « » • 

0 L, Y. St" 3 1940 Jul 5 1 - FH :| . 

— Q344 v 'l env with no adorers "bat the return edr "Itnlinn-Anerlcau Labor Council.,." 

and enclosed are; 1 hv let on pink paper bgn "'Jno poiccola 0 . . . "> 

1 env with hv air "Jtr. Luigi- Antonini..." pn "Brooklyn, Y« Y. Sep 2 10 - iT* 
19ZZ 7” ; and 1 enr vith tv aOx "Hr Yanni Montana . . . . r pia "Yicee Stj. Stn 
,, IT. Jau SO 5 - K 1SS5" md w.r. tx-r let bgn "Due volte ti ho ssntito. 

1 env with tw mV "Educators la Locale. ..." pn "Fine land, !:. J. Jul 21 4- IIS 
^1344* and c-cc t7 1st Ign "A tutti gli affilinti della H . 

¥ JTA0 T f 1 * >. ?* Mc,e»f- 1 e\ fc *■ ® -* a f .- . 

|UV -v jw - ~ ‘ - ~ - 

: \L e:’G 3 t jcrinj h\; *Ai ccntro "br^icr* dcllc. 

-1 env with hv r-.dr “l 1 -. Joint Fosrd. . . . e 



dev York, H. i. A.:g 5 C - FT: 

Vt'jvO ' 1 hv let d-ted "Axg. 6, 1940" bgc "h-vx Brother Ifenbers As r. r r . 

{350 l postal card with hv adt n Lui;i Antonini...." pn "best Hew York IT. J. Sep 
9 6: CO P:. : 1943 1 ’ pjxd the ce srage bgr. ’'Lnigino Kuaroli-’i 


>351 1 cr.v with t'-~ adr "J r. Luigi Antoni: 

1942" and. 2 roc newspaper clippings. 

pn "IT rv; Yo: , E. Y. J-jl 13 7:30 rJ 

i f -i'r 

« w 

Vit r»*\ « i»a ^ nr 4 5 n 1 / r ^ * 

■nn */'*' 4 t /> *> «* 1 0 AV 

>:-l n. ,./ V V-., ^ V W .•<. 


1243 1'. /. 15 p_-.d acc h*.r let bgn "eo sono on tcliane 

'•>35o 2 *;.-.*:oo hr ■ _rlrtg_t_. the first bgn "lall'uoao bertie all'v.orr cixile. . . " ; secord 

b pn "l 1 ©:'--'? di raoca e' giustiYicato. . H ; rr.-l the third bju *Lr. societa' 

\ .. ' tmiverr-ae 

ywp 54 v X e.iv vit: -i> air hr. .luigi Antonini..." pa "“ev Tort:, . Y. Dec G 2 - Hi 

1941 :t end t.xe aco 3 page let bgu "La Asgnita pelrtta cha fl . 

15P56 1 kw let dated "lurch 20, 1940" end bgn "I attended y.:-xr meeting last night..." 
- with a blue card -xtiached. 

nlP56 1 h ' let tinted York 7 - I'ov 9 ("■ and. b;-*n !, 9i?r Lui •:*. .nt.onivH Dscivore el 

’ V“ „ — — 

x< f car per 

’4K-7 t 1 L. let wit ad "hcv York Ikr 7 — 40" and bgn 11 Oi ccrgriedrliaino con Voi....". 
Q358 : 1 nowepartr cl inpin r vith the title "Hair Er-o'igh,". 

\y^ 5^’Vl env with fcK~££F~*H&n. Luigi Antonini...." pn "liew York, 5. Y. Aug 2_ 11:30 IK 

* l O/oR -.— fi ... .... .ii i.. al. Aiii. rr. 

u:ii., cvl tic i »ixc vine # 

w£3-3Q ' 1 page be rr in/s tv bgn "L* ar 3 0 S ^xecto che ti loncio.....,". 

<i3®V ;r, 2 page it u .l et dated "Hew York, Jen. 6 1941." bgxx "Avroi ccriverti...". 

r 03C2-.H 1 newspaper vith the title "iIIJTZiLIAir cayc. 

por.tal card wit h tv_ a dr “i j. Luigi Antonini...." p.u "Lew York, IT. 7. Sep 

^ 14 5:30 FH 1942" ana the meesage bgn “Mr. Iapp:aechioae* ; £ono dn poco....". 

1 hv let dated Oct 14th, 1942 bgn ‘Ti ecrivo a eeca perche sueeta..,.". 
tf l env uit htv u dr "Illh'.o Signor Luigi Antonini...." pa V Few Tor!:, IT. Y. Oct 14 
. . - ..j-9 - AM 19^3" md the acc let bgn "Desideriano beno conoioere'; ee tu.... r * 
j£afs$ 1 hv l*t d^ied *31 194 p m mA to to ust* to & Sii % 

• -W . 4 I 

f / v 

7 1 env vllh hw adr "Mr Luigi Antonini... * pn "I'sv York, Y. M r 5 

2 - PK 19 *3 « and 2 mg® Yet bgn "ii -r© Antoninl X Crevens ohe il. ..." 

. ani i nevnppimr clipping attached, "Paid Undrr Toteat 1 . i 
'^y^68' 1 enr wttkhv ©to r. L. Antoninl...." ; r "Long Irland City, IT. Y. tVwr 
6 jn *•!’. 1913" and ncc hw let bgo “bico;» tense uaiarnieto an ehe.... tt . 

1 postal c»rd vith hv name “Mr. 1 -Aisle Antonini", no postmark, and the hw 

II T a. _ _ _1 , W .A#.e mn Vk»P I** T Vs •» 1 V.r 

si Fa«_:’.?g uu uui -.ti*M » j* «-* - v 

- 'i 




Antor.ini el prendo "j end c poster vrith lettering “For 

Victor”.’ ". 

1 -oostp.l c**rd with hw adr "Mr Luigi Antonini..." pm "Mew York, r. Y* Feb 

non solo....” end a rewsnuner 

lo - r 

?! 1943 * 


1 er.v 

vith hw 

p<\ r 

^ G * ? II 

i?nr\ tuo 


ric :m 


• birrin' 

■* hv 

1 t ^ rrm 

-*■ * u 


^ hv 


vi-> hv 


10' ? 9 < 

•?" nr A i 


1 cm 

vi 4 ^?! hv 


1945 « 

and nee 


■><gn " - 1 ? «eciUr.Oi.e roie per....... 

adr ,,,r r Luigi Antonini .... “ p-.i li ' r w Y*rk 

t 5 9:C 

. . rrj a blue cl in bearing hu. 

'.376, 1 env vitU^i-edr r. Luigi Antonini. . . “ ;;.n 'Tew Yor'c, •*. Y. Apr CO 11:20 
i'; : 1 ; >S !1 ace tv* let bgr "Ko letto fall •unit::* ooor'.i?.. . . '•, 

-^J^77 3 iiv; lot on yello*' paper bgn "Fhccio un appello rllr, .. . . 

CJ273 1 e jv v.-iih tv adr ".-.on. Luigi Antonini...." "Brooklyn , Y. Jun 0 2 - Alt 

. I?* ■"•>” nn_ rcc t« 3et bgn “Per vostr.?. r.ora?. prims ci~ 

>V^S79 1 ’•rllov’ ;--p beorijy; hw pgr “C'TO ‘.ignore Coict* ip err It*. » pf>r«*oits....“. 

>^J*0C' 1 hw let bgn "Caro tr.tocinl per te non vie beer- :ns !i . 

V(5V 1 hw 1st bpn "Mon ouil trp.»«rur».to di ascoltan 11 :l . 

"\fef3' 1 postal c~r.i vith hw a to "Hr. Antonini 1 “ r-n York, IT. Y. Aug 13 

5 . s. 1C' 3“ r-xit to* hw nsesgge bgn “Yu comrunl ? t i Derocr-tici:.... 

1 postal eercl with hv adr "Luigi Antoninl...." p.'r. ''her York, I T . Y, Aug 6 
12 - i- 19 I t" ?nd the tv nesca.go b«n "liey Luigi The criui’-nl corruptioc...". 

2 \\_a hw let bgr. "Mono une. molto intereBa''!-’, delie cue.,..". 

1 env uiv.. hw rdr “I'r. LuipS Antoni ni . , . 11 p "Yew York, . . Y. £ \1 12 l 1 "" 
li C" an” fee Iv? let b.en "Carlsrirao Kr, Antoninl, __ eus.vPe ce non rwtto il mio..". 

3 tw papse b,ai "Caro Antonini, L’esito della urne dells recenti,...". 

t. Lulai Antoninl " wr "TJaston. 3 1939 Feb 11 



7 c>7 ' X st?v vrith __ w 

5:cj ril 1 * p.r»,d acc tv let w Tatti 1 aecolto il**.* w * 


V • 

NA^ i hw let A*. tad "Jroax 2/15/39" and bgn ".%re,gglo Mg. Antonina Cone meebro. 

1 hw let teAc±-' bgn “To ri. prondo 1°. liberta di ecrivfcroi. ..."• 

7*^b v ;i »nv vith few Jtdr "lx Luicl Antoninl...." pm "BrodJ.yn, M. Y. 1930 2 Aug 9 

1 8 - FIT " and acc hw 1st bg.o “Caro Signor Antonini _ f- njitana, sono..*." 
and ?. picture &t inched. 

, .Q391 l_lw let dated "Cttobro 19, 1940“ end trn “^ei proprio buono a prciicuw..,. 
: l“*av with^A^aox "Progrosm Sadio " pa "Yronjc C«^t. Aaaer. ”. Y. Jun 

2 * 

rv ^ OTQ Ait er 

v «*t 4,wo / -* *r* ' 

♦. w V. >k^vs M?»r* m n 

Q3W 1 env vith -tv _a dr "Draosss. Union. Local. ...." p 31 *2# W York, IT. Y. Sta L 
v , leb 10 2 - YK 19S3" and acc tw let bgr. “Prise di tutto :f»ve ftirti....". 

1 pootal card with hw adr “Kr Luigi Antonini...* 1 pn “Brooklyn, K. Y, 6 Feb 11 - 
7 - pji 1930" and aco hv BBssage bgn "Caro Luigi Antonini _© che di feudi 11... 
^>^5 1 hw letter doted "Now York 11/ 1937" bgn"Sonoun aecoltatrice del F-adio...". 


2 pnr,o hv 1st datad "rev York L'ice-Aro 9 -5?" bgn * Credo che il Ip.voro... 

. 1 i_^~e let dated "11-12-193?" b~-> " cordage--- Antonini _r!jjrio egg*..' 

fork Llce;.' , rr> 9 -5? : 

r\ 'Credo ehe il Ip.voro... 

.1 slip oi purer bearing hv b/ra "A pat to bone.... 

1 rr.v v.j t*_ adr “‘Voice of Loor.l fr’..." pn ;, IV.. r 

v- „• . V 
* * -» • 

Car. 8 5:50 

-V . r:* 1338" and pcs tv slip bgn "AllVanrunciatore del pro.grauna dcllr....’*, 

rjtte 1 let -a ted "39-1-13.' and bgn : _r cento r*n;*_e il no....". 

*4401 . . 1 t • lot bgn “Lunedi ccorro non ni fu/ ". 

"-tf/faZ 1 er.T vi*h rdr r Juigi Antonini. .. “ pa “later^ca . '. J. Aar 13 1'; !I 
, 19o3 ;! and nee hv let bgn "Antonin! IS/ Aufi?a sol to che cor*....". 

: .405 1 tv; lo t, *2i prege, dire r.lla rr.&ic 

’■n/VD'J 2 papa fc./ let dated "2/10-1937" and bgn “Ooc&btrxo agai er.batc 11....“. 
-y^foVl page bearing hv bgr. "Ir. circa cel r:*el in preiio erriee,. .."« 

'•w^PS" 1 hv let dated "20-ll-1233 r ' and bgn "Caro coqpngno Antonini Cano,,.". 

*^107 1 tv.' l«± '6 'ett. 1956 - XIV” rnd bgn "I Saoi annunzi e fillcgis-i. . . . rt • 

•VUTOS ’ 1 hv let dated "A ug. 23. 1959." and bgn K I should like to pay a word in...*, 
-y^o 3 1 rli:i c.: paper or ring hr bgn ' r ! entar.o /jQi> , ’.n - iatorc Irs-11 89...". 

'T&'l-ic' 1 i '..’ let bgn " greygio Antonini L-gni cabato rr.tti.iif .-.ccolto cm ". 

*yi£\\ 1 postal card •. ith hv air “Italian jirsesnakar. . . " pn "Brooklyn £*. V. Crave rend 

^ , Sta. Sen 8 7 HI" and bgn "'Sigror Vf.'icial. jupAiaro i nectri frr telll. . 

X/l2 1 hv let bgn '-'greggio Sigr Antonini Con quecta niu_. . ..”. 

'y^C‘13 1 postal curd rifch hv a dr "Locals 89 .... 11 pn "Flushing, Y. Aug 27 11* HI 

-I ^ 19'c ;l and tho neocage bgn "^esendo Italians di nocci tn. . . . “. 

ffA4_ S rape hv let dated "Aug 22, 1936" bgn "The vorker*c cY the boll Aquilt '•hop.. 1 *. 

•(.415 1 -.aste r with lettering bgn "LVery Labor Body In the lit”, Hew. ....". 

'2^C.rp~' i hv let bgn "JoB-ndc, a te coca cia da dividers il. 

~%&t7 ^ 1 / -.fttr.l care, '-ith hv a dr "J.r. Vanni Ilontana...." p:. , d'.:v York, . Y. Aug 51 

H C't J IC.-f/ 1 pn*’. bgn "I have beer, liatsfiia#; to t *.s ....“. 

“-10“ 1 ; ,-.g« bearin'' hv bgn "Crriscimo Signer Antonin! e per If. t? condo volto....*. 
-H9 1 _-.orrtx wit!* lettering bra "Avery jrb&r Body in the Ci f , Jcrcay....". 
~~htf'yJ3 1 H\- ‘i t L "I i trovo a ije__ I’^uls , ew Jersey, in un,... l! . 

1 A • let date - '‘72-5-956 n and bgn « jisota volta hui pro so in gra: chio a...", 
v . vith ne’e s’J :r cli ppings attached. 

1 ’-octal -o r.rd -rith hv adr "iir. J. G*lo. . . " pn "liner Sc. Sta. I . Y. Koy 21 


1:20 rh IH'.S 1" try the hv r.essnge bgn "i>rer;o Gcio - ."on sepen'o della... 1 

o 1 H\- ‘i t L •'! i trovo s ae__ I’^ule, ew Jersey, in un,... l! . 

'YutZ 1 3. A ' let da tc and bgn " jisnta volta h-xi preso in gr?.: chio a...", 

v . vita .ips npor cli jyings attached. 

vA<Jt£A 1 ’-octal -o r.rd i‘ith hv adr "iir. J. Gelo. . . " pn "dinar Sc. Sta. I . Y. Koy 21 

V l:20 rh 1H.S 1" try the hv r.essr^e Vgr. "pgreglo Acio - "on cepen'o della...". 

Wrc* 1 3'W let a- ted 1/6/1955 end bgn "liercolidi 10 daigne il gruopo. . . . ". 

'V tf^ 1 nv let doted l/?/1956 and bgn "Acclueo trovenal due Bonife...". 

Vb^-iS 1 hw let dated June 2, 1936 and bgn "I have been listening to yourprogran. . . * . 

\Aj|C 26 1 hv let V-n "I.a pin be 11a coca ehe la notuto....". 

'VO®?? A "With S'-unathy" cerd bearing hv. 

1 l.v let dated 5/6/36 and bgn "2gregio Luici Antonina sinmo un grunpo di..." 
and a nevr paper cartoon attached. 

1 env with hv adr "fir Antonini Luigi..." pn "New York, T. Y. Feb 27 1:30 HI 
I 1956" and the acc p-ge bearing tv and hv, the tw beg ".don /-ntonino egretio,..". 

r^30; 1 hv let bgn "Ti faccio eapere che ongi e*ttinana. ...*. 

|NyP5\' 0 2 hv pages dated “7th Aprile 1936" bgn "Caro Luigi Antonini. Certaasnto __1 co»e 
,.io parlo lei....". 

1 hw lrt bgn "Signor Antonini, Siamo un gruopo \ v 

-t<435 ' 1 tw l et dated *22 aprile 1956" bgn * oieeta jaia per photeetare contro...". 

^434 ;yl bgn “Sabato ecorso ho Snntlto ^lla....*. 

'>VS3B " 1 hv let dated "7/3/1936" bgn "Sgrettlo. Signor Antonini io eono 

hv let dated *27/2/1936" bgn "/"io coro Signore Ciorlotnno, Sons pini di...*. 


v ^ ^ ^ > j - } • 

■ v y, /a-' ' l ^ 

>\Jlt57. 1 I'v let bgn l: io ho oentito 11* ultimo 

Ar?56 . 1 hv: let bgn "Tillr.o Signor Luigi Antoninl Angicchs pens nr e e 

”Vlf?39 1 hv let Inn "non ho nai ascoltato 11 vostro....". 

1 hr let. dated 12/?/l926 bgn "3-gregic Signor I». Antoninl 3u querto JLcrr. 

■y H <?l VI hv let dated “Feb. ’ 11-1936" Vr. ":?c-n no ?osr.o piu &i sent ire delle...". 

\\£$2 1 urge burning hv b;*n ".Lsseiido io u r . assiduo escoltatore del.,..". 

WfW3 .1 page be ' r 1 n g_t v? b gn ’Tor. voglio chir.nrvl necneno per....". 

1 prge bearing hw b.gA "Un gruppo di sr.rtine ..." with a newspaper clip ing. 

1 env with hw -dr ’hr. Louis Antoninl..." pn "High BrK"? St?. IT. I. Fib kS 
9:50 AM. 1936" and the acc hvr let bgn "Sei vullistr. che r-cr....". 

1 env with hvr R clr “I'r. Luigi A. tonin'-..." j>n “Yew York, Y. Jpn 23 B:?0 
pi* 1936" and the nee let brn "Se viuole riaccuist*re...“. 

^447 i.J|v Jo t bgn "In date del C acorso vi fioedii ar letter: 

1 hV*let bgn "Fgregglo Signor Luigi Antoninl eBssnto un~ appro, ionota. ..". 

1 postal cord with hv? adr "Program:; Local 65 ... " pn "Jennies., ir. Y. Dec 14 
” 10:39 i 1035" and the message bgn "Poeta dello eraorro _ corns.... 

^1^50 1 voctal cord with hv adr "Luigi Antoninl..." pr. "Jannlca, ’. Y. =?c IS lQicQ 

K: 1035" rnl the mecccg* bgn "Credo _ tempo cle foir la ". 

~'Y_«.£cl 1 er.v v.dth hv? adr "local 89 Program. . . . " pn " ev; York dan _ 9:30 -**. Stn" 

. and the r.ce cc bgn "Ion Antonies., scutate 1 'ardire. . . . " . 

\^jCyi>2 1 portal card with hv adr "Mr. Jhr.n C-elo. . . , n pm "Tines : o. It?.. r. - . Oct 22 
v 1 - i". 1935'' and the message bgn " coit.t ~ no 0-elo - To ro.n erriro a...". 

1 pa T ge te irln * hv bgn "al Poeta Leila local OS Tntti lu r nr- .u. . . . ". 

1 h • lot I n ".malto temo che 10 accolto il....". 

1 erv v:i ti hv r'ir ^ro^rnsina Locale 83 ### H r \rj "Lev : ' * -• Jr.n i'( 

- A’. L;C.d" .i’ ecc hv ht bgr. "Per una Arana corpinagioni.. . .". 

'\'U vS 1 ear vis*. kv .adr '.'re;. Luigi .... 11 p'.. "» ew York, 1. von 11 3:70 I’’. 19,6" 

and acc 1f t bgn li Q-rr /ntonino tu il 'dnr.egvto della Fatris..." and a nevrpaper 
. cartoon attached. 

1 env with hv adr "Ir. Anotinino. . . " pr. ""est '.'ev A or’* , 5 . Jan 17 10:c0 
\ 19; i" and rcc hv? Ir t bgn n _e ola ihiccyhi _ucti che mi....". 

j 1^69 1 env vith hv? adr "Oeneral ______ of Local 891..." p'n"ms' , aic Jr.n 16 5:o0 <1* 

x , 1926" and acc hw let bgn "!'.i fa sekifo anche escoltare il....". 

S MSo2 




1Y I’j: *>u 

fgfSD 1 er*7 vlt> hv; adr ll ir, Junlgl Antomn.i* • e . " pt» "-ronx uent. /otvOZ - . a* 

?7 r i ; 1939'' and acc hv? let bgn "Seeds, fegeto Leggi c ut cto. . . . ". 

1 oota.1 card v.lth hw adr "I’m. Luigi Antoninl..." pn "lev York, L. Y. A-ig 6 
3: id; I9v2“ and the hw ness age bgn "Il r.orco del dues ha nr. raeri to che..."- 
^61 1 err ldt hTTy. ndr "Luigi Antonino..." pn "JamaiCsa, U. Y. Jm 16 (;30 PK 1936" 

r and the acc tv; It bgn "He potute ascoltare alia radio; rostri. . . . 

VWl2. 1 enr with rnt a.dr "Io: station...." pn "Flushing, L. Y. Jan 17 11 - PM 1936" 
_ . and the hw let bgn "Pado, che io sono una dello. locale....". 

1 hv let bgn "Chi ccirei, e una r.ndre _1 . . . " . 

^ , and the hw let bgn "Pado, che io sono una della locale..,.". 

H&6Z 1 hv let bgn “Chi ccirei, e una r.ndre _1 . . . n . 

. — . B 1 « at — — A A. . . A. 1 -- »ii M J3 ) A W M A. * ^ K M % A It 

r i nv let t>,:n "j:r C^lBn TOBvr» vauvi er.rui wi vuiui; • 

MrS5. ,l hv; let bgn "Avanti con la fiaccola in puguo’... Vol con ". 

1 postal card with hw edr "Luigi Antoninl...." ’ r.i "Bridgeport Conn Jan 16 
i- 12 11 193C feo*n" and the message bgn "Cone arrabbiato « cane ....". 

M*67 1 ear with hw adr "Local 89 Brogram..." pm "Jordhaa Sta U. I. 24 9:30 

; . AK 1936" and acc hw let bgn "a li quattru, e mensa un SOOtcu arraghia. . . ". 
^Mdres i hv let bgn "Sono una compsgno _,’lavora_ Della locale....*. 
ftff, 9 r l hw let bgn "Fx. Luigi Antoninl..." pm rProoklyn, IT. Y. Sta T Jan 22 5:30 P! 

_ , 19"/ “ and the hw let bjn "E^recio Sipror Actonlnl P’.i ce^iit:. r.lln brill .*5*..“, 

•UfclO 1 hw let b : -p "Lp t '■-" re C'svni’n? rn ti I tel inn* 

lahr: er.ri‘>i hw r.dr "J-ocr.l 89 of Braces. " ra "Brooklyn, F. i, Jan 90 
12 IT 10 : c and t hr hv let bgri "Si «3 are "iri-cnti, locale 39 dr-L dresr.«5 ftfc»rr a 
'VtyTS ’ 1 env with rdr -4 Li^o:* Eulltl A/tonici. . p: ""roc/'ljT*, v . 'i. 3 P.r 00 

7- IT. HOT 1 r-.nd roc hr: let i>i.;nor Antonin! _1 Tsrtre rro^rc/.ro. . . rt . 

l ll KT. 1 ' V CJ 

* V/. _*<■ — . . i h n^-. i • v r -! n . ;v 

JL rr7 UT*; »a; ~r.r 71 ^ . 

irrs*’ rr* ^cc h let l >cn ” "i;;r:or Antjriini e cor/pr^.ir osIIb nllf volc'e.**". 
C^74 1 pruje rin^ art) t lnr. vit!. the title i: Aorv\ di It Ce^ri' 1 . 

1 erv uith hv ndr "lo Antonini* 11 ~r M >^ f -erh, V. m T # Jr*n 01 5 - AS' 19S6 ;l 
anl h ,r let c^n hVntonlnt A tc e qi:el etie^rasir to c>v hci...*"* 

raCiIBIl 1 

76 1 tnv vith hv r ir Antonino - ♦ 7 * C* h. T h £73 57c? 40 -'ew :or : f Ai # l r * a 

Afjf?7 tp - ft rf hw b-n "focclrto f'onta coloruic ex Ixicr .lore , . . . ". 

'ki-va 1 piece 0 . 1 ' berrinj hr bgn "Lniri Antonir.u listte _j.rr.lo in C \orol . . . . " . 


jUt&nal Bureau of imieatigatUm 
Hnittd State* Bepartment at Kuatice 


■ 234 IT* S« Court House \ 
Foley Square 

- ‘ New Tork 7 r H e w Tork 



Director, FBI 

February 8, 1944 




) ■ 

7 V \ 


Dear Sir* 



I am sending under separate cover for exari ,.ation by the 
F.B*I. Laboratory a number of communications in handprint ; ".3d, "C-l.” 
These communications ? ore obtained From ET70LE jiiHTHEDJ, '">0 corrected 
■with the Italian Socialist newspaper, '’’la Pa roll” . They -re being referred 
to os ’’Exhibit A”, It Is believed protable by Jus Office that the writer 
of the communications signed, "O.R.” any be GliSEPIE NUDI, '.'-w is r^oonbiy 
confined at ths Hat p.-.on State Hospital for the criminal, Your at - 
tentim is sailed to the fact that cno of those communications furnished 
by MAIFRSDI and apparently in the same handwriting as the- ether ”0.?.*** 
corjcrnicatisn-s is signed, ”liuiberry Street”. Recently CcnTldsntial _nfor: 
^flHj^Bwhose identity is known to the Bureau, advised Spcjisl Agent 
J^Hfeof the !Tew fork Field Division that the District Attorney cf h. :: 
''York bounty i.i his investigation of the TRESCA honicida v.::c invest ug-otung 
a number of individuals with kxm criminal records who reside cn Mulborry Strs 
As a nutter of fact the automobile used in the murder of TRT5CA was later 
located in a garage on Mulberry Street, It may bs possible mat the vrritjr 
of the anonyt.juc n ornuni cat ions signed, ’’C.R.” scy have so:.; l:if or:~ .ion re 
yarding the individual or individuals who perpetrated the llvbC.V ~ur tor. 

In the avert the F.3.I. laboratory that tr/a 
author of the comnuiications signed, /'O.?.*'’ is GIli32F?E .EDI, the Eur ecu’s 
authority is requested to interview ."flip at-thsi l r >t swan State «_ 

It is believed from conversations had ^Lzh il/xFfir .lzx. 

from aji examination of the history of the patient that IfuBI has sufficient 

lucid .cements to be able to carry on a satisfactory interview with him. 

It may be possible that MODI any be in a position to ‘ furnish information 

or leafs* of value if emission to isi*. zi ' visit .cum fz p us: vu, ) 

■*\ , / 

&*: . 

:t. • 



’ L 

r J 
- > 

set or 

February 8, 1944 

KY 130-9744 

Letter to Lir 

I am al30 forwarding under separate cover four cor- 'mira- 
tions also furnished by I'AJvFREDI* These cosaunicat ions are being marked, 
"Exhibit B". 

Ur. LIIGin^IITOLTNI, Secretary of Local #S9 International 
Ladies 1 Garment Workers Union ar*i VA2ILI LJOI-JTAKa cf the same union, furnished 
this Office with e neither of anonymous communications which have been sent 
to il • r*« They are being sent under separate cover marked. "Inhibit C w . 

Mr. ANTONINI also furnished a letter which was unopened 
or tojered or him or f-nyona in. his office. The flap of this envelope was 
not scaled* This letter is being referred to as, "Exhibit /* and is forwarded 
under separate cover. It is suggest ad ■ net te3to for latent prints and other 
tests deemed advisable by the Laboratory be made of this latter. 

The ?.3.I. Laboratory my retain all of the letter-' be iny 
sent to it v rer separate covsr for whatever use it may deem appropriate* 

Very truly yours, 
pf* •• 

e. l. conrot, sac. 

- 2 - 


Examination requested by: n " -“ r: 

Date of reference communication: - •' 

Examination requested: 

Result of Examination: 

Date received: 

Examination oy: